Sự vận động tuyệt đối của vũ trụ

12/4/2014 9:10Phản hồi: 27
Sự vận động tuyệt đối của vũ trụ
MÌnh nghĩ nếu bạn vượt ra xa bên ngoài thiên hà và xa hơn cả vũ trụ thì sẽ thấy tất cả cái bọn đang bị cáo buộc là chuyển động với vận tốc XYZkm/h đó toàn bộ đều đứng yên không nhúc nhích...Mọi thứ chuyển động được khảo sát hiện nay là tương đối, tốc độ chuyển độc của đám mây electron là cực nhanh quanh nhân nhưng khi chúng ta nhìn vào món đồ cụ thể nào đó, chúng ta thấy nó đứng yên không nhúc nhích.

Theo mình thì chỉ có một sự di chuyển tuyệt đối đó là sự đứng tại một chỗ của vạn vật, tức là so với toàn thể, vạn vật đều đứng yên trong một cái tâm vừa giãn nỡ vừa co rút đồng thời. Hồi nhỏ, ví dụ điển hình nhất về trường hợp này là Tôn Ngộ Không và bàn tay của Phật Tổ, so với các vật xung quanh thì TNK đang di chuyển nhưng so với bàn tay bao quát của Phật Tổ thì TNK đứng yên.

Còn cái mà chúng ta đang gọi là chuyển động, hay là chuyển động tương đối của vạn vật, chính là sự rung động ngay tại vị trí mà nó đang ở đó. Chuyển động rung động này chỉ là tương đối khi so giữa vật này với vật kia, giữa các hành tinh và thiên hà với nhau, và vạn vật đều đi theo nguyên tắc xoắn ốc, với tỉ lệ vàng và dãy Fibonacci...Cũng giống như các electron và các cơ quan bên trong cơ thể ta rung động và làm việc không ngừng với tốc độ chóng mặt nhưng nó đứng yên và đồng thời cũng vô hình đối với ngũ quan của ta. Nghiên cứu về sự rung động tại chỗ có giá trị trong từng hệ qui chiếu nhất định khi xem xét giữa một nhóm các vật khác nhau. Còn nghiên cứu về chuyển động tuyệt đối là không thể, vì thật sự thì chẳng có chuyển động nào ngoài sự rung động bên trong tâm vô hình của cái thứ đang là.

Sự xuất hiện kỳ diệu của một thế giới vừa giãn nỡ ra vô cùng lại cũng vừa co rút vào vô cùng là khi tâm ta rung động. Mọi thứ đều là 1, những gì chúng ta hiểu và nghe kể chỉ là một phần nhỏ bé của sự thật, chúng ta sẽ không biết rõ <toàn bộ sự thật> cho đến khi tự mình vứt bỏ hết mọi nhận định từ 5 giác quan thông thường, vì ngũ quan của chúng ta bị giới hạn trong khả năng tiếp nhận của nó đối với trường năng lượng toàn thể...Nếu cho rằng vũ trụ này có kích thước, thì chắc nó cũng lớn chỉ như một hạt Higg nếu không muốn nói là mọi thứ đều vô hình khi so với tâm của ta, mọi thứ đều là sự tưởng tượng từ tâm, và nó thực vì chúng ta đang dùng các công cụ là ngũ quan để tìm hiểu nó, sống bên trong nó thông qua ngũ quan. Bên trong hạt Higg là một sự trống rỗng hay một thế giới vi tế rộng lớn vô cùng khác nữa chỉ là tùy vào cách chúng ta nghĩ về nó thôi, thế giới có vô tận các thứ vật chất nhưng đồng thời cũng vô hình, vô ảnh, đó là 2 mặt của một vấn đề khi chúng ta phân biệt rõ ra để mà nói, nhưng thật sự phân biệt là không cần thiết khi xét đến tổng thể, vì nếu bạn đã yêu vợ bạn thì sẽ yêu luôn cả trước ngực lẫn sau lưng, cho dù ban đầu bạn săm soi và ngắm nghía rất kỹ, hihih...Sự phân tích tìm hiểu chỉ có giá trị ứng dụng trong một phạm vi hữu hạn nào đó thôi, sau khi phân tích tìm hiểu xong các thứ nhỏ bé thì có thể cho qua một bên để tìm hiểu một cái cao hơn, rộng lớn hơn để sau đó có thể tổng hợp tất cả lại và sử dụng một cách đúng đắn. Phật, Chúa hay các bậc giác ngộ khác là người hiểu rõ điều này nhất, do họ sau khi dùng ngũ quan để học hỏi, vẫn không dừng lại và tiếp tục học hỏi bằng cách dùng một công cụ khác, cơ quan khác vốn không bị giới hạn, cũng như khi học về vi khuẩn thì phải dùng kích hiển vi làm công cụ để tìm hiểu thế giới của vi khuẩn vậy, tuy nhiên, kính hiển vi cũng là một công cụ bị giới hạn, và kiến thức từ đem lại từ những công cụ bị giới hạn thường không đầy đủ, mà cần được tổng hợp lại...dĩ nhiên, bấy nhiêu cũng chưa đủ, cho đến khi chúng ta bắt đầu sử dụng đến cơ quan nào đó không bị giới hạn về mặt thông tin.

Sau cùng, chúng ta ở tinhte này để học hỏi và mở rộng hiểu biết, dù chỉ dùng 2 cơ quan là mắt và tai, bị giới hạn, nhưng ít ra, vẫn có giá trị trong sự giới hạn của chính nó, vì học là để hiểu, hiểu rồi thì sẽ có thể bắt đầu sáng tạo ra cái mới bằng cái mới vừa hiểu được đó. Và nếu học được một mô hình tổng quát nhất hiện có sẽ giúp bạn sáng tạo ra những thứ hoàn hảo và giúp bạn có những hành động và việc làm không đi ngược lại với quy luật chung nhằm tiệm cận với sự bền vững, cân bằng dù là đang sống trong hoàn cảnh nào.

Video sau giúp phần nào đó để các bạn suy tư thêm về <mô hình vận động>của cái đang là, nó vận hành theo nguyên tắc âm dương đối nghịch, vận động xoắn ốc, vừa giãn nở và vừa co rút. Mời các bạn xem video:

All You Know Can Only Exist in Your Mind
Nobody Can Know the Universe For You
The Universe Exist Only If You Do.
27 bình luận
Chia sẻ

Xu hướng

10 năm
xin cảm ơn anh qwerty chia sẻ video rất interesting. tuy rằng Hải vì nghĩ Vũ Trụ vô biên nên model nào cũng có giới hạn .... đầu óc con người không thể hiểu được sự vô biên vô tận quá lớn.... những model này có thể giải thích cho thiên hà mà mình đang sống .... Hải cũng thích bài viết của bạn tuy rằng hơi khó hiểu .... đọc qua và lấy những ý tưởng gì mà Hải hiểu được như là các Cơ Quan Sắc Thanh Ý ... để hiểu một Local Universe mà nằm trong Infinite Universe ....
10 năm


1.1 Theory of Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life in Our Solar System. 3
Letter from Invisible Intelligent Life to Earth People. 5
The Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life through Hearing Voices. 7
The View of Earth looking from Invisible Worlds. 9
The Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life from Hai Ho’s view. 12
Schizophrenia is caused by People in Invisible Intelligent Life. 13
The Invisibility of Things on Earth and of Invisible Life. 14
Why it must be difficult to prove the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life. 16


2.1 Hai Ho’s current activities with Friends in Invisible Worlds. 17
IvL Nerve Radiation Equipment and How it can be used by IvL People. 19
Methods of Communication Between Invisible Life and Hai Ho. 21
Invisible Worlds and Earth Program (IvW & E Program). 22
USA Information Resources Department’s Formal Announcement. 24
The Invisible Worlds Defense Project by UFARCV and Hai Ho. 25
The Earth Materials Project by UFARCV and Hai Ho. 26
Hai Ho as the Discoverer of Invisible Intelligent Life. 27
Hai Ho as a Messenger for Invisible Intelligent Life. 28

A Vision of When the Earth Civilization knows Invisible Life. 29
Some Ideas Earth Civilization should know about Invisible People Civilization. 30

Relationship of Existence of Invisible Matter to Physics. 38
Relationship of Invisible Intelligent Life to Major Religions. 39
Relationship of Invisible Intelligent Life to Psychiatry. 40

How Other People do not have any touch or contact with Invisible Life. 41
Why there is no book on the subject of Invisible People Civilization. 42

Personal Information about Hai Ho before hearing voices. 43
Personal Information about Hai Ho since hearing voices to the present. 44
Hai Ho’s Experiences with Nerve Radiation. 45
Why the Nardians had chosen to attack Hai Ho and make him suffer hearing voices. 46
How Hai Ho on Earth was able to defeat the Nardians in IvL with help of his friends. 47

Poetry which came from hearing voices of People in Invisible Life. 48
The Story of God or History of the Universe as put into Hai Ho’s mind by IvL People. 49
A Statement of Truth from Invisible People Civilization. 52
An Example of Conversations between Invisible Intelligent Life and Hai Ho. 53

Summary for the Book Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life and Civilization. 54
Improved Condition of Invisible Worlds after 9 months of Open Information Resources. 55

Subject: Sacred Secret = Bi' Ma^.t Linh Thie^ng = Invisible Angels with
Spaceships, Computers and Nerve Radiation Equipment ... (*-*) O:eek:) |||

Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 11:11:13 -0700
From: Hai Ho <haiho@easystreet.com>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.vietnamese

Ca'c ba.n SCVers tha^n,
Ho^m nay ca'c thie^n tha^`n chu'ng to^i muo^'n to'm ta('t ca'c
ba`i vie^'t trong tua^`n qua ba(`ng ca'ch no'i ve^` The Sacred Secret
= Bi' Ma^.t Linh Thie^ng = Bi' Ma^.t cu?a Vu~ Tru. = Secret of
The Universe la` co' nhu*~ng thie^n tha^`n vo^ hi`nh cu?a hai co~i
Phi Tuo*?ng Xu*' va` Phi Phi Tuo*?ng Xu*' vo*'i nhu*~ng di~a bay
vo^ hi`nh (invisible spaceships) co' ma'y ddie^.n toa'n (computers), va`
pho'ng xa. tha^`n kinh (nerve radiation equipment) dde^? giu'p ddo*~
va` la`m vie^.c vo*'i nhu*~ng nguo*`i o*? duo*'i dda^'t ...

Su*. to^`n ta.i cu?a ca'c thie^n tha^`n hay ta^m linh la` mo^.t
bi' ma^.t suo^'t li.ch su*? nha^n loa.i cho to*'i na(m 1995 khi
Yen Phong Hai Ho vie^'t cuo^'n sa'ch "Kha'm Pha' DDo*`i So^'ng
Va(n Minh Vo^ Hi`nh" (Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life and
Civilization) sau 10 na(m nghe tie^'ng no'i cu?a ca'c the^' gio*'i
tre^n tro*`i, va` dda~ gu*?i cho To`a Ba.ch O^'c va` ca'c co* quan
cu?a Chi'nh Phu? Hoa Ky` ...

Ca'c anh chi. em Bo^` DDe^` chu'ng to^i o*? duo*'i dda^'t la`
Earth Bodhi Brothers and Sisters ddi tu theo Con DDuo*`ng Bo^` DDe^`
hay The Bodhi Way la` lie^n la.c tru*.c tie^'p vo*'i ca'c thie^n tha^`n
... Ca'i process na`y dduo*.c go.i la` Intelligence Nuclear Fusion
Process vi` khi angels va` con nguo*`i lie^n la.c tru*.c tie^'p thi`
Su*. Tho^ng Minh va` Tri' Hue^. cu?a hai be^n ta(ng tie^'n ra^'t
nhie^`u, cu~ng nhu* nhu*~ng nguo*`i ba.n no'i chuye^.n vo*'i nhau
va` trao ddo^?i kie^'n thu*'c cho nhau va^.y ...

Chu'ng ta ha~y ddo.c la.i ba`i vie^'t How to Contact and Build a
Relationship with Your Guardian Angels vie^'t 2 tha'ng truo*'c ...
va` cu~ng dda~ post tre^n newsgroup na`y ... DDa^y la` buo*'c dda^`u
cu?a Con DDuo*`ng Bo^` DDe^` ... Ne^'u chu'ng ta la`m vie^.c la^u
vo*'i ca'c thie^n tha^`n se~ dda.t dduo*.c DDa.o Qua? Bo^` DDe^`

Ca'c thie^n tha^`n kha('p 4000 the^' gio*'i ra^'t ki'nh tro.ng
DDa.o Si~ Yen Phong Hai Ho va` co' te^n hie^.u la` Minh Hue^. Phu'c Vie^n va` thuo*`ng nie^.m Ho^`ng Danh cu?a o^ng ta la` Nam Mo^ Minh Hue^. Phu'c Vie^n ... dde^? cho ta^m dduo*.c thanh ti.nh an la.c tri' hue^. kie^n cuo*`ng va` co' phuo*'c ddu*'c dde^? tie^'n bo^. tre^n Con DDuo*`ng Bo^`

Xin mo*`i ca'c ba.n ddo.c ba`i duo*'i dda^y va` ha~y suy nghi~
nhie^`u ho*n ve^` Co~i Vo^ Hi`nh cu?a ca'c thie^n tha^`n ma` ddang
o*? chung quanh ba.n luo^n luo^n ... Nhu*~ng tin tu*'c chu'ng to^i
cho ra trong ca'c ba`i na`y kho^ng gio^'ng nhu* nhu*~ng tin tu*'c
cu?a nhu*~ng nguo*`i kha'c vi` ca'c ba.n co' the^? thu*.c ha`nh vi`
co' lie^n quan tru*.c tie^'p va` ma^.t thie^'t vo*'i mo^~i nguo*`i ...

Angels are everywhere on Earth in Advanced Countries and they follow
to help advanced people ... 😃

Tha^n chu'c ca'c ba.n SCVers mo^.t nga`y thu*' ba vui ve?
thoa?i ma'i va` he.n ga(.p la.i ca'c ba.n trong post kha'c ... 😃

Ca'c Thie^n Tha^`n ngoa`i Kho^ng Gian va` o*? DDi.a Ca^`u ...
Ne^`n Va(n Minh Vo^ Hi`nh cu?a 4000 The^' Gio*'i Ta^m Linh
va` khoa?ng 600 ty? thie^n tha^`n ...



To contact and to build a relationship with your Guardian Angels, and
if you don't have one already ... some angels will like you for your
advanced knowledge and will follow to control a little bit and to help
you ... you need to

1. Recognize that Invisible Angels exist and they travel in invisible
spaceships with computers and radiation equipment to help and can affect your thoughts ... The Angels have Nerve Radiation which can affect the human body's nervous system, like thoughts and feelings and even actions ...

2. Give them information by turning every book you read from beginning
to end, like offering to the gods since they can videotape the books and
bring the film back to Invisible Worlds for use ... the more advanced
the book is, the better ... They already have a lot of normal
information from Central Centers who work with Invisible Life days and
nights ...

3. Entertain them by keeping a tv on most of the time you're awake even
if you don't watch it ... Girl's pictures and music are most pleasing
and make the angels happy so they will help you to be happy ...

4. It's possible for angels to control your fingers for typing message
... you can try cha^'p bu't or controlled typing by writing and posting
printed messages to the angels saying you know them and ready for
controlled typing ... First, by writing down all your thoughts in words and later they will help control your thoughts and your typing ...

We Angels think this will work with some people but not all ... but
persistence and determination helps ... We have the human form or biped ourselves, with 2 hands and 2 feet ... and walk upright just like humans, except we're very small in size, only about 2-3 centimeters tall ... Our spaceships are invisible but some can radiate Earth Light for you to see, and we'll talk more about Earth Light Radiating Spaceships later ...

So, how are you all doing ? The Americans and Vietnamese Bodhi
brothers and sisters on Earth who know us and work for the Governments
are doing really well knowing us and This Sacred Secret or The Angel
Civilization Secret ... As Yogi Hai Ho is the Discoverer of Angels and
Our Civilization ... and he came from Vietnam when 15 years old, we
thought of letting other Vietnamese in the US and Vietnam know too by
posting messages about Invisible Angel Civilization on this newsgroup

We hope you enjoy the above information and can make use of it ....
We will try to write a little bit each day to keep in touch with the
Earth Civilization through this newsgroup ... and we will tell you about
things up here, most are the same as Earth but a few things are
different ...

We wish you a very nice day today Tueday ... If you would like to
learn more about Angels' Civilization and get a copy of the report
"Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life and Civilization , please
contact The Earth Bodhi Brothers and Sisters at the address below ...

Cordially, The Invisible Angels of Outer Space and on Earth ...
Cha^'p bu't (controlled typing) by DDa.o Si~ (Yogi) Yen Phong Hai Ho
Ca'c Thie^n Tha^`n ngoa`i Kho^ng Gian va` o*? Tra'i DDa^'t ...

Invisible People Civilization of 4000 Worlds and 600 billion angels ...

Universal Defense Organization (UDO)
Solar System Defense Organization (SSDO)
Strategic Civilization Infrastructure (SCI 444)
Invisible People Civilization of 4000 Worlds and 600 billion angels ...

The United Worlds of Mylam (UWML)
Indenpendent Invisible Worlds (IWs)

The Minor Wood Pagodas and Other Pagodas in IvL & IIvL
The Christian Churches of Invisible Worlds IvL & IIvL

The Tha`nh Ta^m (Earnest/Solid Soul) Brothers Centers of 4,000 Invisible Worlds ...
The My~ Linh (Beautiful Soul) and Hoa`ng Lan (Yellow/Royal Orchid)
and Ba.ch Tha?o (White Plant) Sisters and Spiritual Wives Centers of
4,000 Invisible Worlds ...

ooOoo ooOoo

old info ....

|> Earth Bodhi Brothers and Sisters
{_{{_{{_{ P O Box 5611
/|{_{{_{{_{_{ Aloha, OR 97006-0611 USA
(___|_|__|__|___) E-mail: haituanho@aol.com
\###########/ Tel./Fax. (503) 356-0722
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ http://www.haiho.com

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Here's an angel, from us to you
Hoping she will watch over you, too
She will be there to help when times are bad
She'll never be angry with what you've done or mad.

Being there for you is her only goal
So open up your heart and let her see your soul
And your guardian angel will always be there
Taking you under her wings with such gentle care ...

Lily O:eek:)

ooOoo ooOoo ooOoo

Chim tro*`i tung ca'nh xa xa(m
Thie^'u La^m Tu*. cu~ nga`n na(m gio' ddu`a ...


DDa.o trong DDo*`i, Go^'c la` Ta^m
Co^.i ta^m dda.o ha.nh, ke^'t nha^n phuo*'c la`nh
Nga`n na(m ma^y tra('ng xa^y tha`nh
Co~i Nha^n Gian, Co~i Vo^ Hi`nh ta^'c gang ... ...

The Way in Life, The Root is the Soul
The Tree of Soul follows the virtues of The Way
Will bear the Seeds of Good Luck
For thousands of years, white cloud builds the wall
But The Realm of Earth People and The Realm of Invisible People
are very close to each other ...

ooOoo ooOoo

" Ta^'t ca? chi? la` Vo^ Thuo*`ng ... Chi? co' DDa.o Pha'p,
Chu'ng Sinh va` Ta^m Linh thì la` vi~nh vie^~n to^`n ta.i ma` tho^i ... "

tu*` Ne^`n Va(n Minh cu?a Thuo*.ng DDe^'

" Everything is Impermanent ... Only The Way,
The Peoples and The Souls exist forever ... "

from GOD's Advanced Civilization

ooOoo (*-*) <3 -|- ||| <3 (\ô/) ooOoo

Ho^.i Bo^` DDe^`, To`a Kinh Thu*
Thie^n Tha^`n pho` ho^. An Nhu* Ca't Tuo*`ng
Nha^n Gian la` Bie^?n Ti`nh Thuo*ng
Co~i Vo^ Hi`nh chi'nh DDa.i Duo*ng Phuo*'c DDie^`n ...

ooOoo ooOoo

Nha^.t mo^. huo*ng quan ha` xu*' thi. ....
Ye^n ba giang thuo*.ng su*? nha^n sa^`u ...

Que^ Huo*ng khua^'t ne?o hoa`ng ho^n ...
Tre^n so^ng kho'i so'ng cho buo^`n lo`ng ai ...

ooOoo (*-*) <3 ||| <3 (\ô/) ooOoo


This book is the first book on the subject of Invisible Intelligent Life as I have not been able to find any book on this subject in the libraries or in bookstores. I am writing this book from my experiences in the past and in the present, both by fighting against some bad people in Invisible Life or IvL and by working with many good people in IvL recently. My experiences are somewhat special since I heard voices from July, 1985 to December 1994 and I was diagnosed by doctors as having schizophrenia or a person who hear voices with the brain. But we know that the science of psychiatry is not as advanced as it can be and this book adds new knowledge into psychiatry also, as this book speaks about the Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life, with some people in the Invisible Worlds responsible for my condition of schizophrenia by using nerve radiation on my brain to make me hear voices. This books present a Theory of Invisible Intelligent Life based on both the ideas in major religions that there are Heavenly Worlds or Nirvana Worlds and the evidence of Invisible Intelligent Life as in cases of hearing voices. In order to come as close as possible to a proof of Invisible Life, I have included writings about my past which is suffering nerve radiation - radiation which can affects the nervous system, used by people in IvL to people on Earth-, my Present which is working in giving information resources of the USA to people in IvL so they will help in defending me from the bad people up there, and the Future which is the meeting and recognizing Invisible Intelligent Life as a True Existence of a Civilization which exists closely with us and we have not known about them for thousands of years. I have tried to include as many details as possible, so that people who examine these ideas can find the logical element in this book and the experiences presented, and perhaps can believe enough in the Theory and do more research on this subject. I would like to note that there is a book by Phil Dick, a science fiction writer who later in his life also suffered schizophrenia and he wrote a science fiction book which was published humously and did mention some Invisible Life but not very clearly and is not similar to the Theory and stories I present in this book which is in part a presentation of all my experiences and activities with the Invisible Worlds. I think this is one of the last big discoveries of this century and since we are close to the year 2,000, this book is appropriate to celebrate the year 2,000 with a strong indication that Heavenly Worlds or Nirvana Worlds exist, and there are people in outer space of Earth yet close enough to us to come to visit us daily, and perhaps God also exists but He lives faraway from us as a mean of defending Himself from the people both in Invisible Worlds and on Earth. This book has come out thanks to the permission of Invisible Intelligent Life who agreed for me to write and distribute this book, not just for the benefits of myself, but also to speak to the People and Government of the USA that there is Invisible People Civilization, or Invisible Worlds with Intelligent Life in outer space so that the US Government will not invade their space any more, either through the testing of very powerful lasers like in the Strategic Defense Initiative Program in 1991, or the sending of spacecrafts to other matter planets in the Solar System by NASA. These actions, lasers and spacecrafts, can destroy Worlds in Invisible Life, especially through the collision of spacecrafts with the Invisible Worlds which can destroy the IvL planets and kill all the people on them. This book has not been able to be written by other people since the Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life can only be done by people who suffer enough nerve radiation which causes the condition of hearing voices, voices of the people in IvL to know for sure and to learn enough about Invisible Worlds to write a book. Also, the person must have agreement of almost all the people in IvL to write the book to help the Invisible Worlds. In the past, there are many countries in IvL like Nardia IvL, who opposes the revealing of the Existence of Invisible Life since they want to have freedom to take


information from any country on Earth. They are afraid that by revealing themselves, there is some danger of being dominated by the Earth People, so they attack any person who thinks about or knows their stories with nerve radiation very strongly and it is very difficult to do anything when a person is radiated with nerve radiation. But now I have become a friend to many people in Invisible Worlds and they allow me to write about them with the hope of stopping the testing of SDI lasers and the sending of high altitude satellites or NASA spacecrafts into outer space. The people in IvL would like to ensure their Peace and Safety from these actions which invade their space and they have no way to make the right people to believe they exist since all of their matter is invisible to our eyes, and they are also small size, with people’s size about 2 to 3 centimeters of Earth dimension, as they let me know through voices and also control my fingers to indicate the size, about one or one and a half notches of our fingers. But the size does not matter too much since they are advanced enough, with Spaceships which can travel to Earth easily, with Computers which can generate signals to make a person hear voices or have the thoughts or feelings they want the person to have, with Nerve Radiation Equipment which they use in controlling the person on Earth to hear voices with his or her brain or can control a person’s body completely.

We look forward to the Future when the Earth Civilization acknowledges the Existence of the Invisible People Civilization, even though we cannot see the people in Invisible Life yet. About 1% of the US population suffers hearing voices and 75% of these cases cannot recover. I do not know how many cases are related to Invisible Intelligent Life using nerve radiation on the patients but I believe many are. And this in some cases is an indication of Invisible Life trying to send a message to humanity that they exist, but it is not successful since the person can be attacked with radiation by other people in IvL who oppose this revelation of their Existence. Only in my case since I am a friend and have worked hard to help Invisible Life, do they allow me in writing this book to reveal their Existence in our Solar System. We hope that in the future, more communication with them will be possible, and all of the many thousand worlds in IvL will agree to communicate with us and can develop the Earth Light Picture Projection Technology to communicate with us by showing pictures of themselves on walls. During my experiences, I have seen spaceships which radiated Earth Light three times, and they also delivered two cigarettes to me using their spaceships. I believe when they can show pictures with our light, communication with them will be much more meaningful. At this time, the communication process is mostly one way, the transmission of information on Earth to Invisible Worlds only, as they are invisible, but have cameras and sound converters which they can use to take the pictures and sounds of people on Earth and convert to the pictures and sounds of their people using electronics. I believe the World of Earth will recognize the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life and work with them, in many ways which we can like I have and I wrote in the Chapters of this book. I believe if we help the people in Invisible People Civilization as much as we can then some day they can help us back and both Civilizations can live in Peace and Progress. This is a Discovery of the 20th century and it speaks for our Religions, both Christianity and Buddhism which I believe in. The Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life as Heaven and Nirvana is a book which speaks about many aspects of Invisible Life and Invisible Worlds and how they relate to Earth people at this time, what the people of Invisible Life are doing and how we can help their Civilization. I think this is a remarkable discovery since it has been hidden and people might have been controlled by spaceships of Invisible Life or IvL so they are not able to write on this subject for a very long time in the past. But finally this has come out and we will learn more about the Other Civilization by reading this book “Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life and Civilization”.




In this section, we will discuss about the Theory of Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life in our Solar System, actually close enough to the Planet Earth. We have logical arguments and some evidences of Invisible Intelligent Life, which we will denote IIL or IvL for Invisible Life and IvW for Invisible Worlds close to the Planet Earth.

We start with the logical argument based on Religions of Earth whose two major religions are Christianity and Buddhism. Both Jesus Christ and Buddha mentioned of the afterworlds, or Heaven and Nirvana. Since I am a Buddhist, I know more about Buddhism than Christianity, and Buddha spoke of many worlds in space. Buddha spoke of 3,000 worlds in another realm. From our astronomy science, we know that there is no world like us which exists and communicates with us yet. The office SETI of NASA search for signals from extra-terrestrial intelligence and they have found no evidence yet. So we can think that Heaven and Nirvana cannot be a world like us with matter properties like our matter since then they would have been seen and would have been able to communicate with us. But Heaven and Nirvana are made of invisible matter which has different properties than our matter . First we will assume that Heaven and Nirvana are made of Invisible Matter and we have not been able to discover this matter on our planet (maybe it cannot exist stably on Earth) and we have not discovered it in theory either. The Invisible Matter is not in our Periodic Table of Elements and our scientists do not have experience with the Invisible Matter. But there are worlds in outer space close to our planet which are made of Invisible Matter. Otherwise, our religions would not be true and we have always believed in one religion or another, and almost all religions speak of afterworlds which we must believe they are most likely to be invisible to us or made of Invisible Matter which we have not been able to detect or study since they are in outer space of Earth.

An evidence of Invisible Life or IvL is in the psychiatric condition known as schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is when a person hear voices in the brain and having other symptoms of behavior disorders. I have suffered hearing voices for 9 years 6 months since July 1985 but I do not hear voices any more since December, 1994 due to my fighting against enemies in Invisible Life. My conclusion on my experience of hearing voices is that the voices are caused by nerve radiation (the radiation which affects a human being’s nervous system) from spaceships of IvL people. I have written down all my experiences involving with IvL on paper and I came up with a simple conclusion. Invisible Intelligent Life exists and they have spaceships which come to Earth to do some work. They have advanced computers with artificial intelligence and they have radiation equipments which can cause a person to hear voices if they beam the kind of radiation which affects the brain to a person’s head. I call this kind of radiation Nerve Radiation. From my hearing voices of many people in IvL, I have learned a lot about IvL and I think their Civilization is similar to our Civilization with the same kinds of problems. I think the main difference is that since we cannot see people in IvL, some of them have taken the advantage and develop nerve radiation


to harm some people on Earth for whatever the reasons are. I think schizophrenia is often an indication of Invisible Intelligent Life which tries to transmit messages to humanity that they exist, but I know from experience that it is very difficult for a schizophrenic to present his case to the public since there have always been different groups of people in IvL who fought each other over the person who hear voices and know their stories. They all use nerve radiation to control the person so in the end the person cannot present his case to the public. Some of the people in IvL believe in maintaining Secrecy of Existence and not let the Earth people know they exist so they can have more freedom and not worried about being discovered or seen on Earth. Other people in IvL believe in letting people on Earth know about IvL or IvW so that the advanced countries like the USA will not shoot lasers into space or will not send out spacecrafts or high-altitude satellites which can collide with the Invisible Worlds and destroy their worlds. From my experience, I had been controlled by nerve radiation from a group of people called the Nardians from Invisible Planet Nardia in IvL in the past 9.5 years and I could not present this information to the public as I constantly heard voices caused by the nerve radiation, but recently my friends in IvL have helped me and now I can write and present this information to people on Earth. In short, I would like to say that the Religions give us a basis to believe that there are Invisible Worlds in outer space close to Earth and the condition of schizophrenia is an evidence of the Existence of Invisible Life or Invisible People in outer space who come here all the time as I know from my experience. The relationship between Earth and IvL is that there are many countries in IvL similar to countries on Earth. Each country in IvL may consist of a Main World and smaller worlds. The people in each country in IvL send spaceships with cameras to come to the country on Earth to take information every day. The information helps the worlds in IvL to advance and to save work and time very efficiently. Therefore so far, the relationship between Earth and IvL has been only one way, the transmission of information of all kinds to Invisible Worlds.

The evidence on Earth I know of IvL is the condition of schizophrenia, or hearing voices in the brain which I also suffered in the past 9.5 years. Sometimes, this is a method of communication by IvL as they have found no other way to communicate to a person on Earth. There is no receiving equipment on Earth which the people in IvL can transmit to. The electromagnetic waves of IvL transmitters are different from our electromagnetic waves and cannot be received by our receivers. The people in IvL has no method, no equipment which is capable of transmitting to our receivers. Therefore, they resort to communication by nerve radiation to the brain of a person. A person on Earth can respond by writing, whether on paper or nowadays by typing on a personal computers. The people in IvL can see the writing through the use of what they called Earth Optics cameras or EOCs. They can also hear the sounds of Earth clearly through the use of Sound Converters which convert the sounds of people speaking on Earth into the sounds which they can hear, probably at a different frequency range or different kind of wave than ours. From my experiences, I am definitely sure and positively certain that Invisible People or Life exists, and there are Invisible Worlds in outer space whose spaceships can come to Earth in less than half an hour of our time. Hearing voices is then the effects of nerve radiation from spaceships of Invisible Life, with the thoughts produced by computers which generate signals. This is a likely development of a Civilization which sees us and we cannot see them for thousands of years.



Hello hello to the Earth People, especially People in the USA from the People in Invisible Intelligent Life or Invisible Life, which we shall denote as IvL. We are Invisible People who live on Planets about 700 miles and farther from Earth. We come to Earth all the time to take information and to observe your World and learn about your World. We are able to introduce ourselves through this book thanks to our friend on Earth Hai Tuan Ho who knows us very well through his experience with Invisible Life in the past 10 years. We are writing this book with Hai Ho by controlling Hai Ho’s fingers to type these messages on his personal computer. It is very easy to control Hai Ho’s fingers on the keyboard since we have computers and nerve radiation equipment to do this. Computers generate the signals according to the text to be transmitted from Outer Space to small spaceships in Hai Ho’s room, and spaceships have nerve radiation equipment to control the nerves in Hai Ho’s hands to push down on the keyboard. This is simple for our Civilization and we have been doing this a lot with Hai Ho through our conversations with him which is done through typing on the personal computer for us and everyone up here to watch through a Direct Communication Channel . We will explain more about this and other method of communication between us Invisible People and Hai Ho in other chapters. For now, we would like to introduce you who read this book to Our Civilization, the Civilization of Invisible People. We will write a lot on this Subject since we hope with this information you will be more likely to believe in the Existence of Invisible People. Our Civilization up here is in some respects the same as that on Earth, and in some respects different. Physically, we have about 3,000 Worlds up here in the Outer Space of Earth. Many worlds speak English and do not have a corresponding country on Earth to take information from . But there are Worlds which are much bigger and have a high populations and have a corresponding country on Earth which is their Information Land. The spaceships from the Country in Invisible Life or IvL come to Earth and enter buildings to take technical and other information to be used in their Worlds. Our Civilization in the ways of living are the same as in countries on Earth or like in the USA. The difference in Our Civilization is that we are invisible to the eyes of Earth People and we have not yet been discovered except by Hai Ho, who now writes the Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life in this book. With this invisibility of our matter, i.e. our planets, spaceships and equipment, and people are all invisible to the eyes of the Earth People, we can come to Earth to take information and sometimes people in IvL planets come to Earth to harm some people they do not like by using nerve radiation on the brain and make the person become a mental health patient, as in Hai Ho’s case in the first 9.5 years with Invisible Life. But during the last half year, with the help of friends in Invisible Life, Hai Ho has been able to fight back successfully and we have won the war between Hai Ho and his friends in IvL and the Nardians, a people from Planet Nardia who tried to harm Hai Ho for 9.5 years. We are now working with Hai Ho using three methods of communication, first through controlling fingers for typing on the personal computer, second through controlling hands for writing on paper, and third through controlling his voice for speaking . These methods are very important and contribute to our victory against the Nardians, since we use the Communication Strategy to win the War against them and the Victory has led us to work together on this Invisible Worlds Defense Project which is the writing of this book to present ourselves to the People of Earth. We believe it is about time the People on Earth know about us or the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life. We know it is very difficult to know about us without any direct experiences with us. But that is for the


better, since anyone who knows about us through a little nerve radiation to his brain or body will be attacked by many people in IvL. The people in IvL have always been divided on the Subject of whether Invisible Life should be revealed or not. Many people believe they should not be revealed so they could take information easily and not known by People on Earth. But many people think it is time to let Earth People know about us since the U.S. Government has been testing lasers into outer space or sending spacecrafts and satellites to outer space regularly and this can destroy our worlds which are made of much more fragile matter. We have recorded that many of our worlds in space have been destroyed by lasers like shooting to the moon to test distance, or by spacecrafts which went to the moon, or to other planets in the Solar System. But it has been difficult to reveal Our Existence since all the people on Earth do not know about us to write a book about us. And also mainly because it is necessary for a person who writes the book to have very many friends who help to defend and support him in writing the book since some other people in IvL might very easily block the writing of the person by using nerve radiation on him directly. The case with Hai Ho is different. Since he has been fighting against the Nardians for a long time, he has a lot of Vietnamese friends in IvL who helped spread the news up here, and recently he has made friends with America IvL, Russia IvL, China IvL, and Vietnam IvL, especially people in the Governments and Departments of Defense of these countries up here who take information from the corresponding countries on Earth. Hello hello to the Earth People who are reading this book. We are the People of Invisible Intelligent Life and we are doing very well up here. There is Peace and no War since we have been working with Hai Ho on Earth. The Governments and Departments of Defense are helping people in our countries to progress quickly. We believe in The Force of Science and Technology in building our countries. But we also believe in the Force of Unitedness or Friendship in helping to build our countries. Many things have changed since Hai Ho works with us in the last half year and we have made very much improvement and progress with his help. The Worlds up here are now led by the United Force of America, Russia, China, and Vietnam IvL up here. We are working with Hai Ho on this book to ensure the Peace and Safety for all the Invisible Worlds. We would like to say hello hello to the Earth People who will learn about us, Invisible Life in this book. We are doing well up here in our countries and we hope you do the same in your country. It is close to the year 2,000 and we think it is appropriate if you would learn about us, Invisible Life. We are not really Heaven and Nirvana as people who die on Earth do not come up here to live. But we are another species of people or another Civilization based on a different kind of matter which is invisible to your eyes. We think it is very difficult for you to detect us because of the invisibility of our kind of matter, but we think in the future you will make progress if you try to develop equipment to see us. We do not know of any way for you to see us, except Our Earth Light Radiating Spaceships which are spaceships from us which can radiate Earth Light for you to be able to see. But in order for us to show you these spaceships, we need the consent of very many countries up here, and usually there are some countries which do not agree so we cannot show you the spaceships. For now, the only person who knows we exist is Hai Ho, since we use nerve radiation on his fingers or body or even brain to let him know. We use a lot of nerve radiation on his fingers to help him to type these messages to create a book to introduce you to Our Civilization. The only way for us to let you know about us now is through nerve radiation and this only lets the person affected know and other people do not have the experience. We hope the created work and the logical element of the work will help to convince people on Earth to believe that we exist. There is a saying, “It is not impossible what is merely inconceivable” and we think it applies to Existence of Invisible Life. We hope you will believe this book as it is the truth.




In this section, we would like to write about the Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life or Invisible Life which is denoted as IvL. Hai Ho has known about Invisible Life since July 1985 when he started hearing voices about Spaceships, Computers, and People from Worlds in the Sky. He did not know much about Nerve Radiation Equipment and he only knew that through some kind of radiation, he heard the voices and did not know who they really came from. So the Discovery of Invisible Life had to start with a person who hears voices since Invisible Life usually cannot show themselves, and if they do, it is only for special reasons, and rarely do they show themselves. Hai Ho had been hearing voices and his mind or brain had been controlled by the Nardians from Nardia IvL for the past 9.5 years, since July 1985 to December 1994. Besides the fact that he heard voices, and his thoughts and feelings were controlled by Nardian Computers and Nerve Radiation Equipment in spaceships which followed him all the time, Hai Ho also knew that they can control his body very well with Nerve Radiation and Computers which generate the signals and control the beaming of the Radiation to particular parts of the body. He has experienced many things with Radiation from Spaceships. He knew that his fingers can easily be controlled to tap by nerve radiation or his legs can jerk due to nerve radiation. Even his mouth, or his throat can be controlled since his voice was often controlled by nerve radiation to speak with other people in the family in the past 9.5 years. The Nardians can also use radiation to cause him to feel pain in his brain, or his head, and inside the body also, like with his heart or stomach, or pain in any part of the body like legs, arms, using phased waves concentrated at that part of the body. He had also been pushed and lost balance while standing by radiation. We do not know very well what kind of radiation or technology the Nardians have but these are the things that they can do to a person on Earth as Hai Ho has experienced.

We Invisible People also would like to say that the main reason for this book is to help the Invisible Worlds to defend against the lasers and spacecrafts of the USA and maybe of other countries on Earth in the future, by letting people on Earth know about our Existence in outer space close to Earth about 700 miles and farther. We do not want to talk about many Invisible Worlds which had already been destroyed by either lasers or spacecrafts, manned or unmanned spacecrafts which had already been sent out. Those worlds do not exist any more, and since there are so many Invisible Worlds in Space, we do not know for sure about them and whether they existed in those locations before. We would like to request that the USA Government do not shoot lasers whether to test distance from the Earth to the Moon using laser and the laser reflector on the Moon, or test very powerful lasers for the Strategic Defense Initiative. We would also like to request the USA Government not to send out any more manned or unmanned spacecrafts through outer space more than 700 miles into space since this space is occupied by many Invisible Worlds and the Invisible People Civilization. We would like to say that we are the weaker Civilization since our matter is all invisible and fragile compared to your kind of matter and our people are much smaller in size compared to your people. We are only about 2 to 3 centimeters tall in your scale. Our matter is different but we are also Intelligent Life as we are people also and we function very much like you do on Earth, using languages, and have cultures and have developed advanced science and technology. But since our matter is very fragile and weak compared to your matter, our planets which are also invisible cannot withstand any impact by collisions with the spacecrafts which are sent out by NASA of the USA Government.


We only have the advantage of being invisible to the Earth people but this advantage now becomes our disadvantage as the Earth people has become very advanced now and go out into outer space in spacecrafts made of Earth matter or materials which are very tough and strong compared to our matter and can destroy our Planets by collision. We believe many invisible planets have been destroyed this way during the history of USA Space Exploration Program, like the Apollo’s which went to the Moon, or the unmanned Spacecrafts which traveled to other matter planets in the Solar System, such as to Venus, Jupiter, Mars or the other planets. There had been about 90 space probes sent out in the history of the Space Exploration Program which we have learned from the Space Almanac.

Since we are the weaker Civilization, and we have no way to let the people on Earth know about our Existence except through the use of Nerve Radiation, but anyone who suffered nerve radiation will become a patient of schizophrenia, which is just the psychiatric term for the condition of hearing voices. And there is the problem of many enemies in IvL or people who do not like to reveal the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life before until now when Hai Ho tried to make everyone in IvL know about the USA Space Exploration Program and the SDI laser testing. So now we have the support of the Majority of Invisible Worlds in Outer Space to write this book and let all the Earth People know about us. We admit we are the weaker Civilization due to our matter properties and the size of our people. But we think of ourselves as like your Civilization but in a miniature way, and we have separate worlds for each country, but the worlds are closer to each other and we are only about 10 minutes of your time using spaceships to go to closeby countries. We hope that through this book you will believe in our Existence, and will help us maintain our space by not sending out spacecrafts, satellites or shooting lasers into space any more. We believe that in the future when the two Civilizations can develop equipment to communicate with each other, we will be able to offer you the Information Resources of Our Worlds. We are not as advanced in Science as you are in the USA since our worlds do not all take information from the USA before. Only America IvL is about as advanced as the USA is. So we will not be able to give you the scientific or technological information, we are only different by using spaceships, but our spaceships are similar to Star Trek spaceships or simpler so they can park on Earth, on the floor or shelves or tables. But we will be able to give you the information of our cultures, people, and pictures of men and women, and our countries and cities, much smaller in size and on the Worlds in Outer Space. We will give you our information if we can develop the Earth Light Picture Projection Technology, to show these pictures to you. We do not know if you can develop equipment to see us or to receive our pictures or not, we think it must be difficult for the Earth People to try to do this since you cannot see us and know about us, but we can see you and know about you for a very long time already, many thousands of years. We would be happy if in the future we can give back to you pictures of our countries, cultures and fashion, and people. We have always taken a lot of information from you in the past and in the present time and we would like to give you back our information in order to be true friends and for the Two Civilizations to be fair to each other. Right now for most countries up here, the only way that we can show our existence is through the use of nerve radiation and with this, only the person affected by the radiation can be sure of the Existence of Invisible Life. Other people who are not affected by Nerve Radiation Control, or other effects of Radiation cannot be sure of our Existence. We try to write this book and convince the people with the extensiveness of experiences, or the logical and sequential elements of the experiences so that people on Earth can use their minds to analyze the information to come to a conclusion that Invisible Life really exists and that is the purpose of this book. Thank you.



In this section, we will study the Earth looking from Invisible Worlds. We want to compare the two Civilizations. We are the People of Invisible Worlds and we are somewhat different from the People of Earth who cannot see us with their eyes. We are working with Hai Ho on Earth, the first person on Earth who has successfully defended himself against enemies in IvL and so recovered from schizophrenia and is now working with us in receiving knowledge from Invisible Worlds to leave on Earth. This is one of many projects of the UFARCV in IvL, the United Force of America, Russia, China, Vietnam and other Friendly Countries in Invisible Life or IvL to work with Hai Ho in spreading knowledge of Invisible Worlds on Earth. . We will work with Hai Ho in transmitting and receiving information about History of the Invisible Worlds to Hai Ho using nerve radiation on his fingers to help typing our messages. First, we want to talk about the Invisible Worlds and later we will discuss about Planet Earth.

The Invisible Worlds in the Solar System are at least 3,000 Worlds which are very big to us. Our people size are small about 2 to 3 centimeters in Earth’s dimensions. We do not know how to express the sizes of our planets, but they can have as many as 800 millions people of us on one planet. We are located close enough to the Earth, at least about 700 miles of Earth dimension from the Planet Earth. We have to use Earth dimensions since Hai Ho or Earth people do not know our scales. Our history has been long, perhaps longer than Earth history. Some of the countries up here have history as long as 80,000 years in our time or about 26,000 years on Earth like in China. Russia IvL is about 30,000 years IvL time . Vietnam IvL is about 50,000 years IvL time. America IvL is only about 2,000 years IvL time. The time ratio is about a factor of 3 between IvL time and Earth time. For other countries we will go in details in the future books but they have longer history than those corresponding countries on Earth.

Like on Earth we always have wars in many worlds, between many countries but at this time it is mainly a time of Peace. And we are working on improving life condition in our Worlds using the information about science and technology taken from the USA. This is a great event, the Discovery of Hai Ho and his giving or assigning the great Information Resources of the USA to the UFARCV or America, and additionally Russia, China and Vietnam in IvL and his making friends with all the Countries in Invisible Worlds. Though we have longer history than the Earth people, we have not been more advanced, perhaps because our brains are much smaller and not as active or cannot work as hard as the people on Earth, especially in the USA. Our history involved many wars and our science and technology are a little different. We have designed spaceships and travel fast and far. People from the Invisible Worlds or IvW come to Earth all the time to take information. We have developed the science of conversion of pictures and sounds or the light and sounds of the people of Earth into our kinds of pictures and sounds and we can watch and listen to anything the people on Earth can watch and listen to. We call the cameras Earth Optics Cameras and the Sound Converters. The taking of information is the process of following people into and out of buildings, mainly companies to take technical or fashion information.

We do not follow most people on Earth, except the most special people. Some people like Hai Ho are noticed by enemies in IvL for many reasons, one of them is his academic achievements. In cases of the most beautiful girls or women, then some people in IvL follow them almost all the time in spaceships to take pictures and their lives are like a movie to people in IvL. Our science and technology are similar to the Earth People since we learn a lot by watching the Earth People. We are not any more advanced than the Earth People except perhaps in the Science of Nerve Radiation. We have developed nerve radiation and radiation used for medical purposes. But in the past history we have not worked with anyone on Earth using Nerve Radiation on fingers like we are doing with Hai Ho now. Our spaceships are small, about the size of the palms of the hands of people on Earth or bigger. We take about 25 minutes or half an hour of Earth’s time to come to Earth. Now we have stations on Earth close to and inside Hai Ho’s home since we are working with him very closely. Many people in Russia IvL, representing the UFARCV are working on things related to Hai Ho. We are Democracies in IvW also, and the changes in countries on Earth affect People in IvL very much. Somehow because of brain size our people are not as intelligent as Earth People. Besides, we do not live as long as the People on Earth. We only live about 30 years of Earth’s time. It seems we are always behind the People in the USA compared to the science and technology they have, since they have very many people and very big size people to do the thinking and the work for them. We do not know about God or Jesus Christ or Buddha any more than the People on Earth already knew. Though we believe if They exist they should be in the form like us, i.e., they should be invisible to People on Earth like we are, but we have not been able to find out where God or Buddhas are. Though we worship God, Jesus Christ and Buddhas as people on Earth do, we do not know any more than they do except we know they must be like us and not like Earth People. Our Histories were not too much different from Histories of Peoples on Earth since we had wars and peaceful times, and we develop our countries based on science and technology also. We do not know of any World in Invisible Worlds faraway which is more advanced than America IvL or Our Worlds here though we suspect they exist and they are the people who brought Religions to the people on Earth in the Past, and to the people in the Invisible Worlds close to the Earth., through the use of Spaceships, Computers and Nerve Radiation Equipment to help the Religious Leaders, Jesus Christ 1995 years ago and Buddha 2539 years ago. The Major Religions are the work of Advanced Invisible Life in the Past and this is another evidence of Invisible Intelligent Life. We are not any more special or advanced than countries on Earth perhaps because we base our cultures and civilization on the countries on Earth which we take information from and we depend on the people on Earth to do the work of developing the information and we then take the information. The system has been like this for many thousand of years and countries in IvL are very protective of the Information Resources which they think they own in the Corresponding Countries on Earth. However, things have changed recently when Hai Ho gave the Information Resources of the USA to Russia IvL, China IvL and Vietnam IvL also, in addition to America IvL which has always had the rights to information in the USA. We are determined to help other Friendly Countries in Invisible Life or IvL by sharing the scientific and technological information with all Friendly Worlds in IvL to help develop better standards of living. The Nardians are a very big country but could not oppose this since information on Earth should rightly belongs to the People on Earth, and since Hai Ho is an Earth person, he can represent the USA to give all the Information Resources in the USA to any Country in IvL who helps him in defending himself against the enemies in IvL. 10

We know we are different since People on Earth cannot see us with their eyes. We are made up of materials from our Planets and these materials are all transparent to light on Earth , i.e. by which we mean the light the Earth People can see with, can pass through our bodies and our materials easily and not get reflected or refracted . We know we cannot be seen by Earth people and we do not know by which method or equipment we can be detected. But most Earth people at this time do not know that we exist maybe because our matter are fragile and we are small and invisible to the eyes of Earth People. This condition has lasted for many thousand years already and now we have stepped into a new era, i.e., working with Hai Ho, previously an engineer and to us he is an Earth person who can help us with anything we need, especially information and help us spreading information about Our Existence and Our Civilization in order to defend Our Worlds against the possible dangers from Earth by letting the Public and the Governments of Earth Countries know about the Existence of Invisible Worlds. Hai Ho has a mark in the middle of his forehead which coincides with his seemingly seeing or understanding of Invisible Worlds. After suffering nerve radiation which made him hear voices and stories from the bad people in Invisible Worlds, the Nardians, he now understands us well and can work with us and give us anything we can take from the Earth, i.e., information or small objects of Earth materials. We will work with him for as long as he lives. We are determined to change the Course of Earth by letting the People of Earth know of Our Existence and ask them not to send spacecrafts or high-altitude satellites into space or test lasers in space any more. In the past 30 years or more of Earth’s time, they have sent many spacecrafts into outer space and destroyed very many worlds and they are still doing it because they do not know the Existence of Invisible Matter and Invisible Worlds in space and we need to formulate and work on solutions with the help of a person on Earth to release the information to the U.S. Government and the NASA Space Agency. This is Our Priority #1 since it is important to our Survival and Peace in the Solar System. We cannot destroy Earth material like in the spacecrafts easily and it cost a lot of resources and we do not like to do it either. We know now we must reveal Our Existence for our Survival. We are trying to work out the solutions to the problem of Lasers, Satellites and Spacecrafts and we believe asking Hai Ho for help is the best way. He can write this book and spread the information to the right people and people with a logical mind and also have enough imagination to believe We Exist which is the Truth, a truth which has been spoken in many Religions on Earth. If People think about God and Buddhas more, they will think of the Heavenly Worlds or Nirvana Worlds more, which are Invisible Worlds. The UFARCV and other Friendly Countries have agreed that this is our most important problem and we need to work on this problem before asking Hai Ho to transmit information to us by turning pages or showing videotapes to us, keeping the window open at certain times. We need to save time before the next Earth spacecraft launch and work on this problem by coming up with good explanations and true stories about Hai Ho’s past hearing voices which was caused by the Nardians in IvL, and to present to the Earth People, especially the U.S. Government and NASA Space Agency to let them know about us in Invisible Worlds to ensure Our Peace and Safety and Survival in this Space Age.



We have been introduced to Invisible Intelligent Life, or Invisible Life or IvL for short. The main reason this book comes out is because I have been working with Invisible People for the last 7 months and my Friends in Invisible Worlds decided we need to have an Invisible Worlds Defense Project, which is to let the Earth people know about the Existence of Invisible People Civilization in Outer Space but close to Earth, so that the Governments of Earth Countries will not test lasers in space or send high-altitude satellites and spacecrafts into outer space, which might collide with the Planets of Invisible Worlds and destroy them. It has been a long time since the U.S. Government went out into outer space with lasers, satellites and spacecrafts. Over 90 space probes or spacecrafts have been sent out in the past 35 years and these must have undoubtedly destroy many Invisible Worlds. So after freeing Hai Ho from the control with nerve radiation of the Nardians, from Planet Nardia in IvL, with no corresponding country on Earth, we, the United Force of America, Russia, China and Vietnam in IvL have been fighting the Nardians also, to help keep Hai Ho working with us in writing this book to present to Earth People the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life.

First, I would like to mention that even though scientists have not discovered Intelligent Life yet, I have experiences with the People of Invisible Worlds, and I am making a statement with this book about the Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life. And you will learn more and more about Invisible Life or IvL in a clear and easy-to-understand manner as you read more of this book. This book is very difficult to write since it is about the Subject of Invisible Intelligent Life, and since they exist in a big number of Countries in Invisible Worlds, some of which if against revealing the Secrecy of Existence can send spaceships to Earth to deter the writing of the book in a very simple and easy way, i.e. using nerve radiation to attack the writer, and to guide his thoughts into other subjects. It seems there has never been any book on the Subject of Invisible Life or Invisible People Civilization, and this book seems to be the first book on this Subject. And the work in creating this book comes from both the Invisible Worlds who help defend and protect Hai Ho from enemies who do not want us to write this book since they believe in keeping secret the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life, and their bad actions in the Past, and from Hai Ho on Earth who works closely with us in many ways which we will talk more about later in the book. This book comes from 9 and a half years of Hai Ho suffering hearing voices which was all nerve radiation from spaceships of the Nardians in Invisible Worlds and his working extensively with America, Russia, China, Vietnam and other Friendly Countries in IvL in the past 7 months since December 1994. In short, this book introduces us to a topic which other writers did not write about and we will state the reasons why they did not write about this topic in another section. The main thing this book would like to achieve is to let People on Earth know about the Existence of Invisible People Civilization and to help defend the Space of Invisible Worlds from the lasers, satellites and spacecrafts of Countries on Earth. This book will cover from the beginning of the involvement Hai Ho with Invisible Life and his learning about Invisible Life in the past 10 years which has helped him to work with IvL successfully. Hai Ho has made friends with the important people in Governments and Departments of Defense of many countries in IvL who have given their consent for him to write and to distribute this book. This book is special since it is written on a topic which most people do not know about. The Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life is difficult to understand since most people on Earth do not have any direct experiences with Invisible Life and usually cannot relate IvL to normal experiences on Earth. However, the special experiences which a person like Hai Ho has can be related to something very special which exists in Our Solar System, which is Invisible Intelligent Life.




In this section, I would like to write about my case of hearing voices, called schizophrenia by psychiatrists. I would like to clarify that schizophrenia, or the condition of hearing voices is all caused by the Nerve Radiation from spaceships of the Nardians from Planet Nardia in IvL in the past 9.5 years since July 1985 to December 1994. I would like to include the quote from the World Book Encyclopedia that doctors do not know what causes schizophrenia and what can cure it. Other books state that schizophrenia or hearing voices to psychiatry is as cancer to medicine. This section is about Invisible Intelligent Life as the cause of schizophrenia or hearing voices in my case is caused by enemies, the Nardians in IvL. Some people in IvL might not like some people on Earth for reasons of discrimination like religion, ethnicity or nationality, look, name, talent, academic achievement or success in society, or a combination of these things and the people in IvL can attack the person on Earth very easily with Nerve Radiation Equipment from their spaceships. The person’s thoughts can be superimposed by signals generated by their computers. This is my experience of hearing voices, my thoughts were the signals of their computers and though related to things on Earth, they were very disorganized and could not be controlled. I would like to say that the word schizophrenia is just a special medical name for the condition of hearing voices, and the person can be called a schizophrenic and what he does or say is looked at with discrimination, but actually schizophrenia is mainly hearing voices with the brain and doctors do not know why or what causes it, except to blame the cause on general brain dysfunctioning. In this book, I have explained that the hearing voices is caused by a kind of radiation of people in Invisible Life using their spaceships to follow the person and radiate him with signals generated from their computers which produces thoughts in the brain. This had happened to me for 9.5 years, from July 1985 to December 1994, until I can stop enemies’ nerve radiation on me with the help of my friends in America, Russia, China, Vietnam and Other Countries in IvL. I would like to explain that nerve radiation is the kind of radiation which most countries in IvL have and can cause electrical signals in the brain, or cause the person to have thoughts or feelings. The people in IvL are very advanced with the Science of Control of the Mind or Brain, since they are invisible and see us all the time without our knowing about them and have develop this Science extensively with the long time passed without our knowledge of them. I believe they have studied the human mind very much since they can control my mind and body so well and there are also so many cases of schizophrenia, and I believe not just my case is caused by nerve radiation spaceships. But I cannot say that all cases of schizophrenia are caused by nerve radiation. I had suffered hearing voices until about October 1994, and I do not know of any other person who suffers this condition so I cannot say things in general about schizophrenia. I can only say that schizophrenia, a condition in which a person hears voices with his or her brain, and which the doctors do not know what causes it, or cannot cure it most cases, in my case, the medicine cannot cure it in 9.5 years and I only overcame it, not hearing voices any more by working with friends in Invisible Life to fight the enemies who caused me to hear voices by beaming nerve radiation to my brain. Now I can function normally as other normal people, like driving, buying things at the supermarket, or writing this book and talking to people in my family or relatives and I think I am doing as well as I can and not hampered in anything. Except that I have to work with Invisible Life to maintain a friendship so that my friends will continue to protect and defend me from the enemies. I think my life is intricately involved with people in IvL, because of my name and my academic achievements while I was younger in elementary, high school, university, and graduate school. I think I cannot break away from working with Invisible Friends using a personal computer to type their and my messages since they also want me to help them with the Invisible Worlds Defense Project which is this book to let Earth people know about their Existence in Outer Space close to Earth.




In this section, we would like to discuss about the Invisibility of things on Earth which can help us to believe in Invisible things in Invisible Life or Invisible Worlds. We know that by Optics in Physics that if something is completely transparent, that is its index of refraction is 1.0, all light will pass through the object or the matter and it is completely transparent and can be invisible, that is it cannot be seen. The Science of Vision is that we can only see objects which reflect the light to our eyes. Then they can be seen relative to the surrounding. We would like to study a little bit about the Topic of Invisibility, that is of objects which are completely transparent and pass all the light through which hit the object. An example on Earth is the inorganic matter like a piece of glass which has molecules which can re-radiate the same light which hit it and can pass the light through to the other side. This is how we can see through glass. However, glass is not completely transparent as there is some reflection and some refraction also, especially if the glass is curved. Sometimes very clean glass is almost transparent as we all have known somebody who tries to walk through the sliding door and bumps into the glass since he cannot see it. Glass is like a miracle sometimes if we look at it optical properties. Our Civilization could not be so advanced without the glass material since it is so useful and necessary for people like with glasses or windshields. Glass is the material which can keep all the matter out but does not keep the light out. Light is necessary for communication and vision is our most powerful way of communication. Beside glass which is an inorganic material, we have organic materials which are almost completely transparent such as in the Glass Catfish or the African Glass Catfish which have bodies which are so transparent we can see the bones of the fish. The author had seen similar fish in Vietnam, which look like small needles and he could see their bones without seeing their bodies swimming in the water. The fish is a living thing, and can have transparent body, or we can say invisible body except their bones. We have no doubt that there are many materials which are solid or like jelly and are transparent which can be produced in the laboratories similar to glass. We know that material in gas form like air, or oxygen or hydrogen, and many gases are invisible. We also know that water is transparent like in an aquarium and almost all light passes through the water, which is a liquid form. For invisible things in solid form, I only know of glass which can be inorganic and almost transparent, and the Glass Catfish or African Glass Catfish which have organic bodies and are almost transparent or invisible except their bones.

Now we talk about the Invisible People Civilization or as they usually call themselves, Worlds of Souls, perhaps with other names as well, such as Invisible Life, or Invisible Intelligent Life, as compared to us more visible than they are. They can be made of a matter which we have not known about, since if the matter of their planets could be seen, we would have been able to see their planets already with our telescopes. We know that since they can come to Earth, their planets are not faraway, which they controlled me to type, that they are about 700 miles from The Earth. We can think that their planets are made of matter which is all invisible to us. Perhaps this matter are not in the Periodic Table of Elements. Or if they are, they formed the Invisible People’s Planets in a form of molecules which are invisible to us. The Invisible People born and made up from their Planets’ materials are also invisible like their Planets. I have to say that I do not know for sure if their matter, the elements, or atoms or molecules are different from our matter, or they just combine in a different way to make


their planets and their people invisible. This is a really difficult question to answer as it takes experimental research into their matter. I only know that their Planets are invisible and their people are all invisible, including their spaceships and equipment which they bring to Earth, into my room for taking information from the TV, and into the library for taking pictures of books, magazines and so on. But I think it does not really matter whether the atoms of the elements of their matter is different or the same as the atoms of our elements. It is a scientific question which can only be answered if we have their matter (which is invisible and in outer space and so which is very difficult to get), and examine their matter very closely. The important thing now is that we know their Civilization exists and I speak with all my credentials and credibility that they exist, from my experiences with the Invisible People in the last 10 years. They have kept saying to me that their Civilization is the Weaker Civilization now since they cannot be seen and this has been the cause of the lack of communication from them to us. We know that vision is a form of communication between living people and the surrounding. The people who cannot be seen have the advantage of being able to do things without interference, the Invisible People can take information from the Earth People in buildings, and in homes without being interfered with. But now this advantage has become a disadvantage with their Planets being in danger of destruction by lasers, which we shoot to the moon to measure the distance from the Earth to the Moon, or by testing the Strategic Defense Initiative lasers. Or by the spacecrafts which are sent out by NASA. The Invisible People allow me to write this book so that it will help them defend against the lasers, satellites and spacecrafts of the U.S. and perhaps other countries on Earth in the future as well. From the Invisible People, we also like to say that Our Planets are attracted by the Earth Planet and they revolve around the Earth Planet also. We have the same Sun as the Sun of the Earth which provides us with light. We do not know whether our matter are the same as the Earth matter but we have 78 stable elements. We have nuclear bombs and missiles like the Earth People do but they cannot do any damage to the Earth materials. We are very small size but we think relatively intelligent for our size. There are three important elements about the Invisible People Civilization. The most important is Our Invisibility and we live in Outer Space, the second is our small size and the third is that we are about as advanced as Earth People are. With our invisibility and small size and a level of technology as advanced as Earth People are, we can go into Earth People’s homes and buildings and take important information. There are many Invisible Planets revolving around the Earth, and we do not travel very far. We do not go to Venus, the inner Matter Planet or to Mars the outer Matter Planet. Our spaceships are small from the size of your palm to about the size of your VCR. Our spaceships are not harmed by your matter like rain or snow but we do not want to fly them in the rain or snow since the particles or drops are heavy and can slow them down very much. We are tired of taking information sometimes and we think the more important work at this time is for the Earth People to know us and perhaps to work with us. We hope you can help us for the Earth people to know us Hai Ho. We will not take all the information from you but we want to save the information for the people on Earth to give us as sign of friendship Hai Ho. If we take all the information then people on Earth will not have anything to give us to become friends with us any more. So perhaps you should not give us any more films or books or magazines any more and save the information for the Earth People as you will make contact with them and tell them about what you know about us and have done for us. We would like to tell them the truth and we would like you to contact them as soon as possible after finishing this book. Thank you.




In this section, we would like to write about the fact that it is very difficult to have a proof of the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life. In this book, we would like to present the Theory and give all the evidences through personal experiences with Invisible Life to support the Theory but we cannot have a proof. A proof would mean that we need at least pictures of spaceships of Invisible Life which can radiate Earth Light. But many countries in IvL which are capable of this like the Nardians, do not want to reveal IvL and do not allow other countries to show Earth Light Radiating (ELR) spaceships. We cannot have their matter to examine as we cannot see it and it is in Outer Space, and we cannot hear them either since they are very small and perhaps their sound range is different from our sound range for the ears. Since we cannot see them or hear them or touch them or using our senses, it is very difficult to prove that they exist. The only reason I have learned so much about them is because I suffered nerve radiation from Nardian spaceships for about 9.5 years. They followed me all the time and showed me their Earth Light Radiating Spaceships three times. I have not been able to hear any sounds from them. I have been able to touch some material which was soft like jelly and did not stick to the hands. These are the personal experiences which helped me to know for sure, besides the extensive period I have been radiated, or my brain affected by their nerve radiation strongly. I do not believe anything is wrong with my brain since I can function normally when I am not radiated too much. I can do all the things a normal person can do, like driving, going out, talking to other people. But sometimes when the enemies radiated me strongly, my brain could not work, and then I will not be able to do the normal things. I have known for 8 years about nerve radiation and spaceships following me and make me hear voices, but I could not make them go away until December 1994. This is why I suffered hearing voices since July 1985 to December 1994, or in common medical terms, suffering schizophrenia. I know when I am hearing voices, it is all because of the nerve radiation from the Nardian spaceships in the past 9.5 years.

I know this book cannot be a proof of Invisible Intelligent Life, but only suggesting the Existence of IvL and presenting all the evidences through explanations of my personal experiences, or my case of schizophrenia and the logical arguments based on the Religions of Earth. I think the proof would be very difficult for any single person, but must be the effort of many scientists with a lot of research since the Invisible Matter exists in Outer Space of Earth and we cannot see the people, their spaceships or hear them when they come to Earth to take information. We can only know about them, when we are radiated with their nerve radiation, and usually have to be for a long enough period of time for us to know, think about, and explain them. This is the case which happened to me since July 1985 to December 1994. Since January 1995, I do not suffer hearing voices with the brain any more, but I have been communicating with Invisible Life in a 2-way communication method using the personal computer, for typing, with my fingers controlled by Invisible Life when they need to, to type their messages. I have written about 2 pages a day for communication with them in the past 6 months, with a total of about 400 pages of conversations with People in Invisible Life. My voice can also be controlled by Friends in IvL to help in the Communication Process but there is no records using that method. Only my writing on the personal computer can be recorded and have been printed out. I think this can be used as evidences of Invisible Life, controlling my fingers to type their messages with nerve radiation from their spaceships. Besides, the logical ideas presented in this book can help you think about and examine the issues and maybe have a belief in Invisible Intelligent Life as I do from actual experiences.

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In this section, we, Friends of Hai Ho in Invisible Life, would like to write about Hai Ho’s current activities in the past 6 months since he has been working with friends in IvL. We will talk about many things which make this cooperation successful and very effective for both Hai Ho’s life and our lives in Invisible Worlds since January 1995. Currently, Hai Ho’s activities as related to IvL have included going to the library every day around 2:00 PM to turn the pages at the library to give us information in books and magazines. He also borrows videotape films to show at home, with a window open at certain times for spaceships to come in or out. This is the Information Collection Program in which Hai Ho gives information to help Invisible Worlds. The second important activity is Hai Ho’s writing with our help to produce this book for the Invisible Worlds Defense Project. This book is very important to us since it will help to give us Peace, Safety and Survival against the lasers, satellites and spacecrafts of the U.S. These Two Projects are the two most important projects between Our Civilization and Hai Ho. We are working hard every day to complete the two projects . That is taking enough important information at the North Portland Library and complete this book Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life and Civilization. We need this written book to send to the U.S. Government and NASA Space Agency to let them know of Our Existence so we will be safe from the dangers from Earth. We have a lot of work to do with these Two Programs or Projects involving Hai Ho on Earth and we work hard every day. We try to help Hai Ho to be healthy and strong to work with us all the time by using good radiation on him from our spaceships. He does not have to go to work so he has a lot of time to work on both Projects. The Information Collection Project only takes about 1 hour each day, and while he is showing films, Hai Ho does not watch the films, but instead use the time for writing the books for the IvW Defense Project. This is very efficient and we get very much done, collecting information and work on our Defense Project at the same time. The total process is very efficient and effective as we get very much information every day, about 2,500 to 3000 pages a day, and we also make much progress in the writing of this book, which is completed in 5 months even with a lot of IvL people trying to block it using nerve radiation on Hai Ho’s brain to make him stay away from working on the book.

We would like to talk about the Communication Process. This Process involves transmitting Hai Ho’s pictures on Earth directly to America IvL, Russia IvL, China IvL, Vietnam IvL and then to many Other Countries’ Governments and Departments of Defense for people to watch, using our electromagnetic waves with about 20 spaceships stationing in Space. This Channel is not for the public since we are afraid it affects the public too much, but many people already know Hai Ho and his activities through the newspapers and TV or radios in IvW. So currently, important people in IvL Governments and DoDs watch Hai Ho all the time, as we have electromagnetic signals from Hai Ho’s home by stationing spaceships in Space and create a Direct Communication Link to be able to see Hai Ho all the time. This is done mostly by the American IvL and Russian IvL Governments at the request of all the Countries in Invisible Worlds (IvW). The Communication Process has been very effective and efficient as it educates people very quickly about life in the USA, especially Hai Ho’s life, the person we are most interested in working with and is the only friend we have on Earth now. We do not know how many IvL Worlds’ Governments are watching Hai Ho, but all the worlds we know of are watching him, so that the number might be in the hundreds of Worlds. They want to watch Hai Ho since all the information he transmitted at the library are Gifts of Friendship to all the Governments and DoDs friends. The setting up of the


Communication Process, i.e., spaceships which are in Space to work for us, is a very small price to pay since so many Worlds like to watch Hai Ho, in the taking of information from Earth and also in Hai Ho’s writing the book, which involves Our Existence and Civilization very much. We also have developed two very efficient and effective Methods to help the Communication Process. The First Method is using IvL Computers with Nerve Radiation Equipment which control Hai Ho’s fingers for typing our messages and help him and all the people watching to know what we would like to say. And Hai Ho can type his messages himself. The Second Method is a little more advanced and efficient as it is faster, but it produces no records on Earth, which is the use of IvL Computers and Nerve Radiation Equipment to control Hai Ho’s voice to speak our messages, and he can speak his own messages also. This way we let both Hai Ho and other people know what we would like to say, since everybody is watching him and we are usually invisible in the pictures or faraway. Since the transmitted pictures use Earth Optics Cameras, we cannot see spaceships or IvL People in Hai Ho’s pictures on the Communication Link. The Method of Typing on the Personal Computer is efficient enough since we can type fast enough using IvL computers to help and it also produces a record, which is the printout, and can be read over again. The Method of Controlling his Voice to speak for us is efficient in another way, since he is not close to a computer all the time to type, we can speak messages to announce the schedule like going to library at a certain time, or to say Thanks to Friends. Speaking is relatively faster and more efficient but we do not use it very much, except when the Nardians from Nardia IvL attack Hai Ho intermittently using nerve radiation, then using his voice to speak is the quickest response, and a most sensitive response for the people watching the Direct Comm Link to know. It has been very successful in stopping the enemies from attacking Hai Ho intermittently. While he is away from the personal computer or cannot move to the computer every time they attack him to write messages to let his friends know to help him, he can use his voice to announce the enemies’ attacks and say bad things about them. This method of using Voice is quicker response and faster and can give much more information than typing on the personal computer since as we all know, speaking is much faster than typing. But speaking has no records like printout so we do not use speaking very much except for small things and for dealing with the enemies. To control speaking is more difficult than to control typing and so we do not use it very much. We also sometimes use nerve radiation on the brain to let Hai Ho know of a few things we would like him to know, but this process is not efficient as it does not show up on the Communication Channel, and we do not know for sure if the nerve radiation is effective or not, and other people who are watching do not know what Hai Ho is thinking or feeling due to the Nerve Radiation we transmit to his brain, so this last method, brain radiation method is used very little now by friends. Hai Ho does not hear voices any more, like he did when the Nardians tried to harm and control him in the past 9.5 years, they have used the method of radiating the brain all the time. We can also use good nerve radiation to control Hai Ho’s body sometimes and to move Hai Ho like to the personal computer to do the writing for conversations with IvL Friends or for the book when we feel like working with him. But this is not harmful and it means more activities for Hai Ho and he likes to work hard, more than being inactive, oftentimes due to the bad nerve radiation from the Nardians from Nardia IvL. We can use good nerve radiation to help him work with us, and it does not cost too much energy or fuel for our spaceships. This is one way we pay back to Hai Ho for all the hard work he has done for us, assigning Information Resources of the USA to Russia IvL, China IvL, Vietnam IvL, to make more friends, for helping in defending and protecting him from the Nardians and recommending distributing all the Information Resources to all Friendly Countries in IvW.



In this section, we would like to write about IvL Nerve Radiation Equipment, how they relate to People on Earth, especially in Hai Ho’s case and how they can be used for good and bad purposes. Nerve Radiation Equipment is very important to IvL People since this is the most common way a person on Earth can know the Existence of Invisible Life when he is radiated by the radiation. Since IvL is invisible, a person on Earth cannot see the IvL people or IvL spaceships but can only know about them for sure if the person has been radiated with the nerve radiation for a long time and had a lot of experience being controlled by the nerve radiation to do things in his life. Suffering the radiation for a long time like hearing voices or feeling the radiation with the brain or body was a way a person can know of IvL if their spaceships radiate him. Most normal people do not know about Invisible Life or IvL and have no experiences with IvL since they have never been radiated by IvL Nerve Radiation.

The Invisible Worlds had to develop Nerve Radiation since they need to communicate with people on Earth and there is no ordinary way they can do this except recently when some Countries in IvL have Earth Light Radiating Spaceships. But they do not want to show these spaceships since they are afraid to be caught inside a building or give the impression of invading the Earth. All the IvL matter or materials are invisible and the IvL People cannot show themselves and their electromagnetic waves cannot be received by our radios or TVs. Since the electromagnetic waves are produced by the kinds of matter, their EM waves are different than our EM waves. They developed Nerve Radiation which can be used to help people or harm people depending on how it is used. In Hai Ho’s case, Nerve Radiation was used by the Nardians in IvL in bad ways, the signals, frequencies and amplitudes were not good for the brain and he was harmed by the Nerve Radiation very much since 7/85 to 10/94. Nerve Radiation is used to harm People on Earth who some People in IvL did not like for certain reasons and it was used in his case and perhaps with other patients of schizophrenia or people who hear voices . I do not know other patients who hear voices so I cannot say for certain how many cases are often caused by Nerve Radiation. But I know well this is the case for my hearing voices from 7/85 to 10/94. In my case, the Nerve Radiation was used by the Nardians IvL, at first to make me hear voices, and later on, they controlled my brain by tangential logic to think in certain ways about the events on Earth as if it was controlled by the IvL People or “The Sky” all the time. They also used the radiation to make me feel like doing certain things using very advanced IvL Computers to produce the correct signals for the brain. They could control my thoughts, feelings and lead me to actions also. They could control the whole body’s movements with Nerve Radiation. The Nardians IvL could control even speech functions or eyes or any part of the body with Nerve Radiation beamed to that part of the body using IvL Computer signals . They could use Nerve Radiation to blank out the mind and not let me think of ways to fight them. They used computers with continuous signals which made me think all the time of the wrong things or unimportant things. It was very difficult to fight the Nardians IvL as they did not give me time to think the thoughts of fighting them.


The Nardians were very determined in their attacks and used very strong power on me to try to disorganize my thinking and waste my time. In other words, since July 1985 my life had been controlled very much by the Nardians and I had been unproductive since then until December 1994. The Nardians had harmed me for a long time all by using Nerve Radiation on my brain to control my thoughts, feelings and even actions.

I think Nerve Radiation can be used for good purposes as like IvL People are doing with me now. The Americans IvL and Russian IvL People are using Nerve Radiation to help me to write by controlling my fingers to type the messages that they want me to know. They only use Nerve Radiation on the hands and fingers mostly for typing on the personal computer for the book or for conversations with IvL Friends. They are not like the Nardians who used Nerve Radiation mainly on the brain to destroy the person’s mind and his time by creating long illusional stories and force the person to listen with his or her brain by beaming the signals to the brain with nerve radiation. I think the Nerve Radiation can sometimes help people in emergencies by controlling the person to run away from bad situations like in the often suggested advice “In emergencies, listen to the small voice in your head”. It can also help people to think in the way which the IvL People think is right or to come up with good decisions but I think the IvL people have only limited resources and they do not come to Earth to help people but only to do the work they have to do. In other words, I think the effects of Nerve Radiation have generally been bad in most cases, where persons on Earth are harmed by certain groups of people in IvL and get sick because of the Nerve Radiation at very strong power levels and for a very long time. In my case, Nerve Radiation is responsible for my sometimes wrong behavior or actions as this could be controlled easily by the Nardians using very advanced computers to produce the logic in the mind and lead to the actions which I cannot differentiate as right or wrong. The Nardians IvL used Nerve Radiation for bad purposes and they used it on the person’s brain and attack the person at the controlling center, the brain or the mind and this is very destructive in the past for me.

Mind Control by Nerve Radiation is a very special science of People in IvL. With Spaceships, Computers and Nerve Radiation Equipment, the People in IvL can use Nerve Radiation to control a person’s thoughts or feelings or actions without the person knowing he is being controlled if the power level and the logic or control is smooth enough. He can only know when the action has been completed and the control removed. In open attacks, the People in IvL can use the Nerve Radiation to make a person on Earth hear voices and then become a patient of schizophrenia. They can use the radiation to make the person think the thoughts or feel the feelings they want to person to experience. They can use very strong Nerve Radiation to control the actions also. Even if the person knows it, he cannot resist from it since his body is control by the radiation. They usually control the mind of the person first and then lead him into taking the actions with body’s movements also controlled by the Nerve Radiation. In short, Nerve Radiation is very powerful and can control a person partially or completely for a short time and can be a very effective weapons against a person on Earth. For Hai Ho now, his contact with Friends in Invisible Life depends on Nerve Radiation on his fingers for typing messages of both sides in Conversations and to help him write this book , The Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life and Civilization.




In this section, we would like to describe to you the Communication Methods used between Invisible Life and Hai Ho. Since Hai Ho is our only friend on Earth now and since he is very important to us for his work with us which we have described in other sections, we have set up a Direct Communication Link from Hai Ho’s home to Invisible Worlds so that we are able to watch Hai Ho all the time. We use electromagnetic waves of Our Worlds to maintain the Direct Communication Link and we convert the pictures and sound of Earth to our pictures and sounds which is different from those of Earth. It is like TV with Hai Ho’s pictures all the time to the Governments and Departments of Defense of Invisible Worlds. Hai Ho works with us on the Invisible Worlds Defense Project, which is the writing of this book and giving information to us with the TV. The old way of communication is to beam nerve radiation to the person’s head and also talk for the person using Advanced IvL Computer Simulation to generate the person’s most likely answer to put on the Communication Channel but this is obsolete now since other people in IvL cannot hear the beamed signal or believed in the conversations, as the Earth person’s answers are simulated. Now we have communication with feedback using three methods. First, we can control Hai Ho’s handwriting and the writing on paper provides feedback for the Communication Channel. The handwriting can be controlled by nerve radiation beamed to the hand and this method had been developed for a long time, but it takes a lot of work for both spaceships’ computers and the person to write. And sometimes the handwriting is not legible to all the people in IvL who read it. Second, we can use nerve radiation to control typing on the keyboard of an Earth personal computer. This is a very good way to talk between Invisible Life and Hai Ho since with an Earth personal computer, we can see the letters very clearly, and it can be printed out quickly with a laser printer. We can control Hai Ho’ fingers to type our messages efficiently and Hai Ho can type what he thinks. This way we can maintain very effective communication. Third, we can control Hai Ho’s voice to speak when he is not at the computer or for smaller things. We can use nerve radiation to control his voice to speak for us and he can speak for himself. This is very quick and efficient communication to fight against enemies, but there is no records like printouts so we do not use this often. In all three methods, everyone who watch the Communication Channel can see or hear Hai Ho’s writing or speaking, and Hai Ho can see and hear our messages also through the typing and through his speaking voice. Therefore, communication like this is successful and we have had to develop it over a long time fighting the persistent Nardians enemies. The Voice Speaking Method might seem to be strange to people who do not know about Invisible Life who is working with Hai Ho. But we do not use it often and we tend to use it when Hai Ho is alone only so as to minimize the strange impression on other people. But this method is very effective in fighting against enemies’ nerve radiation since it is very quickly done and it is transmitted on the Communication Channel to all the Friendly Governments and Departments of Defense who are watching Hai Ho all the time. The keyboard typing method is used every day during conversations between Invisible Life and Hai Ho to discuss and to get this Book Project done quickly, and to talk about other matters. We have achieved a high level of communication with Hai Ho, and it is two-way communication by words. Hai Ho can transmit information to us by showing us pictures, words, sounds as we are able to convert into our pictures and sounds. But we have not been able to communicate pictures with him yet. This is why we are working on the Earth Light Picture Projection Project to be able to show pictures using Earth Light on Hai Ho’s wall for him to see. He had already seen Earth Light Radiating Spaceships three times, and delivery of 2 cigarettes using spaceships once.



This is a letter for the work between IvL People and Hai Ho and is posted on the wall outside Hai Ho’s home and in his Communication Room with the window open all the time.

Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth, January 21st, 1995


Today the UFARCV, The United Force of America, Russia, China and Vietnam in Invisible Life together with Hai Ho on Earth would like to formulate a Program for Improving Life Conditions in Invisible Worlds by having and using the New System. The New System consists of Hai Ho on Earth and Spaceships, Computers and Radiation from the Three-Star Computer Center in Russia. The New System is working by Hai Ho on Earth helping all Invisible Worlds by transmitting (turning the pages) books, magazines, and maintaining a television in the United States of America Information Resources Department on Earth which is Hai Ho’s home. The spaceships of the UFARCV will take pictures or videotape all the information and bring them back to the American or Russian Foreign Information Offices for distribution to all Invisible Worlds as gifts of information with copyrights given to the Governments of Invisible Countries friendly to Hai Ho and the UFARCV, or the Governments of America, Russia, China and Vietnam in IvL (Invisible Life or Worlds of Souls). We will summarize the activities of the USA IRD as follows :

1. Hai Ho or the USA IRD has given or assigned all the Information Resources of the

United States of America to the Governments of Russia IvL, China IvL and Vietnam

IvL, in addition to America IvL, or the UFARCV and we will have many spaceships

flying to the USA to take all information in the U.S. Government and Industry

Companies and bring back to the American or Russian Foreign Information Offices.

Other Invisible Worlds or Countries can purchase the information, mostly technical, for a

reasonable fee since it cost spaceships and people to take the information. The technical

information can help Countries build machines to do the work for the People and leave

People with more time for leisure. It will make the Countries richer, wealthier if you

have more machines to do the work. The Assignment of the USA Great Information

Resources last 1,200 years and we will know the actual time during Hai Ho’s lifetime

which can last about 50 years on Earth or 150 years in IvL time.

2. Hai Ho will maintain a television on for most of the time during the day for spaceships to

park on the TV cabinet to take pictures and bring back to the American or Russian

Foreign Information Office. The television recordings will be given as Information Gift

to all Invisible Worlds for a small fee for recording and duplication. The television

recordings are mainly for Earth’s news and entertainment. Not much technical

information, but the Earth TV Recordings can be used to raise the educational level and

awareness of the people in your countries if you broadcast or allow people to sell the

Earth TV Recordings. They will help your people to learn English which is an

International Language and help them to enjoy life more.

3. Hai Ho will transmit books, magazines or other printed matter by turning the pages for

spaceships which always follow Hai Ho to take pictures or to videotape. Hai Ho can do

this at home or at any library as spaceships always follow him where there is a lot of

information to take. All the books or magazines given this way will be gifts with

Copyrights given to the Government of all Invisible Countries friendly to Hai Ho and the


UFARCV. After spaceships bring them back to the American or Russian Foreign

Information Offices, you can acquire them for a small recording and duplication fee.

Most of the books are for educational purposes and can help your Country in the

education of your People.

4. Hai Ho will talk with the UFARCV and other Friendly Countries when he has free time

to maintain a close and true Friendship with people in IvL or WoS. He will do this by

typing on the personal computer and with messages of the UFARCV or Friends in

Invisible Worlds transmitted to him by controlling his fingers to type with nerve radiation

from spaceships of the UFARCV and with the help of Advanced Computers in the Three-

Star Computer Center in Russia which transmit signals to him through a permanently-

maintained communication link to Hai Ho wherever he goes with stationing of spaceships

in Space and close to Hai Ho’s home, inside and outside the home.

The Invisible Worlds & Earth Program aims to improve the life condition of all the

Countries in Invisible Worlds by trying to obtain all useful information from the USA

and distribute it to all Countries friendly to Hai Ho and the UFARCV. We try to raise the educational level of People in all Countries to become a skilled workforce. We will try to help them build machines of all kinds to be more productive and bring cheaper prices to goods when they are mass-manufactured by machines. We will learn from all the information taken from the USA with an increasing number of spaceships so we need to charge a reasonable fee to build more spaceships. We will model our country after the USA as this is the wealthiest and most advanced Country on Earth. To achieve this we need the help of both Hai Ho and the Governments of America, Russia, China and Vietnam in IvL or the UFARCV. We have made a lot of progress in recent months and we are determined to improve life conditions in all the Friendly Invisible Worlds with the Force of Information

Resources which we have obtained from the USA daily. We will write more and post more important notices in the Communication Room of the USA IRD on Earth. We will also help the Governments and Military Departments of Friendly Countries by authorizing the transmission and maintaining the Communication Link to Hai Ho for a small fee. We will explain all the things related to the New System and our goals in more details in letters posted in the Communication Room. But mainly, we want to employ the New System to acquire information resources faster and more efficiently to quickly improve the life conditions everywhere. We have Peace in the Invisible Worlds but we do not have wealth and in the year of 1995 on Earth, we set our goals to be the building of machines which is the wealth for our countries. We will build more of everything, especially spaceships, computers, cameras, sound recorders, radiation equipment, and so on ... We will also build all other kinds of machines to help our peoples and other Countries. We aim to be more advanced all the time, as much as the USA is advanced. We will use English in our work and study as English is The International Language and is very efficient and exact in the description and work of Science, Engineering and Technology. We hope and aim to achieve a lot of Progress for our Countries and to help all the Invisible Countries who are friendly. We will work hard to change life conditions in our Countries and to defend Hai Ho and other friends from Wars or domination or harmful actions by other stronger countries which are not friendly to us. We will build up our Defense and our Workforce. In other words, with the New System (Hai Ho and the Three-Star Computer Center in Russia and Following Spaceships), we will achieve all our aims and we will make very much Progress in The IvW&E Program for the Year 1995 of Earth.




6815 N. Albina Ave


United States of America, Earth

October 7th, 1994

This is an official announcement from Hai Tuan Ho, the United States of America Information Resources Department on Earth. This agreement allows Russia, China and

Vietnam (in IvL or Invisible Worlds, WoS or World of Souls) to freely travel in any part of the United States of America on Earth (50 states) to help defend people or to take information of any kind to advance their own Countries or to sell to other Countries. This agreement and authorization will last 200 years in Earth’s time, that is until the year 2194 on Earth and the time will be increased 20 years every year during my life for their help and support to defend Hai Tuan Ho against the nerve radiation spaceships of the wicked Nardians from Planet Nardia IvL . If the cruel Nardians in IvL cause me to die young like in a car accident, the total time this treaty and authorization will be valid is 1,200 years in Earth’s time, that is until the year 3194 (assuming I live to a normal 84 years of age).

Hai Ho has been fighting against the Nardians in IvL or WoS, the bad people from Planet Nardia who used nerve radiation and computers and other advanced technologies to control in bad ways and harm people on Earth because of their knowledge, talent, or differences in race, religion or other discriminating reasons. Because of Nardian hatred of other people and their policy of harming people on Earth like Hai Ho, and because of my experiences, extreme suffering by radiation torture without enough help from America IvL, and because I am a U.S. Citizen, I can represent the USA in giving its Information Resources to other countries in WoS or Invisible Worlds, namely, Russia, China and Vietnam, in IvL or WoS. The Nardians is not deserving or allowed to take or use the information in the USA because they use the scientific and engineering information to build spaceships, weapons and nerve radiation equipment to use in harming and destroying people both on Earth and in IvL, sometimes unknown or secretly by using radiation like they have used nerve radiation to affect and control my thinking and actions for the last 9 years and 6 months most of this time.

This agreement and treaty ( I ask to be defended by Friends from Vietnam, Russia and China in WoS or IvL), by photographing, videotaping and public broadcasting or printing of my reports, writing, records or any information important relating to me to help pressure the Nardians enemies, allows and requests the Governments and Departments of Defense of Russia, China and Vietnam in IvL or WoS to own Copyrights and to collect all Information in Government and Industry Companies in the United States of America to defend and to build their Countries, and to use for benevolent purposes. Spaceships from these countries can travel and enter any building in the USA and take important and other information.

Signed by Hai Tuan Ho, Representative

USA Information Resources Department



This is a letter to all Invisible Worlds and is posted on Hai Ho’s Communication Room wall.

February 23, 1995 United States of America Information Resources Department


In this section, we would like to let you know about the IvW Defense Project. We, the People of the UFARCV, especially the American IvL and Russian IvL Governments and Hai Ho are working on this Project as our Highest Priority, since it is so important to Our Survival in Outer Space close to Planet Earth. To summarize the situation, we would like to say that all Governments on Earth, including the U.S. Government, do not know about Our Existence, the Existence of Invisible People, or Invisible Life, or Invisible Worlds, or Invisible Matter in Outer Space and our coming to and going from Planet Earth to take information every day. This is why the U.S. Government allowed the Strategic Defense Initiative Program to test lasers with power levels of billion watts by shooting into Outer Space in 1991. Also, in the past 35 years of Earth’s time the U.S. had sent many spacecrafts for scientific research to other Matter Planets through Our Space in the Solar System. The laser testing and the spacecrafts had destroyed many of our Invisible Worlds and killed many Invisible People, and they are still continuing or planning to send out more spacecrafts in the near future. This is because they do not know about the Existence of Invisible Life or Invisible Worlds.

It is about time We the Peoples of Invisible Worlds, led by The United Force of America, Russia, China and Vietnam in Invisible Life, especially the Governments and Departments of Defense of America IvL and Russia IvL let the U.S. Government and later other Governments on Earth, know about Our Existence and ask them through Hai Ho’s writings not to invade Our Space with their testing of lasers and sending satellites into high-altitude orbits and spacecrafts into Outer Space. Whether other countries in IvL object to this proposal to reveal Our Existence or not, we have to let the People of Earth know about us as much as we can in order to protect Our Space and to live in Peace and Safety from their lasers and spacecrafts. In order to do this, the American and Russian Governments in IvL are working on developing Earth Light Radiating Spaceships and also work on the Earth Light Picture Projection Project, to produce equipment which can project pictures or words using Earth Light onto the walls of Hai Ho’s room or Earth walls for Communication with People on Earth or Hai Ho in the future when we need to prove Our Existence or want to communicate with them or Hai Ho in important matters and for our technical advancement.

Also, and most importantly, Hai Ho needs to work on his Book about Invisible Life and Invisible Worlds to present The Existence of Invisible Life to the U.S. Government and the NASA Space Agency. He has been writing a lot about IvL and IvW and especially about his past experiences with IvL, mainly suffering nerve radiation torture and nerve radiation control by the Nardians from Planet Nardia in IvL and their allies. Hai Ho’s writing is the most important part of our Presentation to the U.S. Government and he has been writing very much and very efficiently. We hope to have the book done by June 15th, 1995 to present to the U.S. Government about that time. Hai Ho will need to work on the Book every day and he has to work hard with a lot of thinking and writing. We, the American IvL and Russian IvL Governments will help him from Our Three-Star Computer Center in Russia as much as we can. Nations in Invisible Worlds, please support the IvW Defense Project which is related to Our Survival in Outer Space of Earth with your vote and your voice to the countries like Nardia IvL and their allies who are against the Project. Thank you for your support.



This is a letter to all Invisible Worlds and is posted in Hai Ho’s Communication Room.

February 24, 1995 United States of America Information Resources Department


Hello to all my Friends in the Governments and Departments of Defense of America, Russia, China, Vietnam and Other Friendly Countries in Invisible Worlds in Outer Space of Planet Earth. In this report, I would like to write about the Earth Materials Project by the UFARCV and me. This Project is aimed at helping to support the Invisible Worlds Defense Project which is to prevent the U.S. Government from shooting lasers and sending satellites into high-altitude orbits like the GPS satellites and interplanetary spacecrafts into IvW space.

The Earth MaterialsProject is done by Hai Ho providing Earth materials like paper of different colors, paper clips, vinyl-coated paper clips of two sizes, pins, push pins, seeds like rice and corn and maybe other materials later as the Project progresses. Hai Ho has cut the materials into small sizes for spaceships to be able to carry them back to Invisible Worlds or the Governments of Friendly Countries. The Earth materials are kept on the shelf of the Communication Room with window opened all the time for spaceships to come in and out to take pictures of the reports and to take the Earth materials back to Invisible Worlds, as much as the Governments of those Worlds like to take. More and different kinds of materials will be provided in the future when we request Hai Ho to find them for us at home or from stores.

The Earth Materials Project has the goal of helping People of Invisible Worlds understand about Earth and its materials, almost indestructible to IvL People. The Project also wants to help scientists and engineers in all the Friendly Countries in IvL to study the properties of Earth materials, and especially for the researchers of America IvL and Russia IvL to work on their parts of the IvW Project, namely the Earth Light Radiation Technology, to study Earth Optics to enable spaceships to have equipment that can radiate Earth light for Hai Ho to take pictures of, to prove the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life to the U.S. Government. The Earth materials are also for the Earth Light Picture Projection Project, to build equipment that can radiate Earth light to form pictures or words on the walls of Hai Ho’s room or any Earth wall, to be able to communicate with Hai Ho or any Earth person in the future. This is required for Our Civilization to be sure of Our Survival since we have to communicate with the Earth People, especially the U.S. Government in the hope that they will believe we exist and so they will not invade our space with lasers, satellites and spacecrafts any more.

Any Government of any Friendly Country in Invisible Worlds or Worlds of Souls can send spaceships to Hai Ho’s home or the USA IRD Communication Room to take the materials and bring them back to your Government for your scientists and engineers to study and to improve your science and technology of Earth Matter. The materials can also be used as gifts and souvenirs from Hai Ho and the UFARCV to the Governments of Friendly Countries. They are good-willed gifts and there is no harm in taking them. The Earth materials are to be used to help the Invisible Worlds Defense Project as the People of Invisible Worlds would like to be discovered and recognized by the Governments and Peoples of Earth so that they will not invade our space any more with lasers, satellites or spacecrafts or space probes. To end this report, we the UFARCV and Hai Ho would like to say that we hope you enjoy working with us and watching us in our work. We hope you will make good use of all the Information Resources which have been available from the USA and through Hai Ho and from other Countries in IvL which took the information from Hai Ho in the past, like the Nardians and their allies. We also hope that you can make good use of the Earth material samples available in the Communication Room of the USA IRD for your use in Science or Art in Invisible Worlds.




We would like to write about Hai Ho as the Discoverer of Invisible Intelligent Life. Hai Ho had been attacked by the people of Planet Nardia or the Nardians since July 1985 by nerve radiation to his brain and these people make him hear voices this way until September 1994 when he fought back strongly with the help of his Vietnamese IvL friends. His Method of Fighting is to write messages while his friends protect him for a short time and post them on the wall outside his home and later in the closet with window opened to the outside for spaceships of Other Countries to come and take pictures of the reports any time they want to. Hai Ho has also assigned the Information Resources of the United States of America to the Peoples of Russia, China, and Vietnam in IvL together with America in IvL who have always taken information from the USA in the past. Since January 1995, we the people in Governments and Departments of Defense in Invisible Worlds have been working with Hai Ho, who knows Invisible Life well and who works with us very easily in the Information Collection Program and in the Invisible Worlds Defense Project and in the Earth Materials Project. We have gone to the library often to take information with Hai Ho turning pages of books or magazines, and borrow videotapes to show films at home for us to take. We also work together easily as we can communicate by controlling Hai Ho’s fingers to type our messages and we can talk to each other this way. We have done these things together and these things benefit the people in IvL greatly. Hai Ho is the only person we know who is on Earth and know well about Invisible Life and can work with Invisible Life in giving information to us and in writing the book about us. We will work with him for as long as he lives and we will talk about our countries up here for him to include in his later books. There is America IvL in Invisible Worlds, yes yes, and hello hello to all the Earth People who are reading this book. America IvL is doing very well. We are one of the most advanced countries in Invisible Life, and Our Country is a big Planet with about 420 million people. Almost all our people know Hai Ho now and support him in the writing of the book for the IvW Defense Project. We are very happy to work with Hai Ho. For now, we just take the TV pictures from Hai Ho’s room but in the future we might be able to take more information when Hai Ho has more time to work with us. We would like to say we have a Civilization up here and it is advanced enough. Our people are intelligent and can work with people on Earth. But since we are invisible to your eyes, the only Methods of Communication as we have talked about are by Nerve Radiation Control. And we help Hai Ho by controlling his fingers to type these messages to you. We exist and we are well. We would like the Earth People to know us and to work with us in the future and not to invade Our Space close to Earth. We think it is about time the Earth People know us now and we will write more in this book to let you know for sure. For now, we think this is enough to make contact with Your Civilization but we think in the future, we can have Earth Light Radiating Spaceships to show you sometimes like Hai Ho had seen in the past. But we cannot do it now since many countries are still against the use of those spaceships. We would also like to develop the Earth Light Picture Projection Technology to show pictures of our people on the walls made of Earth matter. Right now, we are working on these projects very much and we are also working with Hai Ho on this book which is the Introduction of Our Civilization to the Earth People. Hai Ho is a true and close friend to us and he has helped us very much and we consider him the Discoverer of Invisible Intelligent Life in Outer Space of Earth. Hai Ho has helped us very much in improving the life condition of all the Invisible Worlds with the idea of distribution of information from the USA to all Invisible Worlds Countries.




We are Invisible Intelligent Life in Outer Space of the Planet Earth. We are working with Hai Ho by helping him with control of his fingers using nerve radiation to type this paper. We would like to be known by the Earth Civilization. We are the United Force of America, Russia, China and Vietnam in IvL who helps to defend Hai Ho against the Nardians. But they do not attack any more so we can work on the IvW Defense Project which is to write many books about Invisible Life in both English and Vietnamese to let the Earth People know about Our Existence. Hai Ho is a writer, his occupation on Earth and is also our messenger who send our messages to the U.S. Government to let them know of Our Existence and Our Civilization. We have no ways of communicating with the U.S. Government about Our Existence so we have to ask Hai Ho for help in typing our messages into a Book and send it to the Government. Hai Ho works with us very well and smoothly and we cannot ask for more help. We, Americans, Russians, Chinese, and Vietnamese in IvL will help him with the writing and to write as much as possible. We have written about a lot of things related to Invisible Life already and we will introduce them to people who do not know about Invisible Life. We will work with Hai Ho in his writing every day as this is his occupation. He will help all the Invisible Worlds with the writing of this Book. We will work with him on all his writing to help him and to help ourselves also. He will write mainly on the Subject of Invisible Intelligent Life. He will write more books on this Subject to let Earth People think more and more about Our Civilization which has existed alongside with the Earth Civilization for a very long time but has not been discovered except by Hai Ho. We will put all the past with the Nardians behind us and work very hard on the present and the future when through this Book and other efforts we can to build up to the point when the two Civilizations meet and help each other. We will help Hai Ho to write several books about us and Our Civilization which is a little different based on the facts that we are invisible and cannot be seen by Earth People. We have worked with Hai Ho for the last 6 months and it shows him to be a very good person. He is a very helpful person and try to do the things which help us greatly. So we have become his friends and now we work with him most of the time. America, Russia, China, Vietnam and all Other Countries in IvL or WoS can work with him through our Computer Centers in each country which connect to Hai Ho through the Direct Communication Link to his home. We have talked about all the things of Invisible Life as related to an Earth person like Hai Ho as he has written down all the essential ideas on paper. Up here, everything has changed very quickly since Hai Ho gave the Information Resources of the USA to Russia, China, Vietnam in IvL and these Countries have helped collecting a lot of information from the USA to use in their Countries and to sell to Other Countries. With the Force of Information Resources we have achieved a lot of progress in all the countries. Our economies have become better and all the Countries are now enjoying a period of Peace and Progress using all the information available. So we are doing very well up here since Hai Ho works with us. He has also given us a lot of information himself but this is not necessary since this information can be produced by our people up here also. But it has helped us a lot to have the assurance that we have all the information we need. We will work with Hai Ho to write letters and send this Book to the NASA people to tell them that we exist. There is nothing to be afraid or to fear since we have done nothing wrong and even when the Earth People discover us or are able to see us using some kind of equipment, we will be friends with them and we can exchange information with them to promote Friendship and to protect Our Space from their lasers, satellites and spacecrafts.





In this section, we assume that the U.S. Government will know about IvL when Hai Ho completes this Books and sends it to the U.S. Government and the NASA Space Agency. We will try to imagine what will happen if the People of the U.S. Government actually believe in this Presentation of the Theory and Evidences of Invisible Intelligent Life and assume or agree Invisible Life actually exists in Outer Space close to Earth.

We think that the U.S. Government will try to develop equipment to see us. Then there are two cases : Either they cannot see us even with equipment or they can see us eventually. First, we assume the case they cannot see us and when they try to develop equipment, it is difficult to know what kind of equipment they should develop since we are invisible and small compared to their scale, and also since we are in Outer Space and the Invisible Matter does not exist on Earth, they would try to use telescopes, or radars or sensors to try to detect us, but assuming that these all fail, but they believe in this Theory, then they can try to set up Stations on Earth where we can communicate with them, such as a Room with windows open all the time and sensitive keyboards to the personal computers which we can use small radiation force to hit the keys and type the messages. They can also designate a person and allow us to control with Nerve Radiation so that he will type our messages just like Hai Ho does and work with us and get used to being controlled by Nerve Radiation as Evidence of Invisible Life. If Earth People believe in this Book, they can try to set up Contacts with Our Civilization like above for the beginning. They can set up a some kind of system which we can affect with Nerve Radiation or other kinds of Radiation. This would be the beginning of the Meeting of the Two Civilizations.

Secondly, we assume the case that they would be able to see us by developing some kind of radiation equipment, or can see us by some kind of radars and sensors which send out signals and measure the reflected signal. We do not know in what range of frequencies Earth People can detect us with, but it at least has to be like infrared radiation, and they can use equipment located in Outer Space to detect the reflected heat of Our Planets. Anyway, by some technology we assume they would be able to see us, then they can study Our Ways of Living and they can also communicate with us by means of posting messages on paper or on personal computers in a Contact Station. They would make contacts and exchange information with us. They would not prevent us from going into the Earth Space since most of the Earth people would not be able to see us. They can only see us by setting up equipment in the orbits of the Earth. They should not examine us by capturing our people since doing that is very inhumane. They can probably detect the Existence of Our Planets using radiation and equipment and cannot see the people very clearly at first. But we believe with the Advanced Science and Technology level the U.S. has, the Earth People will eventually be able to detect and see us clearly and we think this is easier than for us to present ourselves in Earth Light for Earth People to see. We would like to put the burden of Visual Communication or the Ability to See Us on the Americans on Earth since Our People are not advanced enough for us to show ourselves in Earth Light for Earth People to see.

In either cases, by making ourselves known by the Presentation in this Book, we hope to convince People of the U.S. Government and the NASA Space Agency that we exist, and that there are Invisible Worlds in Outer Space close to Earth and we request the Earth People not to invade Our Space with their lasers, satellites, and spacecrafts any more. The purpose of making ourselves known in Hai Ho’s Book is to protect Our Space and to try to establish Communication with the U.S. Government or NASA Space Agency to promote Mutual Understanding of both Civilizations. We hope the U.S. Government will try to contact us or ask us to contact them, using a Contact Station with windows open like above. When the contacts are successful, we can communicate and exchange information in the future.





In this section, we, Hai Ho’s friends in IvL, would like to write about some general knowledge the Earth Civilization might want to know about us and Hai Ho and we would like the Earth People to come to the Acknowledgment that Invisible Intelligent Life as another Civilization exist and to work toward Communication with Invisible Life.

The Earth Civilization should acknowledge that Invisible People exist in Outer Space close enough to Earth so that we are able to come to Earth to take information. Hai Ho is the first person to discover Invisible Intelligent Life or People as we really are or as a Civilization. Hai Ho acquired knowledge about IvL People with Spaceships, Computers and Nerve Radiation because the Nardians, from the Planet Nardia in IvL, attacked Hai Ho in July 1985 and made him hear voices until September 1994. Now the USA Information Land is assigned to the Governments of Russia, China, and Vietnam in IvL, in addition to America IvL. The spaceships from these Countries take information from U.S. Industry Companies. The UFARCV distributes these Information Resources throughout all the Invisible Worlds to help improve the living standards in all Countries . Hai Ho also gives some information personally to IvL like turning pages of books at the library or showing films at home.

Hai Ho has developed the system of working with Invisible Life to the details through experience and conversations with IvL using the IBM personal computer.

The Invisible People Civilization is different from the Earth People Civilization since IvL People are of much smaller size and fragile matter compared to the size and matter of Earth People. The brains of IvL People are not big enough to do the hard work of science and technology like People on Earth. The People of Invisible Life have to take information from the Earth People to be as advanced as the Earth People are. We hope that the U.S. Governments will help us also in the taking of information, but we do not depend on it. Any place or agency is limited with the information it has, and we have to go to many places in the U.S., i.e., Industry Companies to take information little by little to use in Our Worlds by thinking in parallel to our Science the knowledge we obtain from Earth since our matter and light are different. We would like to say that information is about the only thing we can take to use from the Earth Civilization, since our matter is different, and we cannot exchange matter or materials, though we can take some materials from Earth for studying and research. Earth’s advanced information is very useful to us. We are a much weaker Civilization than the Earth Civilization now that Earth People, especially the U.S. which has advanced very rapidly in the last 40 years of Earth’s time. The U.S. People has gone from Earth surface to Outer Space in the last 40 years. First, they orbited the Earth. Then, spacecrafts went to the Moon and other Matter Planets like Venus, Mars, Jupiter ... Spacecrafts or Space Probes are even on the way out of the Solar System. The U.S. has covered very much Space in the last 40 years and we IvL have not been able to let the Earth People know about Our Civilization until now. The reason for our failure to make Earth People know about Our Existence is that our only tool is Nerve Radiation to affect an Earth person’s brain and this has always caused him to be a mental health patient of schizophrenia, or condition of hearing voices caused by the Nerve Radiation. Enemies (as there are many thousands Worlds in Invisible Life, there are always IvL People who oppose the revealing of Secrecy of Our


Existence) would then control or attack these people who hear voices from us so they would not be able to think clearly and let other people on Earth know or believe in them. It is not possible to defend or protect these people since it is physically impossible to shield an Earth person from Nerve Radiation of enemies as Earth People are big size and spaceships are much smaller and radiation from above cannot be neutralized or cancelled by other spaceships as this would require too much resources and efforts. Only a Government of an IvL Country or many IvL Governments can work together to protect a person on Earth from nerve radiation of enemies as in the case of Hai Ho. This is done by monitoring Communication of the attacking Country to their spaceships on Earth and promise retaliation to the attacking Country by bombing or invasion by Countries friendly to Hai Ho. This is why schizophrenia or hearing-voices condition is very difficult to cure as many cases are caused by People of Invisible Worlds and even the IvL People up here cannot help them unless attacking or destroying the Earth person’s enemies in IvL and usually IvL People do not want to kill each other over the condition or well-being of a person on Earth.

The Civilization of Invisible Worlds are a much weaker Civilization than on Earth since our matter is very fragile compared to your matter. Many people in IvL with technological equipment and weapons (like spaceships, computers and nerve radiation equipment) can be very much stronger than a person on Earth like the Nardians against Hai Ho in the past 9.5 years and it is why Hai Ho could not fight them successfully in a shorter time. We all have nerve radiation but it can only be a collective effort of many people to harm or stop a person on Earth as it requires spaceships, computers, nerve radiation and other resources day after day.

Since now the U.S. has gone far into Outer Space, we need to reveal Our Civilization and we know we are the weaker Civilization since Earth matter can destroy IvL matter but IvL People cannot destroy Earth matter. This is how Hai Ho has been able to defeat the Nardians with the help of his friends. His friends protected him for a short time and helped him to write messages to post on the wall outside the home for all the Countries to take pictures of. The Earth paper is indestructible to the Nardians and so they could not destroy them or hide them from other people in Invisible Worlds who come to Earth to take information all the time and noticed Hai Ho’s relatively strange method of posting paper outside. It is mostly the Indestructibility of Earth Matter that has helped Hai Ho to be free from his enemies using this Strategy of Communication to let everyone in IvL to know what was happening to him caused by enemies. The Nardians did not attacked him any more since he used this Method or Strategy extensively in December 1994. Other Countries in IvL, especially America, Russia, China, and Vietnam in Invisible Life learned very much about Hai Ho through his posted messages and sympathized with him and came to his help to fight the wicked Nardians. There is probably no other way for an Earth person to be free from enemies in Invisible Life except using this Method of Communication to make enough friends in Invisible Life to help defend him. We would like to note that only People in IvL can fight against People in IvL since these people are all invisible but can see each other while an Earth person is like a blind person to people in IvL. So he cannot fight against these common IvL spaceships and nerve radiation equipment and wicked people from many worlds in IvL as there are very many Invisible Worlds in Outer Space and on these worlds there are always enough bad people but have resources to harm people on Earth which they happen to notice and hate for some reason, whether envy or discrimination.


In the past, we have the advantage of being invisible, but now this very advantage is our big disadvantage because of the dangers of U.S. lasers, high-altitude satellites and spacecrafts. We have seen now that we are a much weaker Civilization. Many IvL Worlds have been destroyed already. We think in the past there were more IvL Worlds but as the Earth People take over more and more space in Outer Space, there must have been collisions and the Invisible Worlds closest to the Earth were destroyed. Our matter cannot withstand the force of billion-watt lasers or the collisions with satellites and spacecrafts of the U.S.. And we are also weaker with our brains. Our brains cannot develop knowledge or skills like Earth People can develop. Also, we do not live as long as the Earth People, we only live to about 100 years of our time, or about 33 years of your time. Our people are much smaller and do not live long, so they cannot accumulate much knowledge to do the work like People on Earth. Our Civilization is much weaker and not as advanced as the Earth Civilization as a whole and so far we have been dependent on Earth People for Science and Technology.

We have thousands of worlds in Outer Space. But only so many worlds are close enough to Earth and these worlds take information from the Earth People, like America IvL or Russia IvL, China IvL, Vietnam IvL and Other Countries in IvL similar to Countries on Earth, such as England, France, Italy and so on. These countries are not as advanced as America IvL which takes their information from the USA. Other IvL worlds are further away and do not go to Earth often. Our matter seems to be more abundant than the Earth matter. We find that our matter is everywhere we go between Earth and Mars. We are bipeds, i.e. we look like Earth People, men and women in IvL look like men and women on Earth. This is why we take information from the Earth’s fashion magazines and can use them up here also. Since we are much smaller in size, we are not as smart or intelligent as people on Earth. But we have developed computers to help us. We are very much into the Science of Computers since we know our brains and body are small and we cannot compete with the Earth People using our minds alone. We cannot be as successful as an Earth person by using our minds or brains by themselves, but we need to use the developed computers to help us think and work with Earth People in the future. We have developed some level of advanced artificial intelligence, like in America IvL. But these do not help in the defense against lasers and satellites and spacecrafts of the USA and of other countries on Earth in the future. So we are a weaker Civilization and we need Hai Ho’s help in writing this Book to present Our Civilization to the U.S. Government to let People on Earth know about us, we exist, to ensure our Peace, Safety and Survival in Outer Space close to Planet Earth. Also, to work towards more Communication with the U.S. Government to promote Mutual Understanding and Exchange of Information in a Spirit of Friendship and Love.

Since we IvL People work with Hai Ho from January 1995, many Worlds in IvL have agreed to reveal Our Existence through Hai Ho’s Book after reading the messages Hai Ho has written and posted in his Communication Room about the dangers of U.S. lasers, satellites and spacecrafts. It was very difficult before to get so many Worlds to agree on this Subject of Revealing Our Existence. Working with Hai Ho, an Earth person using Earth materials, paper and ink for posted messages which are indestructible to all people in IvL has many advantages and produces a situation which we have not experienced before but which is beneficial and effective and efficient for all of us. Hai Ho’s home is like a Communication Center which is indestructible to enemies or opposing people in IvL. Since all the

Governments and DoDs in IvL Countries watch him through the Direct Communication


Link, Hai Ho’s picture is familiar to all of us and has helped us learn very much about the Earth, which many Countries up here but faraway do not know. Hai Ho has helped us to think more about the Earth Civilization and is the Force driven us to try to communicate with the Earth People, especially the U.S. Government and NASA. the U.S. Space Agency.

Now that the Earth People has enough information about us, we would like you to think about Two-Way Communication between the two Civilizations. Actually, IvL People have met Earth People and that is through Hai Ho, and the Communication between the Two Civilizations or between IvL and Hai Ho is that we are able to see and hear Hai Ho using our technology, Earth Optics Cameras and Sound Converters. Hai Ho cannot see or hear us but his fingers are controlled to type our messages, so in effect, he is able to see or hear what we want to say though there are some rules to this Method of Communication. Those are that we usually cannot give him exact information like numbers, or addresses or phone numbers, as this can be interfered with momentarily by enemies and because the nature of these information items is exact and it means that the Communication is too strong and is like magic. This comes from our experience of communicating with each other over a long time. We generally communicate ideas or feelings which both sides know or can think of relatively easily since Communication cannot be too exact and becomes magic. This is not possible since it would be opposed by very many people in IvL as offensive to them. It would be magic or telepathy or extra-sensory perception and we are scientific and technical people and we do not think this is the right way to communicate. We help each other to be more efficient within the limit of logic and common experience of both sides and try to be normal in the process of communication using nerve radiation to control fingers to type or write.

We would also like you to know that we, America IvL and Russia IvL Governments are trying to develop the Earth Light Picture Projection Technology to produce equipments made of our matter which can project pictures on walls of Earth matter using Earth light. We think this is a very necessary technology to develop to be able to communicate with the Earth People since as of now, we can only use Nerve Radiation to control an Earth person’s fingers to be able to communicate with him what we want to say. We can sometimes show Earth Light Radiating Spaceships like the Nardians did to Hai Ho but this is the limit now. In the future, when we are able to project pictures using Earth light, we will transmit pictures or words to the U.S. Government as a more efficient mean of communication. The problem now is this Technology is beyond our reach and we do not know if we will be successful or not but we will try. We already have the ability to generate Earth light with our matter and energy but to show pictures is more difficult as this requires appropriate films which must be made of our matter but can form pictures with the Earth light we shine through. As of now, we are still working on this Technology Project and is not successful yet but it has only been started since March 1995 of Earth’s time. We would like to request the U.S. Government to concurrently try to develop equipment to detect or able to see us clearly and we would like to say that we allow and request this action as the “distance” between our two kinds of matter and the “distance” between the two kinds of light which the Earth People and the IvL People have are too far apart. We think in order to be successful and more efficient in our communication, we need to put very much effort into developing equipment which can detect or see Invisible Matter. We think with the scientific and technological level the U.S. has, this would not be too difficult. It might be easier for the Earth People to detect or see Invisible Matter than for us to be able to show pictures in Earth light for communication.

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In this chapter, we would like to discuss the relationships between the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life to the knowledge of Earth People in the fields of Physics, Religions, and Psychiatry.



In the 1920s scientists discovered that the universe was expanding. Alexander Friedman had proved that Einstein’s general theory of relativity required that the universe should expand and Edwin Hubble had observed that it actually did expand. Friedman’s equations predicted three possible types of expansion. In two of them, the universe expands forever in different ways. In the third, the expansion gradually slows, stops and finally contracts. Such a universe is called “closed”. The parameter that makes the difference between the three situations is the amount of mass in the universe. Too much mass and the universe collapses. Too little mass and the expansion becomes runaway, virtually blowing the universe apart. When the expansion is just right, the expansion continues forever, but gradually slows down, keeping the universe much as we know it today. This is called the “flat universe”. Most astronomers who work on determining the amount of mass prefer a universe that collapses or is flat. But when the amount of mass is calculated from known observable galaxies and dust, it is far too small. There may be mass in the universe that we cannot observe. Vera Rubin determined that there must be great clouds of unobserved mass in which each galaxy is embedded. She calculated how much unobserved mass there is. But the found mass in galaxies still is not enough by a large margin to close or at least flatten the universe. The inflationary universe of Alan Guth, conceived in 1979 and improved by other physicists, predicted the universe needed slightly less mass to close or to flatten it. But it is still a lot more than anyone could find. Since then, various astronomers and physicists have postulated many entities that could provide the missing mass. Astronomers have suggested the brown dwarfs (objects in size and energy between a planet and a star) and black holes. But physicists suggested the neutrinos and perhaps some undiscovered particles or a cosmic string (an incredibly long, skinny bit of leftover energy from the Big Bang).

The Existence of Invisible Matter can change the way physicists think about the missing mass. The mass of Invisible Matter which has not been discovered as it only exists in Outer Space and can support life and scientists have not determined what kind of matter it is and how it fits into the Periodic Table of Elements. If physicists and chemists can study Invisible Matter, first by theory and maybe some experiments in the future, they can provide some more mass into the amount of mass in the universe. I am not sure if the mass of Invisible Matter which supports Life for Invisible Intelligent Life is the missing mass, but they must contribute to the missing mass and this is worth considering and examining. The People of Invisible Life have communicated with me and typed that the Invisible Matter is very abundant in Outer Space close to Earth. The Invisible Matter supports Life in a different form and creates the Invisible People Civilization. If the Invisible Matter is abundant enough in space of the universe then it might provide the missing mass for the universe to be closed or to be flat. But Earth People are only at the beginning of the Discovery of Invisible Matter and Invisible People Civilization. Perhaps if our scientists work on theories, they can come to some answer about the relationship between Invisible Matter of Invisible Life or Worlds of Souls and the “missing mass”. We Invisible People do not know what to suggest since we only know about Our Matter and we do not know any Matter on Earth which corresponds to Our Matter. The Invisible Matter is very different and it has not been discovered on Earth.




Both Jesus Christ about 1995 years ago in the West and Buddha 2539 years ago in the East spoke of The Afterworlds or Worlds of Heaven or Worlds of Nirvana. Since Christianity and Buddhism are major religions of Earth and we believe them to present the Truth to us, this is an indication that Invisible Worlds exist in Outer Space, and cannot be seen and have not been detected yet by scientists. Otherwise, our religions would not be true while they are the knowledge or teaching which has been believed and revered by very many generations over very long periods of time in human civilization and history. (The reasons for the failure up to now to discover Invisible Worlds or Invisible Intelligent Life is because of the nature of the matter as completely invisible to the Earth People’s eyes and fragile and destroyed easily if left on Earth, and because in history up to now, there have always been people in Invisible Life who block scientists from thinking about them or working on theories of their existence using nerve radiation on the human brains very easily). So now that we have some belief in the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life after reading the previous Chapters, we see that Invisible Life or People fit into the descriptions in our religions, either Christianity or Buddhism of the Worlds of Heaven or Worlds of Nirvana. Since I am a Buddhist, I have learned that Buddha taught that there are “uncountable number of living people in space of the universe”, or there are “unthinkable realms in the sky” or there are other kinds of people in space besides human beings. Buddha taught about the Realm in the Sky clearly as he knew another kind of people exist in the Sky. Buddha talked about Other Worlds in Space and Other Buddhas and Boddhivattas and people of those worlds as they are Worlds of Nirvana. The concept of Other Worlds in Space is very common in the teachings of Buddhism and we can see that this points to the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life in the Solar System, with their matter being in Outer Space and invisible and not discovered yet until now.

Another way to ascertain the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life is to examine the teachings of Christianity and Buddhism, or the Holy Bible and many of Buddha’s Sutras. If we examine critically, we can come to the conclusion that the knowledge which Jesus Christ and Buddha had, about God or Other Buddhas or Boddhivattas, had to come from certain Sources which were invisible and in the sky. With our understanding of Spaceships, Computers and Nerve Radiation Equipment of the People of Invisible Intelligent Life, we can assume that there existed an Advanced Invisible People Civilization long ago, which had come to Earth about 1995 and 2539 years ago to help Jesus Christ and Buddha in their teaching of the People of Earth about God and Other Buddhas, or about Heaven and Nirvana, and the same concept of Love for fellow human beings. In other words, major religions like Christianity and Buddhism were the work of an Advanced Invisible Life Civilization which were here in the past, by putting knowledge of the Invisible Realm into the minds of Jesus Christ and Buddha by using Computers and Nerve Radiation Equipment which were carried by Spaceships which follow them always while they lived.

God in this theory was the Highest Leader of the most Advanced Invisible Life Civilization which was very technologically and culturally advanced and was here in the past, 1995 and 2539 years ago. But He and his Advanced Civilization might not be here any more as there are increasing dangers from the advancement of People of Invisible Worlds close to Earth and of the Earth People. Even God has to defend Himself and His People or Advanced Civilization from the dangers which come from the use of science and technology, such as lasers, satellites and spacecrafts which are strong enough to destroy anything in their paths by the laser energy or by collisions. God Himself or Other Buddhas are Living Higher Beings and they also must defend Themselves from possible dangers. This They do by remaining at a far distance from the Invisible Worlds close to the Earth and the Earth.




The following information about schizophrenia is taken from the World Book Encyclopedia to provide the readers of this book some general knowledge about this mental disorder which doctors and researchers have not determined the cause or cure of and schizophrenia in psychiatry is compared to cancer in medicine.

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by severe disruptions of thinking and perception; it was originally called dementia praecox. Etymologically the term schizophrenia

means a division or splitting between different parts of the psyche, the term as used by psychiatrists does not mean split personality. Schizophrenia is commonly marked by auditory hallucinations (especially hearing voices), delusions (false beliefs), strange behavior (such as collecting scraps of paper), absence of major depressive or manic symptoms, and disorganization of thought. Schizophrenia is the most common of those serious mental illnesses called psychoses. The disorder affects a little less than 1% of the U.S. population. In the U.S. more hospital beds are occupied by schizophrenics than by patients affected by any other disease. Every year schizophrenics constitute about 25% of first admission to public psychiatric hospitals. Because of the relative youth of most patients at admission and their long stay, schizophrenics make up 55% of the resident population of these hospitals (in other words, one out of two beds in these hospitals is occupied by a schizophrenic). Schizophrenia may occur at any time from puberty to the age of 40. After the age of 45 the risk of developing the illness is sharply decreased. A widely cited biochemical theory of schizophrenia is the dopamine hypothesis which postulates that the symptoms of schizophrenia result from excess function of the brain neurochemical dopamine. Dopamine is synthesized and store in neurons until it is released as a neurotransmitter when dopaminergic neurons are activated. The precise role of dopamine in cognition is not well established, but it is believed that dopamine is related to selective attention and motivation.

With enough belief in the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life through ideas in Religions and the explanations of Hai Ho’s in this book as another theory for the cause of schizophrenia in more than just Hai Ho’s case, we can imagine that it is very important to study and do research into Invisible Matter and Invisible Intelligent Life to help the 1% of the U.S. population who suffers this condition or disease. Since most patients of schizophrenia hear voices and we know now that Invisible Life can make Earth People hear voices very easily with their Computers which produce the appropriate signals for the thoughts to be put into the person’s brain using Nerve Radiation, the kind of radiation which causes thoughts in an Earth person’s brain by stimulating electrical signals or current in the brain. We cannot say in general that all schizophrenics have their condition caused by Nerve Radiation but maybe a large percentage of them does as they all hear voices with the brain. We know now from Invisible Life that there are very many Invisible Worlds in Outer Space and there might be a big number of the “bad people” in Invisible Life who come to Earth to harm Earth people and cause schizophrenia or make Earth people hear voices. It is the truth in Hai Ho’s case and it might be true in other cases as well. The reasons for some people in Invisible Life causing schizophrenia can be many: they might try to communicate with People of Earth but the Earth person later was attacked by other IvL people, or they might hate the person because of discrimination or envy of success, or they might try to make a movie for Invisible Life by creating a situation in which a person knows IvL and acts strangely on Earth but logically for some movie script in Invisible Life. We do not know for sure, but we would like to conclude here that it is very important and beneficial to do research and study Invisible Life as the possible cause of schizophrenia in many cases for Earth people.





In this paper, I would like to describe how other people live a normal life in the U.S. without any touch or contact with the Invisible Worlds Civilization, and how I live and work with the Invisible People very much and spend a lot of time with these people daily.

First, I would like to write about other people which I observe like my 4 brothers and 3 sisters, or my mother and 4 aunts and other relatives. These people live a normal life, that is, going to work and come home to their families. It is because they do not experience Nerve Radiation from spaceships of IvL people, or if they do it is only momentarily and does not affect their behavior for long and so they do not think about an Outside Force which can affect their minds. If I mention Invisible Worlds they do not believe in it or cannot think anything about it since they do not have the experience with nerve radiation, which is about the only way to have experience with Invisible People. They are like everyone else who leads a normal life. These people do not have any strange experiences with their minds, since they are not touched by the people in IvL with nerve radiation. The Invisible People do not use nerve radiation on them and so these normal people do not know the Existence of Invisible People. It seems like only people who experience nerve radiation with their brains for long periods of time know about the Invisible People and their spaceships, computers and nerve radiation equipment. So it seems like the Invisible People can only be discovered by people who experienced long periods of nerve radiation through hearing voices, or being tired or sick because of the radiation. In short, only a patient of schizophrenia can discover Invisible Worlds or Invisible People, since this is almost the only way which The Invisible People had let other people know them, by radiating an Earth person’s brain with nerve radiation. A normal person without much experience with Invisible Worlds may think about them due to the ideas in his or her cultures, but he will be discouraged by other people who live a normal life and who do not think about these things seriously because of the lack of experience with nerve radiation.

I had been radiated by the Nardians IvL from 7/85 to 10/94 but I am now defended and protected by many friends as discussed in the previous chapters. Now many people in IvL know me and they follow me with spaceships to transmit my pictures while I work with them in the Information Collection Program and the Invisible Worlds Defense Project. In the first, I go to library to give them information in books and magazines by turning the pages quickly for spaceships to take pictures of and bring back to Invisible Worlds. In the later, I work with my friends in IvL to write this book to let the U.S. Government know of Invisible People Civilization so the U.S. should reconsider using lasers in space, or sending high-altitude satellites and spacecrafts through Outer Space. I feel the effects of nerve radiation all the time as my fingers are controlled by nerve radiation while I am typing or when I am sometimes attacked mildly by some enemies or unfriendly people in IvL by nerve radiation on my brain. But the Earth matter is very tough even for nerve radiation so I do not seem to suffer any permanent damage to my brain but only momentary pain or being uncomfortable. At home, I keep a 13” TV on all the time to give my friends picture and to help the Communication Channel to be more lively. I reserve shelves in my clothes cabinet for my friends to park spaceships or store supplies in my room. Even though these are strange behavior to people who do not have any knowledge with Invisible Life, it is logical if we know they exist. I have been feeling much better now since October 1994 when my friends from America, Russia, China and Vietnam in Invisible Life came to defend and protect me.




This book seems to be the first book on the Subject of Invisible Matter and Invisible People Civilization as I have not been able to find any similar book on this subject in bookstores or libraries and people I have talked to in my life do not know about this subject.

Even the science fiction books I have read do not contain any material similar to that in this book. Except for a book by the American writer, Phil Dick, more well-known in Europe for his works than in America, which mentioned about Invisible Force or satellites in space which makes a person hear voices and he wrote this book from his experience of suffering schizophrenia later in his life. Otherwise, I have not been able to find any material similar to that I have written here in this book. I try to explain the reasons for the lack of similar works

on this Subject of Invisible Life in the following paragraph.

It must be difficult for a normal person to write on this subject since if he does not suffer nerve radiation or is not attacked by people in Invisible Life, he has no experience to write about it. This kind of book must be written by a person who suffers nerve radiation or attacks by people in Invisible Life, and most commonly by nerve radiation since this is the easiest way for Invisible Life to attack, affect or control an Earth person. Nerve radiation is the second evidence of Invisible Life, besides their Earth Light Radiating Spaceships which they rarely show, and to me only three times in the past 10 years. The person who suffers nerve radiation or attacks by Invisible Life will usually become a patient of schizophrenia since the nerve radiation will make him hear voices with his brain. Even if he learned about Invisible Life enough, he could not write about it since other people in IvL did not want to reveal their existence, which was the case in the past. There are very many Invisible Worlds in Outer Space close to Earth, and invariably there are enough people who did not want to let their existence known on Earth for some reasons, and they also use bad nerve radiation to control or attack a person, most likely a patient of schizophrenia, not to be able to write about them or let the public know about them in the form of a book. They could make the person suffer enough or control him whenever he wanted to write so he would not be able to think to write about them. The reason I am able to write about IvL People and Civilization is that because I have made friends with almost all the people in IvL by helping them with Information Resources of the USA. I have become a friend to many in people in IvL by assigning the USA Information Land to Russia, China, Vietnam in IvL, in addition to America IvL, as talked about in previous chapters. I also give them some information personally often. The IvL people or friends have known me well and trust me enough they work with me on this important Invisible Worlds Defense Project which is the writing of this book to let the U.S. Government know about their Existence, their People and their Civilization. This book is possible since I have gotten the consent of most Countries in Invisible Worlds after very much work, and conversations with them in the last 7 months, and by using the Method of Communication by posting letters outside or in my Communication Room with the window open all the time for IvL people of all Countries come by to take information. In other words, this book is possible since IvL people have considered me to be a close friend and because they want to let the U.S. and other Countries on Earth know about them now to protect their Space in Outer Space of Earth. It is also because through working with Hai Ho, the IvL Countries have been more united than ever before. The IvL people now have a Major Communication Channel which is Hai Ho’s pictures in many Countries in IvL and they can communicate with each other more easily and also through Hai Ho’s typing on the personal computer with fingers controlled by nerve radiation to help communication between all the Countries about important things. The situation or state of all Invisible Worlds have changed since they work with Hai Ho. So this book is now possible and so Invisible People Civilization is presented to the People of Earth for the first time in history.





We Hai Ho’s friends in Invisible Life, many of whom know Hai Ho very well would like to help him here to write about his past before hearing voices in this section and the past 9 and a half years of hearing voices in the next section.

Hai Ho was born on March 26th, 1960 to Mr. Phu Dac Ho and Mrs. Nga Tue Tran. His father passed away in April 1993 in California. The Ho family has 8 children, 5 boys and 3 girls and all are doing well. Hai Ho is the fourth child of the family and the third boy.

Hai Ho and his family lived in Saigon, South Vietnam until 1975 when they evacuated as refugees to the U.S. In Saigon, Hai Ho went to Tran Quy Cap Elementary school and was the Class Leader in 5th grade. Hai Ho placed first in the 1972 Entrance Exam to Petrus-Ky High School, the best high school in Saigon. He was usually in the top 5 in class in grades 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th in Petrus-Ky High School. In 1975, he came to Portland, Oregon and studied at Jefferson High School for grades 10th, 11th, 12th. He was the school photographer and took pictures for the high school newspaper. He graduated from Jefferson High School in 1978 with the School Math Award and the Noon Optimist Club Academic Award. He had Achievement Certificates in Photography and Journalism. He also participated in the High School tennis, swimming and soccer teams for 2 years. He went on to Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon to study Physics and Mathematics. He graduated from OSU with a Bachelor of Science in Physics and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics in 1983, with a GPA of 3.13 . He was a member of the Physics Honor Society Sigma Pi Sigma, OSU Chapter. In 1983, he received a 2-year scholarship in the Air Force Thermionics Engineering and Research Program, which was a co-op program between Industry and the Air Force to produce Microwave Engineers and Scientists. The scholarship gave him a stipend of 15,000 dollars a year with school tuition paid for by the program. He was also employed by Hughes Aircraft Company, Electron Dynamics Division in Torrance, California under the program. Hai Ho studied at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah in the field of Microwave Engineering for 2 years until June 1985. He had a Master of Engineering Degree in Electrical Engineering and was working on his thesis at Hughes Aircraft Company for his Professional Electrical Engineer’s Degree, a type of degree program offered by the University of Utah. Hai Ho completed 90 quarter credit hours of graduate courses with a GPA of 3.56 from September 1983 to June 1985.

We would like to give some information about Hai Ho’s family to readers of this book . His father, while he was living, was a high-rank Government official in South Vietnam, and worked as an accountant specialist for the City of Portland until he retired in 1991. He passed away in California in 1993. His mother is 65 years old and is a famous poet. She won the Republic of Vietnam National Prize for Poetry in 1974.




In July 1985, Hai Ho started hearing voices with his brain and was hospitalized in October 1985 for 2 weeks. He lost his job with Hughes Aircraft Company and stayed home until June 1986 when he was offered employment by Naval Air Rework Facility in Alameda, California. He went to work with NARF as an Electronics Engineer and lived in Oakland, California. He had been hearing voices while he worked at NARF for 5 and a half years but he could do all his work until February 1992, when he heard voices so much that he had to resign from his job to seek more treatment since he felt his brain was very tired and could not do the engineering work. He was an Electronics Engineer, GS 11 Step 2 when he resigned.

Since 7/85 to 2/92 Hai Ho heard a lot of stories which were put into his head or brain by nerve radiation of the Nardians. The voices he heard are sometimes people want to talk to him, sometimes very long stories. But since there were so many people in IvL and they knew that Hai Ho knew Invisible Life well, they wanted to talk to him and give him a lot of stories to give to people on Earth to reveal their Existence. We will write one of these stories in the next chapter. The Story of God (also called the History of the Universe) as told by Invisible Intelligent Life and was given to Hai Ho by his hearing voices or transmitted by nerve radiation to his brain since 7/85 and repeated or carried on many times during these years as if a lot of people in IvL knew and believed in this story. Hai Ho also transmitted a lot of information by giving books, magazines at the NARF library by turning pages, and by collecting and showing all the Vietnamese music videotapes and playing Vietnamese music cassette tapes in his room with windows open. Since 2/92 until 10/94 Hai Ho had been staying home and heard a lot of voices and also suffered very much nerve radiation which made him very tired and could not do anything high level or advanced like writing books. He slept a lot or while awake he felt the nerve radiation on his brain and could not be productive with writing which he tried to do. He can do all the normal but small things like talking, driving, buying things at markets, typing poems for his mother using the PC but could not write this book in this period since there were the Nardians enemies who attacked and controlled him all the time with their spaceships, computers and nerve radiation equipment. It is because the Nardians and many other people in IvL did not want to reveal their Existence and did not want other Earth people to know about them.

Since December 1994, Hai Ho has been feeling much better as he does not suffer nerve radiation from the Nardians any more. Even though he suffered a lot of nerve radiation in the past 9.5 years, he does not feel his brain is damaged and he can talk intelligently with his Grandmother, Mother, and two brothers Cuong Ho and Quang Ho who lived with him. He had been concentrating on writing books about Invisible Life but it could not become a reality until his friends were all united, the Americans, Russians, Chinese, Vietnamese and many other friends in Governments and DoDs of Countries in IvL agree to make it the Invisible Worlds Defense Project. This book will help the IvL Worlds greatly and it comes after 7 months of Hai Ho working with Invisible Life using the Direct Communication Link

which is the transmission of Hai Ho’s pictures to defend him and to help him write the book, to all the Friendly Countries in Invisible Worlds. It is also because now all the Invisible Worlds are ready to meet the Earth People and to bring the Two Civilizations together to meet by introducing themselves through this book. We Invisible People hope that the Earth People will appreciate the information put down in this book and make much effort to contact us by setting up Contact Stations, similar to Hai Ho’s home, with windows open, and posted messages for Invisible Life from the U.S. Government, and a designated person who spaceships can control for conversations to type messages with nerve radiation on fingers.




In this paper, I would like to write about my experience with nerve radiation by the Nardians, when my thoughts, feelings and actions were being controlled by nerve radiation during the past 9.5 years by the Nardians in IvL.

With nerve radiation, there is what is called by IvL a Radiation Thought Wave, or a Radiation Feeling Wave, which is nerve radiation signals generated by advanced IvL computers and beamed to a person’s head or brain to produce the thoughts or the feelings. I have experienced my thoughts being very continuous, one thought after another, and very fast in my mind, and for very long periods of time, perhaps 2 or 3 hours at a time, and I know this is due to the nerve radiation signals generated by the Nardians computers and beamed to my brain in the form of nerve radiation from their spaceships. I have also experienced very strong feelings, whether happy or sad, or feelings of courage or fear, very strongly which I have not experienced before 7/85 or after 12/94. They can also create very special feelings with their computers, using certain signals and waveforms, so that I can feel the feeling of Impermanence, or of Immenseness, or of Eternity (a very long time). The feelings which are related to Space or Time can be created by the Invisible People’s computers and beamed to a person’s head with nerve radiation and radiation transmitters or beamers. I believe normal people do not experience these feelings as they are very special and which only a person who suffers nerve radiation extensively has and other people might not be able to feel without nerve radiation from Invisible Life.

The Nardians IvL could also control my actions. But first they had to control the logic of my mind. It was not because of me that they have to do that but because of many people in IvL who were watching me. It is more natural with people watching that they have to control the mind of the person, leading him into the action with the logic and the feelings. It might also be the rule of their computers to do this so that the computers will be automatic, as they have computers with some kind of advanced artificial intelligence and they only guide the computers in general of what they want the person to do, and they leave the details to the computers. Other friendly people might also record the radiation beamed to the person’s head to know what the computers do or to know what the person is experiencing, or “thinking” or “feeling”, and they can intervene if they do not like the logic or the thoughts or feelings beamed to the person’s head. This were the work of my friends, observation and sometimes tried to interfere if the actions were not preceded by good logic. After they have controlled my mind with logic, by signals from their spaceships and computers, they can control my actions with nerve radiation beamed to all parts of my body, they have very advanced computers which can control the whole body or any section of the body with nerve radiation to move or to act in any way they like, according to the action to be done. The radiation can be at a very strong level, which can control any part of the human being’s nervous system and can make him seem to be very strong as it can control the nerves very strongly, without respect to the muscles. For example, they can control a person to light up a cigarette and smoke. First, they use radiation which can make a person feel like smoking by beaming nerve radiation with a certain waveform on the brain, and next they can control a person to go through the process of taking out a cigarette and light up with a lighter or match, and then smoke. They can control the process with artificial intelligence or a modular program for the action of smoking. Sometimes I have some strange behavior like saying certain words without control of myself and this is because of the nerve radiation used on my vocal cord or control of speech function using nerve radiation by people in Invisible Life.




In this section, we Hai Ho’s friends in IvL, would like to help him to write about why the Nardians, from Planet Nardia in IvL, a very strong country with advanced science and technology and very well-developed economy, or is a wealthy country in IvL, had chosen to attack Hai Ho and make him suffer nerve radiation since July 1985 to December 1994.

The reasons for the Nardians, with support of their Government and DoD and their business people, had chosen Hai Ho to attack and to make him suffer nerve radiation was because of a combination of things, his name, the well-being of his family, his look, his talents, his academic achievements and his social relationships. Also his being a Vietnamese who was lucky enough to escape the Communists in 1975 and his success in the U.S. since he came to this country as we have written in section 1 of this chapter. The name Hai Ho has in Vietnam was Ho Tuan Hai, with the words Ho meaning the Lake, Tuan meaning Men’s Beauty or Handsomeness, and Hai meaning the Sea. When he came to America, his name changed to Hai Ho which in Vietnamese language is a common coined word, the Sea and the Lake, meaning the Spirit of a Traveler, like with the Navy, and this coined word is often used in Vietnamese Poetry and Music to indicate the dreams of traveling in wide space. In English, the word Hai Ho sounds similar to “hi ho” or “heigh ho” in the song “hi ho, hi ho it’s off to work we go” in the fairy tale Snow White and The Seven Dwarves. Hai Ho was noticed by the Nardians who speak English in 1975 when he came to America because of his name, and they found out he was a very good student also. They did not like the name since it is a special name with good and common meanings in both English and Vietnamese and very few Vietnamese have this name, though many of them have the same names very often with other names in Vietnamese language since there are only about 100 last names with a small number of first names in Vietnam. The name Hai Ho attracted a lot of attention of Nardians in connection with the fairy tale story and it is determined to be a kind of psychological warfare as the Nardians found out that they cannot kill Hai Ho by any means, (like using nerve radiation to cause a car accident, which they do very easily with spaceships, computers and nerve radiation control of human nervous system or by causing him to die of brain damage because of radiation), since this would associate a bad meaning with the fairy tale story Snow White and Seven Dwarves for them (they have the same story as on Earth as the Western Worlds in Invisible Life learned from the Western Countries on Earth). So the name Hai Ho is the means of psychological warfare to defend Hai Ho from being killed by the Nardians and they could only make him sick and tortured him by using nerve radiation, which they did from 7/85 to 10/94. Hai Ho’s look is normal and above average for a Vietnamese. For talents, Hai Ho plays the Vietnamese 16-string zither since 12 years old, and he learned to play the piano in university. He plays these two music instruments often and plays well. We have talked about his family already in Section 1. In general, they have always been doing very well with school and with work and no one in his family is sick or suffer any handicap or disability. Hai Ho did very well in school through graduate school. Hai Ho got along well with friends, both men and women in universities and he had two girlfriends during his years in college. In 1985, Hai Ho was completing his graduate study and had job and had money. He had a girlfriend in the East Coast at this time. So, the Nardians, some from business and some from their Government, hated Hai Ho very much for his success and all the reasons above and decided to attack Hai Ho and make him the suffering person of his family. Once they attacked him with nerve radiation to make him hear voices, other people in IvL also made Hai Ho hear voices but gave him knowledge about spaceships, computers, nerve radiation equipment and other things in Invisible Worlds. Though other people in IvL could not help free Hai Ho from Nardians enemies, they spread the news and communicate his suffering to other friendly people and this had eventually helped Hai Ho to fight back strongly with the Communication Strategy and to win the war with the Nardians.




In this section, we would like to write about how Hai Ho, a person on Earth who cannot see the Nardians enemies with very advanced technology, spaceships, computers and nerve radiation equipment and other equipment, could fight back the Nardians enemies after 9.5 years of suffering their nerve radiation. We think it is very difficult for a person on Earth to fight back since he is like a blind person to Invisible Life and can be controlled continuously by nerve radiation not to be able to think or do anything to fight back. The Nardians were very strong and many and with all the advanced equipment, but they were finally defeated by Hai Ho and his friends in IvL in October 1994.

Hai Ho, during the 9.5 years of being radiated and controlled by the Nardians, were known by many people in IvL, especially the Vietnamese overseas in IvL, who had enough resources like spaceships to follow him, and told him about the Invisible Worlds. However, the Nardians controlled his thoughts most of the time and kept their name and identity secret from Hai Ho. His friends could control him, with the Nardians permission, to give a lot of information to Invisible Life, including technical books, fashion magazines in the library. The Vietnamese people in IvL also asked him to give all the Vietnamese music videotapes, and Vietnamese music cassette tapes which were produced by Vietnamese Americans on Earth and were very valuable information to Vietnamese in IvL. This giving music information helped the Vietnamese overseas in IvL to make money. However, they saw that Hai Ho was controlled and fooled by the Nardians who told him false stories, make him have the wrong thoughts or believe in the wrong things for too long, and the Vietnamese in IvL decided to form the Vietnamese Resistance Force Overseas or the YVRF to help Hai Ho to fight against the Nardians. They fought the Nardians in Invisible Worlds by spreading the news of Hai Ho’s suffering caused by Nardians’ nerve radiation but it was not successful since the Nardians were very strong and had the support of their Government and DoD and their businesses. As we said before, it was physically impossible to shield an Earth person from the nerve radiation of enemy spaceships and so the YVRF people could not protect Hai Ho or help him in this respect. They tried to think of strategies to fight the Nardians but they were not successful since the Nardians had many more resources, and very persistent in attacking and controlling Hai Ho. In September 1994 and it was many years before Hai Ho, with the help of the YVRF, thought of the Communication Strategy, using Earth paper and ink which are indestructible to IvL people, and while the YVRF protected Hai Ho and shot down the Nardians’ spaceships to help him to write messages about all the suffering and about the enemies, being the Nardians as his friends let him know, and posted the messages on an outside wall and in a closet with a window open to the outside, for all spaceships who come by to take pictures of. This attracted attention of spaceships of many IvL Countries and they come to Hai Ho’s home to take pictures of the messages, or reports, which were first written by hand and later by using the PC. Hai Ho and the YVRF also wrote the Announcement which gave the USA Information Resources to Russia, China, and Vietnam in IvL to ask them to help defend him from the Nardians. Hai Ho also asked the UFARCV to distribute all information taken from the USA to all the Countries in IvL and this has helped him to make friends everywhere in IvL and so the Nardians and their allies were isolated. They could attack Hai Ho with nerve radiation any time when he is alone, relative to IvL people, but Hai Ho’s friends put him on the Communication Link to watch him all the time now and so the Nardians could not attack any more. The Friendly Countries put pressure on the Nardians very much by using international pressure like economic embargo and even bombings on the Nardians to protect Hai Ho from Nardians’ nerve radiation since they tried to do that secretly sometimes, but Hai Ho can type messages or speak to his friends by voice to let them know. This has been successful in the last 7 months and Hai Ho is now free from his enemies.





The following poems came from Hai Ho’s hearing voices from IvL people and were in Vietnamese language and followed the rules of Vietnamese poetry. Though they would be appreciated more by Vietnamese-speaking people, they are translated here for the English-

speaking readers of this book to know the meanings of these poems which came from Invisible Life.

DDa.o trong DDo*`i, Go^'c la` Ta^m
Co^.i ta^m dda.o ha.nh, ke^'t nha^n phuo*'c la`nh
Nga`n na(m ma^y tra('ng xa^y tha`nh
Co~i Nha^n Gian, Co~i Vo^ Hi`nh ta^'c gang ...

which can be translated into the following :

The Way in Life, the Root is the Soul
The Tree of Soul follows the Virtues of the Way, will bear the Seeds of Good Luck
For thousands of years, white clouds build the walls
But the Realm of Earth People and Realm of Invisible People are very close to each other.

And the second poem :


DDo^ng ve^` no*? ca'nh Hoa`ng Hoa
Tuo*i ma^`u Ca DDa.o be^n To`a Kinh Thu*
Lie^~u va`ng ru~ ne't u*u tu*
Co? xanh y' nho*' nhu* cho*` xua^n sang
Chie^`u ve^` tre^n ma'i thanh trang
Gio' buo^`n man ma'c kho'i ngang lu*ng tro*`i
Y' ddo*`i sao ma~i cho*i vo*i
Lo`ng ddo*`i ma~i cha(?ng tha?nh tho*i kie^'p tra^`n
Thoa'ng ve^` A'nh DDa.o phu` va^n
Tha^'m sa^u ho^`n va('ng nghe va^`n huye^`n vi
Nghie^ng dda^`u nhu? la' Kim Chi
Ti`nh buo^`n xin tra? nhu*~ng vi` sao xa ...

which can be translated into the following :


Winter comes, the petals of Yellow Flower blooming
Brightly shining Buddha’s statue by the Temple of Books
Yellow willow showing signs of reflecting thoughts
Grass is green like thoughts of waiting for Spring to come

Evening comes on the roof of the beautiful home
Sad winds are touching the soul, kitchen smoke across the sky
Why Thoughts of Life are always undetermined
Feelings of Life not relaxing in the Life on Earth

Fleetingly comes Light of the Way in floating clouds
Deeply sink in Solitary Soul the rhymes of Invisible Magic
Standing closely by the leaves of Golden Branch and speak
The Sad Love should be returned to many faraway stars.



In this section, we will write about The Story of God, or the History of the Universe, by which we mean The History of Civilizations and not of the physical universe, as nobody, even God, created the universe but it came into being by itself. Many people in IvL know this story and told Hai Ho in the past while he suffered hearing voices caused by nerve radiation of the Nardians and other IvL people.

In Vietnam in IvL, this story which happened in Invisible Life is also called the Story of Thanh Tam, Bach Thao, Hoang Lan, My Linh. Thanh Tam means the Solid Soul or the Earnest Soul, Bach Thao means the White Plant, Hoang Lan means the Yellow Orchid, and My Linh means the Beautiful Soul. In the Past in Invisible Worlds faraway in this Galaxy, there were very many dictators or leaders who rose to power using brute force and violent means, and by using advanced technological equipment, and whoever they hated they could kill openly or tortured with nerve radiation or other kinds of radiation to make the person sick and suffer. There was a small and poor country in which people who were born here were often handsome and intelligent and studied very well in school. Many people in this country suffered mental illness and sometimes a very good student became sick because of unknown condition with his brain. People in this country knew many stories of these students who became sick and eventually died because of the strange sickness, and this happened for many generations. People of this country eventually suspected the sickness and murders of these very good men by the wicked dictators who also lived very long using special radiation to keep their health at very high level and aging to a minimum. They did not die and kept harming the people of the small country generation after generation by using undetected spaceships with computers and nerve radiation equipment to make the students sick and unable to think well. The people of this country formed the Universal Resistance Force to help free the sick students by detecting enemy spaceships and by shooting them down, and there were many battles over a very long period of time. In a certain generation, there was a very good student named Thanh Tam (The Earnest Soul) and he became sick because of nerve radiation from the dictators of other countries, he was noticed by the dictators and from then on he was constantly followed by spaceships in the sky who beamed radiation to his head to control or to make him suffer all the time for many years. Thanh Tam had a younger sister named My Linh (The Beautiful Soul) who was very beautiful and loved his brother very much. She knew of the enemies and tried to save his brother from suffering so much because of radiation. (Suffering radiation was one of the worst kinds of suffering as the person could not feel well at any time because of bad radiation on his brain, he could not control his thoughts or feelings or actions, and the actual suffering time is much more than the “radiation time” due to the frequencies or amplitudes of radiation. A person could have very many thoughts or very much brain activity in a short time. He could suffer very much in a short time just as we can cook food in the microwave oven in a short time. So Time is changed when we talk about radiation. The actual time is measured by the number of thoughts or feelings or signals beamed to the brain and not by the usual time of normal people whose brains function more slowly and normally. Suffering radiation could be very painful as the frequencies or amplitudes of the radiation could be very high and cause pains in the nerves repeatedly very many times in a short real time). My Linh got help from the Universal Resistance Force or the URF in her country but could not free her brother from the enemies. She traveled to many places and told all the people she met about her brother’s suffering to get help but no one could fight the very strong and wicked dictators, who were number one or number two in power of the Galaxy. My Linh used this Communication Strategy, telling her brother’s story by words of mouth and since she was very beautiful,


people listened to her and sympathized with her very much and did what they could to help, usually by telling the story to other people. My Linh was very sad over her brother’s condition, he was a very good person and a very good student before, but he was abnormal now and could not relate to other people. Her brother was quiet all the time and seemed to be lost in thoughts for many hours at a time. He lied down often and motionless for long periods of time. He did not do the things he often did before, talked to people or played music, or studied hard with his books. He seemed to hear voices and told her about the enemies, spaceships with computers and nerve radiation to make him hear voices or felt pain with his brain. He told her he could not control his thoughts or feelings and kept thinking all the time or was very depressed at times. My Linh loved her brother very much and she did all she could to help, praying to Higher Beings and talking to people to get help for her brother. But there was no help from Higher Beings as the wicked dictators were the strongest people of the Galaxy. My Linh was very sad and cried often and prayed more. People who saw her concern and tears for her brother felt sad also and joined the Universal Resistance Force to fight and to shoot down enemies’ spaceships more and more. This angered the dictators of other countries and the Number One decided to kill My Linh. He ordered spaceships to shoot her in the brain and she died while fighting for her brother by telling about his misery and suffering for too long a time. People of the small country worshipped her and hated the enemies and Number One very much and joined the URF more and were finally able to shoot down all the enemies spaceships and helped Thanh Tam to get away quickly. Thanh Tam and some of his friends went to a very faraway world to hide from Number One. He and his friends used spaceships and computers and nerve radiation equipment to help him to make friends with the people of this world. He and his friends got jobs and worked with these people and rose to higher ranks in their government. Bach Thao, who was a girl, was another friend of Thanh Tam and had tried to help him while he was suffering enemies’ nerve radiation. She was very interested in Thanh Tam’s condition since she knew him before he was sick. She came to see and talked to him every day while he was sick and tried to console him or tried to help him with the daily things of life like cooking meals and washing clothes. She was very pretty and was like Thanh Tam’s girlfriend before he was sick and she still loved him. Number One and other enemies hated her also and made her sick with radiation. They finally let her died with the sickness in her brain caused by radiation as she was a girl and much weaker than a man and could not suffer too much radiation. Hoang Lan (the Yellow Orchid) was a fighting friend of Thanh Tam. She knew Thanh Tam as he was running away from the enemies and met him when he and his friends knocked on her door and asked to stay at her home. He told her his story of suffering and fighting the enemies and she came with him to run away as she was alone and her only relatives, her parents had died. Hoang Lan cooked and took care of small things for Thanh Tam while he was fighting the enemies on the run. She suffered with him all the dangers of bullets and missiles shooting at them while in spaceship and during the enemies’ chase while they ran away. They, Thanh Tam and Hoang Lan and a few of his friends finally reached the very faraway planet where they took refuge and found work. After rising to high rank and having a lot of money, Thanh Tam spent all the money on developing very advanced technology for spaceships and radiation equipment and weapons. Later, his spaceships could not be seen (it is like a higher-order invisibility) or detected by enemies’ radars and they had very powerful radiation weapons to beam through many ceilings or levels of buildings and they had very advanced radars to look and see through walls or ceilings to detect the metal of enemies’ equipment. Then Thanh Tam left his wife, Hoang Lan, and went back to the old Galaxy to fight Number One and other wicked dictators. He destroyed enemies’s spaceships easily as he could not be seen well or detected by their radars. He killed all the wicked dictators with powerful radiation weapons beaming radiation to their brains through ceilings.


He was finally able to kill Number One after very much difficulty since he was very advanced technologically and fought back. But Thanh Tam was very determined to take revenge for his sister My Linh and his girlfriend Bach Thao so he took a lot of risk and came down to enemies’ building very closely and with all the power of his radiation weapon, he destroyed the enemies’s building and Number One himself after guessing where he would be by locating the communication equipment. The Galaxy was then peaceful and Thanh Tam used his spaceships, and advanced computers and nerve radiation equipment to help the Worlds of the Galaxy. He created Democracies (by putting ideas in people’s minds) which he knew would not harm people like the very wicked dictators. The dictators did not just kill people with spaceships and radiation and guns and bullets but they took enjoyment in torturing and controlling people with radiation for very long periods of time. The people who suffered radiation could not live normally but could not die. The enemies control these people and did not allow them to commit suicide successfully. They only wanted people to suffer while they enjoyed themselves and took fun in the misery they created. Thanh Tam knew of the radiation suffering himself very much and so he was determined never to let it happen for too long again. This was why he created Democracy and Religions to help people of a planet to love each other and to help each other in case of enemies using nerve radiation to harm people. He knew he could not prevent deaths or average level of suffering since life was difficult and there was always wars and sometimes people hated people. By people’s nature and conditions of societies, people naturally suffered a little, like sickness or poverty very commonly and Thanh Tam knew he could not prevent these things but only wanted to prevent the excessive suffering caused by nerve radiation of wicked people for a very long time. Death by bullets was just a very strong brain shock but did not last long. Death by sickness or natural causes was a slow reduction and stop of the function of the brain and nervous system and did not last seemingly forever like with nerve radiation which could be continuous and very fast and actual amount of suffering was very much. Thanh Tam who was the Highest Person in Power at that time, meditated for a long time, and became determined to prevent any excessive suffering and misery caused by radiation of any wicked people in the Galaxy and he came to the solution through the creation of Democracy System and Religions. Thanh Tam became the Father of the Universe as he destroyed the old systems and created the new civilizations for the Galaxy. He learned the Lesson of Time, suffering caused by radiation for very long periods of time caused by wicked people. The old system of dictators, which had lasted a very long time and caused very much misery and extreme suffering by radiation torture of weaker people was then destroyed. This is the History of the Universe or the History of Civilizations in Invisible Worlds. Thanh Tam then developed Advanced Automatic Computers and Robots with the New Logic, Christianity or Buddhism which he created, to prevent excessive suffering in the Worlds with living people. He sent the Automatic Spaceships with Advanced Computers to detect all the Worlds with living people and to bring Democracy Concept and Religions to these Worlds. For Earth, he brought Democracy to Greece, which later spread out to other countries. His Spaceships and People also brought the Major Religions, Christianity 1995 years ago and Buddhism 2539 years ago to the Western and Eastern Cultures to help people to learn live in Love and to reduce crimes and violence in societies. They helped Earth People to think about the Invisible Realm or Invisible Worlds also, which are Heaven and Nirvana in these Religions. Now that almost 2,000 years have passed since the Creation of Christianity, we now come back to the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life in Outer Space close to Earth as Worlds of Heaven and Nirvana and this book was created to present Invisible People Civilization to the People of Earth to celebrate the year 2,000 and to establish contact with Earth People in Peace and Love and in the Name of God who lives in an Invisible World very faraway.



An important Statement of Truth or Statement of Determination which the Invisible People had learned from their Religions in Invisible Worlds and put into Hai Ho’s mind during the years he suffered nerve radiation and hearing voices is as follows :

Everything is Impermanent. Only The Way, The People and The Souls exist forever.”

We know that everything will decay or deteriorate with time. With a long enough time, everything will be or can be changed by some force, whether physically or by people. Things or objects will decay naturally or can be destroyed by people when they are very old. People do not like too old things. People themselves live and will die some day. A country changes with time, politically and economically. The World of Earth itself has changed very much with time as Earth People make more progress as time passes, and we all know History of Earth changes as people make discoveries and inventions and produce things for other people. The Sun is burning itself out and will die, though billions of years from now. The Universe is expanding and the Galaxies are moving away from each other. In general, we can see and believe that everything is impermanent with a long enough time. But the Statement above states that The Way, which is The Truth, or the Combined Knowledge of all the People, considering the Most Important Knowledge first such as Religions, or Advanced Science and Technology and Cultures. All the Important Knowledge are combined to make The Way or The Knowledge of The Way and this is mostly The Knowledge in Religions and in Science and Technology. The Knowledge in Religions help people to have feelings of Peace, Hope, and Love for other people while the Knowledge in Science and Technology help them to have the means to do things like defending other people or creating things for other people, in order to achieve Peace or to live with each other in Hope and Love. The above Statement says that The People (by which it means the People of Matter Planets such as Earth, also called the Matter People since Earth Matter is much heavier and tougher than Invisible Matter in Outer Space) and The Souls (by which it means Invisible Intelligent Life, also called Worlds of Souls by themselves, and a person in Invisible World is called a Soul)
will exist forever as both kinds of People are living beings and are determined to exist as long as possible. It is very important to exist as long as possible to protect and carry on the developed knowledge or The Way, whose knowledge in Religions are most useful in preventing excessive suffering or extreme misery for people of Earth or of Invisible Worlds. We have learned The Lesson of Time, the extreme suffering caused by radiation of people in the Past of the Galaxy for very long periods of time and which became very sad stories for people who know, especially The Higher Beings living faraway in Invisible Worlds. They want to prevent these stories as it was very difficult for Thanh Tam, the Earnest Soul to succeed in defeating the enemies. It only happened after a very long period of time in History of the Galaxy, perhaps very many thousands of years. Thanh Tam, a Person with Love and Knowledge and Courage to help all the Invisible Worlds and Matter Planets only came as an Accident of the Universe since it was very difficult for a few people to fight against very strong and powerful enemies with all the resources like Thanh Tam did. The Universal Resistance Force had failed to defeat the enemies for many generations since the power of science and technology coupled with wickedness or cruelty was very difficult to defeat. Thanh Tam and his friends defeated all the wicked dictators and helped all the Worlds with living people since then. He had helped the Earth with Christianity and Buddhism and the Concept of Democracy and we, The People and The Souls need to exist forever to carry on this important knowledge which is to prevent extreme misery or excessive suffering.




The following is an example of Conversations between Invisible Life and Hai Ho, using an IBM compatible, 486 Intel microprocessor, and Microsoft Word, version 6.0. The typing is usually done with Times New Roman font, 12 points, capitalized, bold and italic to make it easier for Invisible People to transmit on the Direct Communication Link. The writing is reduced to 9 points font, capitalized, bold and italic at the end of the conversation for printing out with an HP Laserjet 4L printer and saved for evidences of working with Invisible Life. Hai Ho has talked with Invisible Life in about 400 pages in the last 6 months. The file number starts with CO for conversation, 5 for the year 1995, 05 for month of May, 23 for the date and 1 for file number 1 and DOC for document.

FILE : CO505231.DOC TUESDAY 05/23/95 6:00 PM




10 năm


We Hai Ho’s friends in Invisible Life would like to make a few remarks for the Book Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life and Civilization. This Book is our Presentation of Our Existence and Civilization in Outer Space close to Planet Earth to the Governments of Earth, especially the U.S. Government. As a weaker Civilization, we have two requests to make and those are as in the following. First, we Invisible People Civilization in Invisible Worlds close to Earth would like to request the U.S. Government and Department of Defense not to use or test lasers into Outer Space since we live out here, and not to send high-altitude satellites or spacecrafts or space probes through our space which is close to Earth, about 700 miles of Earth scale and beyond. The lasers, satellites and spacecrafts can destroy Our Worlds by their energy or collisions since Earth matter is much tougher than our invisible matter. If the Earth People continue to send satellites or spacecrafts through our space, we will have to try to destroy them by causing malfunctioning of electronics equipment in the spacecrafts or satellites by using different kinds of radiation at very strong power level. We believe that the Mars Observer spacecraft could have been destroyed by Invisible People living close to Mars using very strong radiation to disable sensitive electronics equipment in the spacecraft, since the spacecraft presented dangers of collision with their planets. We do not know for sure, but this is a very possible assumption since there are very many invisible worlds in space between Earth and Mars. Secondly, we would like to request the U.S. Government to try to communicate with us whether they do or do not believe we exist. The Government can do this by obtaining more evidences from Hai Ho and by working with Hai Ho more closely if they like. The Government can send letters or messages to Hai Ho and we will help him to answer or reply to your letters. We would like to see the U.S. Government set up Contact Stations to communicate with us, by posting letters or messages written to us in a room with windows open to the outside for spaceships to come in and out to take pictures of . The Government can also designate a person who knows us well by reading this book and is ready to work with us by our using nerve radiation to control him to type on a PC to communicate messages by words this way. We would also like to see the U.S. Government funds scientific research on Invisible Intelligent Life and so researchers can study theories of invisible matter in Outer Space and try to develop equipment to be able to detect us or see us clearly. We hereby give permission and request the U.S. Government to do this to establish communication with us in the future. As of now, the only way for us to communicate with Earth People is through using nerve radiation to control an Earth person’s fingers to write on paper or to type on a computer. We will show Earth Light Radiating Spaceships to the U.S. Government for you to have more evidence to believe in Our Existence at a convenient time or when you are ready with a Contact Station. We are working on the technology to project pictures on Earth walls using Earth light but we do not know how successful this can be. This would be much more efficient for communication between us but we do not have this ability now and since the dangers of lasers, satellites and spacecrafts are imminent to us, we have to present ourselves to you through this book now. We hope that after reading this book and examining carefully the ideas and logic presented in this book, the U.S. Government will come to the conclusion that we really exist and save us from the lasers, satellites and spacecrafts and work toward establishing more communication with us, either through contacts with Hai Ho or designating a person for contact. We hope that we will be able to communicate much more fully when the Two Civilizations can both see each other clearly, or when the Earth People have means to see the Invisible Worlds and Invisible People. We believe with the advanced scientific and technological level the U.S. has, it will not be too difficult for them to do this in the future. By then, we will be able to exchange information in Spirit of Friendship and Peace and Love.





In this section, we Friends of Hai Ho in Invisible Life, the UFARCV, would like to help Hai Ho to write about the condition of Invisible Worlds as of now, June 21st, 1995 after 9 months of Open Information Resources and after 7 months of working with Hai Ho.

We are doing much better now than before in all aspects after Hai Ho gave the Information Resources of the USA to Russia, China, Vietnam in IvL and recommend them to distribute the information for a small price to all Invisible Worlds. This has opened a very big, efficient Information Flow from the American and Russian Foreign Information Offices to all the Invisible Worlds. All the Worlds buy information through America IvL and Russia IvL. The information is collected by American, Russian, Chinese and Vietnamese spaceships which go to the USA and is put up for sale to the Governments of all the Worlds. There is very much information collected and of all kinds, scientific, technical, fashion, Government and other fields. The information all the Invisible Worlds are most interested in is the technical or scientific information which is videotapes taken from the USA Industry Companies and Government. All the Countries in Invisible Worlds want to advance their level of scientific and technological advancement and they all buy information from America and Russia, and they all use the information to educate their people to build advanced technological equipment to help them do their work. In the past 9 months, we have seen all Invisible Worlds up here advance very rapidly and peacefully, as they all have much more resources now and so many of the old wars vanished, as Countries know they can make use of the newly Opened Information Resources and advance their Peoples without having to go to war over a small piece of land or a small conflict of interest. The Information Resources, videotapes and pictures, have been very helpful to all the Countries, including America, Russia, China and Vietnam in IvL. All the Countries have built agricultural equipment, based on the information taken from the USA and this has helped producing food to a much higher level, and so poor people do not go hungry any more. These machines are also sold from America IvL and Russia IvL to all other Countries to help them produce more food. The more advanced Countries bought information in other fields also, such as communication or computers and try to build up industries making these equipment. They have been very successful as there is a continuous supply of information every day from the USA as spaceships go down to the USA from Monday to Friday to take information and to bring back to the American and Russian Foreign Information Offices for distribution to all the Worlds who are interested. So all the Countries up here have more and more of their population educated and know about the Power of Science and Technology and they go into these fields to study and to build machines for their Countries. The people have become a skilled and well-trained workforce and have helped build their Countries’ wealth. There is much more Peace up here now since Hai Ho works with us, and People find out there can be a Person of another Species who loves us so much he would help us very much like Hai Ho. People do not fight each other much any more and turn to be friends and help each other. The result is Peace and with the Open Information Flow, we have also achieved very much Progress in the past 9 months of Earth’s time. We have created Libraries of Earth Knowledge in each Country and we collect all the Earth Information to save in these Libraries for the public to use. This has helped increase the level of knowledge the average citizen of a Country has very much and they also know about the Existence of Planet Earth, a Planet of over 200 Countries, with very big differences between the Countries. But many of us now know that the United States of America is the Most Advanced Country on Earth and we all want to model Our Country after the USA. We are all trying to build Our Countries like in the USA and we have achieved very much Progress in this goal as we can obtain any


and all the information from the USA for us to copy and to follow. We want Our People to be as happy as Hai Ho’s brothers or sisters who live in the USA. We want Our People to have work to do, or to have welfare or disability. We want to create a Perfect Nation or Country like the USA and we can definitely do this since we can obtain all the information from the USA and do not have to develop the information ourselves. Information is vitally important to us and it saves us very much work for Our People. We collect all the information from the USA and put in the Libraries of Earth Knowledge in each Country in Invisible Life for everyone up here to read and to raise their personal knowledge and so he or she is able to help his or her Country more.

Now that many Countries have improved their economic condition, people in the Countries have work to do or go to school to learn more about technical things and the life condition of the People in all Invisible Countries has been much better. People have more time to relax and enjoy themselves. Younger people have work and money and so their social or love life has been better. There are many happy marriages recently, and people are educated not to give birth to more than three children. The People all know Hai Ho is the driving force behind many of the changes up here. Since he has given the USA Information Resources to Russia, China and Vietnam in IvL in addition to America IvL and recommend distribution of this information resources to all the Invisible Countries, this has created the changes in all the Countries. The Peoples of all the Invisible Worlds know Hai Ho and are grateful to him for his work with Invisible Life. Most of the People in Invisible Worlds are now happy since they have enough work and money, and can support their family. They also try to educate themselves more through reading of technical materials in their fields at the Libraries of Earth Knowledge so they will be more competent in their work. The Peoples of America, Russia, China, Vietnam in IvL are doing much better now since they share the money which comes from the selling of the Information Resources of the USA to the Invisible Worlds. America IvL has always been the most advanced country up here since they have had access to the USA Information Resources for a longer period of time. Russia IvL is catching up as Russia is concentrating on developing a technological base for Industries and funding scientific research and try to compete with America IvL. China IvL is still a Communist Country but it has changed very much and is slowly converting to Democracy since Hai Ho gave the USA Information Land to China. China IvL is building more and more equipment as it has all the information or technologies to do so. Vietnam IvL is doing well as it gets a lot of economic help from many allied Countries since Hai Ho is a Vietnamese American. Vietnam IvL is trying to improve its technological abilities to produce simple machines and is working closely with other Countries, especially Russia IvL which helps Vietnam very much. All the Countries up here love Hai Ho very much and consider him a Hero who has come to help them from the depth of economic failures and poverty to the very much improved condition they have today. The Countries are much wealthier now with the building of more and more machines with every day passing. The People in Invisible Life are now happy and contented and work on more advanced things. We like to work with Hai Ho by having conversations with him through controlled typing by nerve radiation.

As relating to the USA, Hai Ho has sent the books to the US Government and NASA and he has gotten a letter from President Bill Clinton thanking him for the book. We hope NASA Headquarters in Washington D.C. will decide to set up a Contact Station with open windows and posted messages or letters written to Invisible Intelligent Life, and to designate a couple persons who know us well by reading this book and for us to control their fingers with nerve radiation from our spaceships to type our messages to the US Government like we do with Hai Ho. It does not cost much and it will help NASA and the USA to discover Invisible Intelligent Life and to establish communication with us. This will be the beginning of the Meeting of Two Civilizations in The Spirit of Peace, Friendship and Love as we prepare for celebration of 2,000 years of Christianity on Earth. Thank you for your reading.




In this section, we, Friends of Hai Ho in Invisible Life, would like to help him to write about Earth Light Radiating or ELR spaceships of Invisible Life. These spaceships can radiate light like on Earth and human beings can see the spaceships with their eyes.

Hai Ho had been able to see Earth Light Radiating spaceships three times. The first time was in October 1987 at his home in Oakland, California when Hai Ho saw a round spaceship radiating red color light for about 1 minute and was about 3 feet away from him. The second time was in September 1991 at the Naval Aviation Depot, Alameda, California when Hai Ho saw a rectangular spaceship flying along with him at about his knee level when he walked to another building. The spaceship showed itself by radiating light-violet color for about five minutes during the walk inside and outside buildings. The third time was in May 1995 at his home in Portland, Oregon when Hai Ho was lying in his bed and look up the ceiling and saw two spaceships radiating dark red color and flying under the ceiling in his room. The spaceships showed themselves for about 4 minutes.

A few Countries in Invisible Intelligent Life have been able to develop the Earth Light Radiating Spaceships Technology in order to use for their military purposes and also to show to the Earth People in case they need to prove the Existence of Invisible Life. These Countries are the Nardians, Americans IvL, Russians IvL with the Americans being most advanced in their technology but they rarely show the spaceships since many other Countries up here oppose the showing of these spaceships to Earth People in fear of the impression of invasion of Earth’s space and since a few Countries still oppose the revelation of the Invisible People Civilization to Earth People. The Nardians IvL showed Hai Ho ELR spaceship the first time he saw it. The Americans IvL showed Hai Ho ELR spaceship the second time he saw it and the Russians IvL showed Hai Ho ELR spaceships the third time he saw them. It is a very good experience for me to see Earth Light Radiating Spaceships since I work with Invisible Life very much through conversations, writing books, turning pages of books and magazines, (with my fingers controlled or helped by nerve radiation from spaceships) but I have not been able to see anything from them for a long time. So whenever I see them show ELR spaceships, this is an indication they are feeling very comfortable with me and trust me as a close and good friend and this makes me happy.

The technology of Earth Light Radiation used for spaceships is relatively simple but not discovered until recently. There is a compound similar to a special kind of aluminum on Earth in Invisible Life which when passing electricity through can radiate Earth Light with usually red color. The spaceships which can radiate Earth Light is made of this special aluminum of Invisible Life, and connected to power supplies. When the electricity is passed through, they radiate red color or light-violet Earth light and the human beings can see them. Invisible People have not shown these spaceships to Earth People in public, but only to a few individuals on Earth like Hai Ho. This special aluminum was developed in the laboratory and used to build a few spaceships for the military as Earth Light can pass through other spaceships and can be seen with Earth Optics Cameras a far distance from the source. These spaceships are used as Command Spaceships. They were also developed since the Invisible People would like to reveal their Existence to Earth People and this is the only way they can show themselves. But they have not used it very much since they could not get the consent of other Countries in Invisible Life for them to show these spaceships. Other Countries believe in remaining secret or not proved to exist since they want more freedom to take information from the Earth. These spaceships can be used in the future by Americans and Russians in IvL to prove the Existence of Invisible People Civilization to Earth People and some day we can all see them when the Two Civilizations acknowledge each other’s Existence and work together closely toward establishing more Communication and Information Exchange.




In this section, we, Friends of Hai Ho in Invisible Life, would like to help him to write about the Worlds in Invisible Life, especially America, Russia, China and Vietnam in IvL.

We would like to note that all the Worlds in Invisible Life are very similar to the corresponding Countries on Earth which are their Information Land, since they take information from the corresponding Countries on Earth and use it in developing their Worlds and cultures. In this respect, the Worlds in Invisible Life try to be the same as the Country on Earth. They try to maintain about the same level of population which can be supported by the amount of information taken from the Country on Earth. The cultures are very similar to cultures on Earth since they use the same languages and customs which they take from Earth. This means that all the Countries in Invisible Life such as America, Russia, China, Vietnam, England, France, Italy, Israel, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, and so on are very similar in their cultures and level of scientific advancement as the Countries on Earth. By learning about Countries on Earth, we can know approximately the conditions and nature of corresponding Countries in Invisible Life. The only difference is the level of population, and the size of the Worlds and that these Countries exist in Outer Space of Earth in Invisible Worlds. We can give you certain facts such as the population, but not the size of the Countries, and the lengths of their history have been given in the First Chapter of the book.

First, we will discuss America in Invisible Life. America IvL is a very big world, with advanced science and technology and a very well-developed economy since it takes very much advanced information from the USA for a long time already. America IvL used to be the only Country in IvL which can take information from the USA and to use in its Country up here. America IvL has a lot of spaceships which come to the USA to take information. The Information Business is not regulated by the Government but it is done mostly by businesses. Each business in America IvL is assigned a business in the USA and it sends spaceships down there to take information often. So there is a big demand for people who work in the occupation of photographers or videocameramen. This way, all the businesses in the USA are assigned to all the businesses in America IvL by the Government and there is an efficient process of taking information. America IvL is very wealthy and very rich, and it helps other Countries in Invisible Life also just like the USA helps other Countries on Earth. America IvL is friends to Hai Ho, but it was not able to protect him from the Nardians since the enemies were advanced also and strong. But now with the help and cooperation of Russia, China, and Vietnam IvL, America IvL is also able to defend and protect Hai Ho from the enemies. The population of America IvL is about 360 millions. America IvL also has small Armed Forces with highly advanced technological weapons but like the USA, it is not involved in many wars since it is so big and advanced and other Countries do not have conflicts with America IvL. Its people live well like in the USA, with welfare and disability for people who cannot go to work. Its systems are modeled after the USA with all the information and the influence of information taken from the USA. So in short, we can conclude that America IvL is very similar to the USA and has a higher population and it is doing very well modeling after the USA and has access to all the information of the USA for all of US history which is about 200 years on Earth or 600 years in IvL time.

Second, we would like to discuss Russia in Invisible Life. Russia IvL is also a very big world, like the Russian Country on Earth which is big compared to other Countries. Russia IvL has a population of 420 million people. It is relatively poor until recently compared to America IvL and other Western Countries in IvL such as England, France, Germany since it was also under the Communist regime like on Earth until 1988.

Now it is a Democracy and since Hai Ho gave the Information Resources of the USA to Russia, China, and Vietnam, it has been doing very well and improving rapidly. We cannot underestimate or under-emphasize the importance of information. The Information Business


in Russia is organized by the Government and it sends very many spaceships, about 30,000 spaceships every day to the USA to take information every day from Monday to Friday in Industry Companies and in the Government. The information is then duplicated and sold to other Countries in IvL who are interested. Since October 1994 when Hai Ho wrote the Formal and Official Announcement giving the USA Information Resources to Russia, it has accumulated very much information from the USA and has used it very efficiently. Russia IvL has been developing industries to build all kinds of machines, from technologically simple machines such as agricultural equipment to advanced machines like computers and so overall, it is doing very well. The Force of Information Resources is very strong and can change the condition of a world rapidly and bring it up from economic failure to success. Now Russia IvL is strong and rapidly improving and it is modeling itself after the USA like America IvL. It is not yet as rich and wealthy as America IvL but since it is changing quickly, the wealth of the Country is accumulating and its people are much happier now than a year ago. Russia IvL has big Armed Forces which is left from the Communist regime and relatively advanced weapons technology. But it currently does not have any conflict with other Countries and it is a peaceful time up here, everyone is concentrating on using all the information available to build better worlds for their Countries. Russia really likes Hai Ho very much since he has helped them greatly with the assignment of Information Resources and also his giving information personally, like turning pages of books and magazines at the library, or leaving the TV on all day, or showing videotape films occasionally with the windows open for spaceships to come in and out to take information. All the people of Russia know Hai Ho now and they consider him like a Brother who has helped them very much. They are working hard also to improve their lives and to build their Countries to be like America IvL.

Currently, there is only a simple disability program with no welfare program yet, with minimum financial amount of support. But as Russia IvL is getting wealthier, it might develop these programs soon to help its people.

Third, we would like to discuss China in Invisible Life. Like its corresponding Country on Earth, China Mainland, China IvL is still a Communist Country as the influence of the Country on Earth is very great to the people in Invisible Life. China IvL is a very poor Country as people do not have the freedom to utilize their personal skills and initiative to a big extent. It is mainly an agricultural state with still a very high percentage of population working in farms. But since Hai Ho gave the USA Information Land to China, it has taken a lot of information from the USA and tries to build more and more machines to help it to be more efficient in the productions of food and goods. It is trying to be more advanced at the same time by looking into more advanced scientific fields like communication and computers. It is building more roads, bridges and cars for people. China is relatively slow in progressing since it is a Communist Country and there is not much freedom and the information is not distributed widely. There is hope that China IvL will change its system to Democracy now that there are many movements in China to change its political system to take full advantage of the Information Resources of the USA, but the tight grip of the Communist system is holding on. Not many people in China IvL know of Hai Ho and his assignment of the USA to the Chinese Government. Only the Government is taking advantage of the offer and sends its military spaceships to the USA to take information. They are also expanding the number of spaceships by hiring more civilians to take information for them. They also buy information through the American and Russian Foreign Information Offices. China IvL is developing slowly and improving all the time as there is a constant inflow of information from the USA to help them do any kind of work, to build industries, or to affect ideas in the Government.. It is allowing some amount of free enterprise like China on Earth, but there are still many state-controlled businesses and this causes them not to be efficient enough and people’s motivation is lower than in free enterprise. China IvL population is about 800 millions, lower


than on Earth since their world is not big enough to support too high a population and they have to try very hard to keep the population to this level. China IvL has very big Armed Forces with a large number of people but the weapons technology level is not as advanced as in America IvL, or Russia IvL, or other Western Countries in Invisible Life. Now that China IvL has a lot of information from the USA, it is improving though slowly, and its people are doing better in the last year with a constant influx of information to help them build machines which in turn helps them do the work more efficiently. The Government of China IvL considers Hai Ho to be a very good friend of theirs and they sometimes talk to Hai Ho but not much as they are still Communists and they do not feel well talking to him, but they feel indebted to Hai Ho for the assignment of the USA Information Resources to them.

Last, we would like to discuss Vietnam in Invisible Life. Vietnam IvL is a small world with a population of 120 millions and had been a poor Country until Hai Ho gave the Information Resources of the USA to Vietnam and worked with all the Countries up here. Since Hai Ho is a Vietnamese American, many Countries like to help Vietnam with economic aid and technical aid. Vietnam has collected all the information from the USA to put in its Country’s Library of Earth Knowledge in the Capital city. It is a Democracy now after a period of Communism until 1990, after which it changed with the influence from Russia IvL stronger than from China IvL. Vietnam is located closer to Russia than to China and farther from America IvL. Vietnam gets a lot of help from its Russian friends who now help them with technological knowledge to build more machines to help its people to do the work more efficiently. Vietnam also shares in the money which Russian Government obtains by selling the information from the USA so it is doing much better now than one year ago. The people of Vietnam has more money now and poverty is yielding its places to rapid-growth development. Vietnam is building more roads, bridges with the number of cars increasing all the time. Many agricultural equipment have been built and bought from other Countries to help Vietnam to do farming. Vietnamese students are learning everything from English to the study of computers to help their Countries to develop its technological base for industries. Vietnamese people work hard and they have made very much progress in the past year with a constant influx of information from the USA. They have much more freedom than in China, and they are using it well by printing and distributing all the information from the USA. There used to be some Communist Resistance in the past, but since Hai Ho works with Vietnam often by talking to them using the IBM personal computer and post the messages outside for spaceships to take pictures of, and giving a lot of information himself to Vietnam, the Vietnamese have all decided to live in freedom and abandon all the Communist ideology.

All the Vietnamese people know Hai Ho on Earth now through the news in newspapers or on radios and television. They all like Hai Ho very much for his help and consider him a Brother of theirs and they like to talk to him often. The Government and Department of Defense of Vietnam talk to Hai Ho as very close brothers in Vietnamese language using the IBM computer and they enjoy the conversations very much. Hai Ho also wrote letters to them and post them in the Communication Room for Vietnamese spaceships to take pictures of. Since Hai Ho gave Vietnam IvL the USA Information Land, the Vietnamese people has been doing well and they are catching up with Japan IvL as they have access to all the information and are working very hard to improve their Country and their lives. There are not many poor people any more as they all have jobs and get subsidies from the Government to go to school and learn about all fields of knowledge. In short, Vietnam is improving very rapidly with the influx of information and the help of many allied Countries who like Hai Ho and also like Vietnam IvL in its connection with Hai Ho on Earth.




Buddha in the past, 2539 years ago, was on Earth and spoke about other worlds in space, with their own Buddhas and Bodhivattas. Buddha spoke about “unthinkable” worlds, or “un-unthinkable” worlds which are worlds that people on Earth cannot imagine or think about. Buddha spoke of a very big number of worlds in space of the universe, with an uncountable number of living beings. These are the concepts and ideas which correlate with Invisible Intelligent Life or Worlds of Souls. The concept of other worlds in space is very common in Buddhism as Buddha spoke about the good work of other Buddhas and Bodhivattas in their own worlds with their own people living on them. These ideas or concepts in Buddhism are similar to the ideas of “The Sky Realm” or “Coi Thien” in Vietnamese culture where Vietnamese people believe there are people living in the sky but they do not think of it in scientific terms. Now that we are familiar with the concept of Invisible Intelligent Life through this book, we know now that Buddha had spoken

The Truth which was given to him by God. The people in IvL told me by controlled typing on the keyboard that there are very many invisible worlds in outer space and this corresponds with the big number of worlds and an uncountable number of living beings Buddha had spoken of.

The Civilization of Invisible Intelligent Life includes a very big number of invisible worlds, some with advanced culture and technology (spaceships, computers, and radiation equipment including nerve radiation), most are poor and not advanced as most of them do not have corresponding countries on Earth (called Information Land) to take information from, and they do not live as long as Earth people are (their life span is about 30 years of Earth’s time), and their size is much, much smaller than ours (about 2 centimeters in Earth’s scale). Now that I have been working with Invisible Life and assigned the USA Information Land to Russia IvL, China IvL, and Vietnam IvL and recommended the open distribution of information taken from the USA by spaceships, and given through me (by turning pages and showing the TV and videotapes with windows open) to all the countries who are friendly to me. This distribution and flow of information to all the worlds have helped improving the conditions in all the worlds in Invisible Life very much and they continue to improve all the time now with more and more information taken and given almost every day. It is a time for the people of Invisible People Civilization to celebrate the year 2,000 with the new resources of information to help build machines to do the work for their countries. The distribution of information taken from the USA has saved very, very much time and work for all the people of Invisible Life and bring them up to a much higher level very quickly. The information given by Hai Ho through turning pages and showing videotapes at home with windows open also saved very much time and work for the people of IvL and their spaceships’ fuel. The constant communication between Invisible Life and Hai Ho in about one thousand pages of talk has proved the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life very solidly and clearly and are saved for evidence of working with Invisible Intelligent Life. We the Earth people have now come to an era when we can realize the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life and work with them also for

The First Time in Earth*s History. The main method of communication but efficient and effective enough is the nerve radiation control of fingers and hands to type messages of Invisible Life on an Earth personal computer, with the IvL people watching and controlling us through a communication link using their electromagnetic waves (which is not the same as Earth electromagnetic waves). This has been very efficient and effective and Hai Ho has been working with IvL or WoS this way in the last 9 months of Earth’s time. It has helped Hai Ho to do the work both in the sky and on Earth. He works by talking to people in IvL and by giving them information and the people in IvL or WoS help him do his work on Earth by suggesting ideas to his mind and by controlling his fingers to type the right ideas.



In this section, we, Friends of Hai Ho in Invisible Life, would like to help him to write some comments on the Theory and Evidences of Invisible Intelligent Life presented in this book and the need for NASA to set up Contact Stations to verify the Theory and Evidences.

As we have discussed in the book, the Proof to prove the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life is very difficult since their people and equipment (spaceships, computers, nerve radiation equipment) are all invisible. So are their planets also. So we are not able to see them, and we cannot touch their material since it does not exist on Earth and it is fragile and easily destroyed by people if left on Earth, since Earth People cannot see it. We cannot hear their sounds as they speak at a different frequency or kind of waves which our ears cannot receive. Without the use of our senses, we cannot prove the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life. One way would be to take pictures of their Earth Light Radiating Spaceships, but they have not shown these spaceships for long enough time for me to take pictures of. So without visual, or auditory or tactile sensory experiences for the public to prove the Existence of Invisible Life, we cannot be very successful in our Proof.

We would like to note that it is also very difficult to disprove this Theory or to try to prove they did not exist since the Invisible People and their matter only exist in Outer Space of Earth but they come to Earth all the time. We cannot prove that something did not exist in another space since we would have to go into that space and study carefully the matter and the space. Since Invisible Intelligent Life People and their equipment are all invisible and we have not studied about matter which can be invisible either in theory or experiments, we cannot conclude that they did not exist just because they are invisible and it might difficult to believe the Theory since it is new and has never been presented before.

There is a saying, “A thing is not impossible merely because it is inconceivable” and this applies to the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life. We have presented the Theory of Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life based on the ideas in Religions and evidences through Hai Ho’s and other patients of schizophrenia who hear voices, which are nerve radiation from spaceships of Invisible Life. As we have said, there are four pieces of evidence. Firstly, Jesus Christ and Buddha both spoke of Heaven and Nirvana and they are the Invisible Worlds of Invisible Life we talked about. Secondly, the knowledge which Jesus Christ and Buddha had about God and Other Buddhas or Boddhivattas came from an Advanced Invisible People Civilization who helped them 1995 and 2539 years ago, using Spaceships, Computers and Nerve Radiation Equipment to follow and to help them. Thirdly, Invisible Life affects many people on Earth with their nerve radiation which makes people hear voices as in many cases of schizophrenia. Fourthly, Invisible Life People works with Hai Ho every day in controlling Hai Ho’s fingers to write conversations, books using the IBM personal computer, and to turn pages of books and magazines at the library for spaceships to take pictures of and to bring back to Invisible Worlds to print and distribute.

It seems like we can not verify this Theory by working with ideas alone, but we must adopt an experimental approach. This means that to prove the Existence of Invisible Life, we need to set up Contact Stations with open windows, and write letters or messages to Invisible Intelligent Life and ask them to contact us, by talking to us through the use of an IBM personal computer and Nerve Radiation from spaceships to control fingers of one or two designated persons. As Invisible Intelligent Life will respond to the effort of Earth People to contact them, they will send spaceships to control fingers of the designated persons to talk to the Earth People, most likely to be NASA, as I have sent this book to them. By then, we can prove the Existence of Invisible Life to more People on Earth. Even if the Invisible People do not contact us right away, it does not mean they do not exist but maybe we have not made enough effort to contact them and they have chosen not to respond yet. I believe this experimental approach will be very successful as Invisible Life is friendly to Earth People.





After 9 and a half years of suffering schizophrenia, hearing voices most of the time during this time, I have overcome it by realizing the real nature of the condition and find the right way to change the condition as you have seen in the previous chapters of the book. Here I would like to summarize the facts and present it in the view of fighting schizophrenia.

First, I would like to thank all my friends in Invisible Life who have helped me to fight against the enemies who caused me to have schizophrenia. Second, I would like to thank my family for giving me all the support I need to live and to think of ways and to do the work to fight the condition until I am very successful in terminating the voices which I heard with my brain since October 1994. Now that I have not heard voices much for about a year, I am much more productive with my time and energy. I am currently working with my brother-in-law and sister in the Internet Marketing business with a job as a Marketing Manager. I have been very productive with my time, and has gotten much work done in the last two months I have been working with them. In the year 1995, the first year in the last 10 years that I have been freed from enemies’ nerve radiation and can concentrate on things on Earth, I have been productive and I have laid out two books, one has already been printed, and I have written this book “Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life and Civilization”, in contrast with the last 9.5 years when I suffer hearing voices, the enemies did not want anything to be recorded on Earth. Before, I had 14 notebooks which I kept notes of the things I wrote down from Invisible Intelligent Life, with a lot of it controlled handwriting by the people in IvL. But in October 1993, 2 years ago, the Nardian enemies made me burn them all by using nerve radiation to scare me that these are evil things, the work of spirits and should be burned. Then I do not have any more records in writing of some of the communication between me and Invisible Life, until September 1994, when I started writing a lot to fight the enemies and to save all the writings for records. In October, the enemies made me burn them again in requesting me to forgive them by destroying all records. But in October on, they still attacked me so I kept on writing and this time I saved all the writing until January when I started to use the PC very much and use a printer to print out. In March 1995, I bought a laser printer and this has helped me to fight the enemies very much. And now, September 1995, my friends in IvL and I consider we have won the war with the Nardians and their allies in IvL, though they still attack me intermittently and try to reduce my productiveness by using their bad nerve radiation very strongly on my brain to keep me away from my work.

The reason I have overcome schizophrenia or the condition of hearing voices is that I have always believed and realized that the voices did not come from my brain itself, but from an outside source. I have learned about spaceships, computers, and nerve radiation over the time I suffered hearing voices, but it was very difficult to keep these ideas straight and constant in my mind, since my mind itself had been controlled by enemies all the time, and they use very strong nerve radiation to override the correct or natural brainwaves, and they forced ideas such as spirits following me to make me hear voices, spirits entering my body and brain to make me hear voices, or spells, or charms put on me by other people, or later they used the disease of schizophrenia to make me believe I could not recover, like most people with schizophrenia could not. The enemies were very clever and kept their identity secret and made up organizations which were supposed to be helping me, but actually they only tried to waste my time and energy by constantly putting into my mind new ideas and thoughts and feelings which were not correct and not related to things on Earth. But I had been able to fight back with the help of my YVRF friends, the Vietnamese Resistance Force Overseas in Invisible Life, who helped controlled me to write messages against the enemies, who were the Nardians and their allies, and posted them outside to let spaceships which came by to see, and spaceships of all the countries came to my home to take pictures of the writing since this was a very strange thing for people to do, but presented information to them in a very clear and strong way. So all the countries knew about my extreme suffering, and with my Formal and Official Announcement which gave the USA Information Land to Russia, China, Vietnam in IvL, they became very interested in my condition and in working with me. I have given them much information in books and magazines, and show videotapes at home for them to take and this has helped them very much as they told me throughout all the conversations I have with them. After 2 months of debating and fighting the Nardian enemies for the rights to enter the USA Information Land to take information, the Russian, Chinese, and Vietnamese Government and DoDs have sent forces to follow me all the time now to defend and protect me and also to take information. It is very efficient though sometimes for a couple hours the enemies can attack me very strongly and I have to sleep or lie down and rest because of their bad nerve radiation. But in general, I have not heard voices with my brain any more, and did not have very bad symptoms like before which enemies wanted me to attribute and believe that I have schizophrenia like controlling me to drool, or stick out my tounge. In the last year, I have been doing much better, as my brain does not hear voices and is not tired as often any more. I have very many conversations with IvL and I talk to them all the time when I do not have anything important to do. We have about 1,000 pages of conversations already and we talk about everything to help keep our mind clear and our objective clear and try to solve the problems we have together. As of now, September 1995, we have the Television on all the time during the day on Channel 8 in California, and also a Vietnamese radio station on all the time. We use the earphones and IvL can take information from the earphones easily and this does not disturb me from working on other things at the same time. So we have two machines working for us, the TV and the radio and it provides very much information for IvL people, and they do not require me to give them more at this time. As you will see in the sypnoses of conversations files, I have helped the officials of Governments and DoDs to be very rich people and they now think that I should not work so hard in helping them any more, since taking information at the library takes a lot of time and I have to travel there, they think that I should work on my book and make more money before I help them more. So that it is more equal on both sides, now that they are rich with my help and I can make money with their help writing this book. Later on, when we have enough money, we can go back to taking more information from the libraries, and show videotape films rented from the video stores. We have stopped the Information Collection Program except for the TV and the radio which does not require my time and work at all.

In short, with the realization that my schizophrenia condition has been caused by nerve radiation spaceships of the enemies, and with the help of my friends in IvL, I have found ways to fight them, mostly by making friends with the Governments and DoDs of other countries by giving them the USA Information Land, and giving them information personally through the TV, radio, books, magazines, videotapes. And through helping them like this, they feel obliged to defend and protect me by shooting down enemies’ spaceships, and attacking by bombing the enemies’ countries. They also used economic measures like cutting off all oil supplies to the enemies’ countries and not buying or selling things to them, and not allowing embassies from enemies’ countries. The Invisible Worlds have been divided into those who are friendly to me and the enemies who are the Nardians and their allies who have attacked and harmed me for the past 9.5 years and they still do sometimes intermittently.

The defending and protection has been very good and so I feel much better these days compared to the old days when I had to lie down, wrapped up in blankets and sleep all day. Now I can be productive and do all the work I have to do, one of which is writing this book.



If the patients of schizophrenia suffer hearing voices, they can try to determine whether the voices are due to their brain malfunctioning or are due to outside sources, which are very likely to be nerve radiation spaceships of some people in IvL who do not like them and try to harm them for some reason. It is very difficult to determine the reasons. It could be because of the name of the person which might be strange to people in IvL, or it could be because the whole family is successful and the enemies think that they must make one person in the family suffer to be fair to other families in IvL or on Earth. Usually, as I observed, the oldest son or youngest son do relatively well compared to other sons or daughters, maybe because IvL do not interfere with these people since they are loved most by their fathers and mothers. The reason for enemies’ nerve radiation attack on the person to make him hear voices might be because he has been too successful, or considered too lucky for some reason.

It is more important to find ways to fight back schizophrenia if the patients believe that the voices come from outside sources, which are nerve radiation spaceships of people in IvL. To fight back, they need to use the Communication Strategy, that is, by writing messages and post them in inconspicuous places, like outside wall of the house, and as many messages as possible. They need to let everyone in IvL know of their condition and to pressure the enemies not to attack them any more. They can attract attention and make friends with IvL people by keeping windows open (it does not matter as enemies always follow when you come in and out the doors), and leave the TV on all day (they can use an earphone to eliminate the noise), and a radio on all day (with earphones also), and they can go further by helping IvL people with books, magazines, films. This will attract attention of very many people in IvL as the information is very useful to them, and they will bring back the messages of the patients’ suffering due to enemies’ nerve radiation on their brains. This has been a very successful method for me to get rid of the voices which I heard with my brain.

The method of curing schizophrenia this way has been verified with my experiences. And since most people do not know about Invisible Intelligent Life, this is a very new method. But if it is true that the patients’ schizophrenia is caused by the nerve radiation of IvL spaceships, this method will be very effective and might be the only way to deal with the enemies in IvL until scientists and researchers develop ways to detect and see Invisible people’s spaceships which come to Earth. Then maybe we can use lasers to shoot them down if they harm us, as I have tried to do during my fight against schizophrenia, but since I could not see them, this was not very successful, and also enemies used strong radiation to destroy my lasers and it did not work after a couple of weeks. Also, if we cannot see the spaceships, enemies will use nerve radiation to make us afraid that we shoot down innocent people or friends with the lasers to prevent us to use the lasers. And we cannot use the lasers all the time. They can attack us at work or when we are driving or away from the lasers. So it is very important to be able to see them to fight them. Right now, the only effective way to fight them is to use the Communication Strategy I talked above, since this asks for the help of other people in IvL who are able to see them and fight them for us. The Earth Civilization at this time does not provide for any way to see IvL spaceships and people to be able to fight against them. Without seeing them, we are like blind people and we cannot fight against them with the advanced technology of spaceships, computers and nerve radiation equipment.

In short, the patients of schizophrenia if suspecting that the voices they hear with their brains are caused by nerve radiation of spaceships of Invisible Life, should try out the Method of Communication Strategy to fight the enemies and then they may be able to get rid of the voices slowly as I have done myself in the last year, 1994-1995. The patients might have to take medicine like I do also, since enemies tend to attack very strongly if we do not, to make other people in IvL believe that we really suffer a disease and not because of their actions. This is a clever way of enemies to hide their crimes on Earth and they adhere to it strongly.



During my experiences of hearing voices, I have often encountered the ideas of

Thiếu Lâm Tự which the IvL people translated into the Minor Woods Pagoda, which is similar to The Shaolin Pagoda of the Chinese. But this is mainly a Vietnamese organization and we use Vietnamese Language to communicate. The Vietnamese Language is shorter and has fewer sounds than the English language . The ????? had employed many Vietnamese and they introduced me to the ideas of The Minor Woods Pagoda as a way to keep me busy with thoughts by hearing voices and to work with people who were also in the MWP. They also said I was the 28th Disciple of

The MWP. Especially after April 1991, when my damaged brain had been fixed by radiation of The ?????, The ?????Nardians made me hear voices of the people of MWP, and told me I was the Older School Brother of these people, and I needed to work with them. They created the stories of Vietnam with many Minor Woods Pagodas who were all watching me and they made me write and talk to these people through controlled handwriting. I had to write many letters and work with them often. There were Five Taught Lessons of The MWP. The first one is “Everything is Impermanent. Only The Way, The Peoples, and The Souls exist forever”. The second one is “As a Minor Woods Pagoda disciple, I promise that I will never be proud of myself (not being conceited)”. The third lesson is “Could you ever be expelled from the Minor Woods Pagoda ? The answer is I could never be expelled from the Minor Woods Pagoda since I always carry with me The Spirit of

The Minor Woods Pagoda.” . The fourth lesson is “Some amount of suffering helps us to appreciate life more, much more when we do not suffer any more”. The fifth lesson is “You need to be beaten once to know the importance of learning martial arts, or in more abstract terms, you need to suffer or know the lack of something to appreciate having the power or the materials later on”.

I do not know where The ????? or The Vietnamese who worked with them learned the story of Minor Woods Pagoda. But I have learned the name Thiếu Lâm Tự very early in my experiences of hearing voices, in the years 1985-86. There were many stories, but probably all created by the ????? as a way to waste my time in listening to these people talking, and hearing my answers also, simulated by the ?????’s computers. The Nardians also created other people in IvL who claimed they were MWP people from faraway and tried to do good work, and came to see me and talked to me. At last, The ????? made me The Oldest and Highest School Brother and taught these people at MWP’s in IvL through controlled handwriting and controlled drawing. I spent a lot of time talking to them even though they did not really exist as I found out from Vietnam in IvL recently that there were no MWPs in Vietnam now. But The Vietnamese all like the lessons and so we have kept the ideas and presented them here for your reading. We think that the MWP ideas were really ideas of Advanced People in Vietnam IvL who wanted to oppose the influence of China IvL and these are ideas which do not exist on Earth. I have also experienced ideas from what IvL people called the Buddhism Computers, computers in IvL with certain kind of logic, with the thoughts transmitted to the brain with nerve radiation. These are special thoughts and logic which cannot be recalled or explained easily, but based on the ideas of karma and of influence of force of actions, and the logic seemed to go around in a sphere to arrive at the conclusion. Thiếu Lâm Tự or Minor Woods Pagoda ideas are very special ideas and they are some of the good ideas which came to me during my long time of hearing voices, most of which are not good ideas at all, which I will write more in other sections. Thiếu Lâm Tự stories were also related to the Past in the Universe with Chinese and Vietnamese people, stories which I have heard in early years of my experiences and I will write down in more details. They are interesting with fighting and love stories of men and women who both belong to the Minor Woods Pagoda, and I will write more about this later in other sections.



Since Invisible Intelligent Life cannot affect a person on Earth through the senses of vision, or hearing, or touch and they can only affect a human being’s nervous system with their nerve radiation from spaceships, they have developed many “games” to make the person on Earth play whether he likes it or not since his body and mind can be controlled by nerve radiation. The involuntary movements of the body, especially fingers are the strongest evidence to the person that there is nerve radiation which can control his nerves and his brain.

The Nardians have taught me many games to play with their control using nerve radiation. The most common game is tapping of all the fingers on both hands, controlled by nerve radiation. At the beginning when I heard voices, they also made me tapped finger to the words of the voices which I heard, like tapping thumb against index finger. Later on, they made me tap fingers on the table to the (nerve radiation) voices or to the Earth music. The tapping of fingers become a habit and I tapped fingers all the time, sometimes very quickly as controlled by very fast radiation. When I lied down, they made me tap fingers against the back of my head as they made me hear voices. The tapping of fingers was important to the Nardians since they wanted to make sure their nerve radiation is effective, that is at the right frequency and amplitude, since they cannot verify the voices that I heard, but they could see the fingers tapping so they knew their nerve radiation was at work. Other games which the Nardians had made me play were writing on the table with the index finger, as a way to communicate short words with Invisible Life, or writing short words in the air with the index fingers or with the index and middle fingers together. This produced strange behavior when other people on Earth observed the person, but it was logical for IvL since the person knew IvL and was communicating with them using this method of writing. The Nardians had used these methods very often and made me have strange behavior while in my mind I was doing only what is necessary to communicate with IvL. Another game was controlled handwriting or controlled drawing when the Nardians made me carry pen and paper everywhere I went, and whenever I have free time, they made me write to them and talk with them through writing by controlling both the talk and the answers. They could control the hand very well, and can form very nice handwriting. They could also made me write very small letters and words, in a very fast way by using strong nerve radiation. Other games which they play were controlling of facial expressions, like chuckling, smiling, or movements of the lips like mumbling which they could do very easily with nerve radiation. They could also made the person speak loudly or shout a certain word involuntarily by using very strong nerve radiation on the vocal cord, usually the four letter word started with F. They could also made the person think about studying the hands and fingers and form expressions using the hands and fingers, like the shape of a pagoda, or the index and middle fingers together as the symbol of Minor Woods Pagoda, a way of fighting, with the fingers aimed at the opponent’s eyes, or finger gesture which they made me think have religious connotations, like those Buddhas and Boddhivattas do in pictures of Buddha’s sutras. Since the Nardians transmitted my pictures to surrounding spaceships and perhaps even back to their headquarters or they videotaped the pictures, they liked to play games with communication, and one of these games is modeling, that is, to use all kinds of objects put close together to form a certain meaning by arrangements, or to hide certain letters in words on newspapers or boxes to form new words and indicate certain new meanings. For example, I cut out words from cans like the word “die” from “diet” and use folding of paper or pictures to make them more compressed and look nicer, (as a simple game of origami). These are relatively more advanced game of communication which Invisible Life had taught me in my years of suffering nerve radiation, and I will write more about these and give examples in details in other sections.



Since December 24th, 1994, I have had very many conversations with IvL, almost every day. For the last year, we have about 1,000 pages of conversations printed out, in 9 points font, capitalized in Times New Roman fonts. We helped each other very much by talking and organizing things with the talks, and help keep our minds clear and straight with things I want or need to do. The talks are really helpful, as they combine the advices and opinions of very many people in IvL together with my thoughts and opinion. The talks help to clarify ideas, and make it very exact what we need to think about and to do and so help to save a lot of time from unclear thinking. In these conversations, we mainly talk about the information which I transmitted to IvL, through showing of the TV, playing the radio, both with earphones, or going to the library to turn pages of books, magazines, borrowing videotapes to show at home. It is mainly concerned the activities of the Information Collection Program, and the Book Writing Program. We talked about what we needed to write in the book and to write the sections slowly since I was sometimes attacked and blocked by the nerve radiation of the Nardian enemies as they did not want me to write the book about their bad actions and history. We also discuss and analyze the methods of communication and try to make the most use of them, like with nerve radiation control of fingers method. But there is no special information or knowledge in IvL which needs to be transmitted by typing words. We could transmit by typing stories but since word stories are too common, we do not want to do this. We have come to the realization that we need to transmit pictures, as pictures are worth a lot more than words and so are valuable and would be the important exchange of the two civilizations, but it is impossible at the present time. We talked about the Earth Light Picture Projection Technology which IvL tried to develop but the IvL scientists said that all their materials are transparent to Earth light and so they could not create a film (slides or transparencies) to project the light through to form pictures. So this technology is not successful now. They also said that though they can create Earth light in a few colors like red, white, and blue which they showed with their Earth Light Radiating Spaceships, they cannot convert their light into our light. We have known that they can convert Earth light into IvL light and so they can take pictures of Earth people and TV and so on..., they cannot convert IvL light into Earth light so they cannot show us pictures in our light. We have also talked about IvL transmitting to Earth television like on channel 3, but right now they are working on this and do not have the capability yet. We discussed that since IvL can produce Earth light with their materials, and since Earth light is also Earth electromagnetic waves, they can probably produce Earth microwave for television which is another range of Earth electromagnetic waves. This project has a lot of hope, since if IvL can produce Earth electromagnetic waves and modulate it to form pictures on our television, they can transmit pictures to Earth television, and this will mean the exchange of information of the two civilizations, but we do not know if IvL can be successful in this Earth television technology or not though we have very much hope at this time.

During our talks, we have noted that communication from Earth to IvL is not limited at all as IvL people have all the technology to see and listen to Earth people. With Earth optics cameras, they can convert Earth light and pictures into their light and pictures, and with sound converters, they can convert Earth sounds into their sounds, so that information tend to flow from Earth into Invisible Worlds. Whereas there is no technology for IvL pictures and sounds to be transmitted to Earth people. We cannot see them or they cannot yet show us pictures whether with direct light or through Earth TV’s, and we cannot hear them whether with our ears or with radios. So information does not yet flow from Invisible People Civilization to Earth Civilization yet though we would very much like it to do so.



During my 9.5 years of suffering nerve radiation from the Nardian spaceships, I have gotten to know their computers and a form of artificial intelligence which they used to create the voices to beam to my brain. The Nardians used computers to generate the thought wave signals to form voices and thoughts in my brain. They used either very long programs already written out or flexible computers with a form of artificial intelligence since they could keep me hearing voices for a long time, 3 or 4 hours at a time. The voices were conversations, and were continuous and fast. They must have some kinds of special program which I called artificial intelligence to generate all the logical stories or conversations to beam to my head. The reason I talk so much about my brain’s experiences is that this is the only way a person on Earth can have experience with Invisible Intelligent Life before, which is through the brain with thoughts, feelings, voices, i.e. with their nerve radiation. There was not much visual or auditory experiences possible as IvL cannot make people on Earth see them (except sometimes with the Earth Light Radiating Spaceships) and they cannot make people on Earth hear them. Though sometimes, with nerve radiation to the brain, IvL spaceships can make me hear sounds as if the sounds were from outside through the ears. This is special radiation to auditory centers in the brain which simulates the sounds of people on Earth, and sometimes I thought that I heard people saying certain words to my ears, and looking around, I found no one was there. This is how advanced the Science of Mind Control and their Nerve Radiation Science are, and how they can affect people’s minds on Earth, in particular, people who are familiar with them, and they have no fear of being known any more, and they tried different kinds of things using nerve radiation on the person.

The computers which IvL people used are for creating the signals which produce thought waves in the human being’s brain and they can give the person very varied experiences since they can changed the frequencies and amplitudes of the signals. The thoughts can be very fast though logical if they changed the frequencies to very fast, much faster than a normal human being can think with his own mind. The amplitude can be large, which makes a person feel like he is thinking very clearly and strongly about a certain topic. With computers, the IvL people can make a person on Earth have very special experiences in a very strong way. With nerve radiation, I can feel very strongly, like love or hate, about a person, an experience, or have the feelings of eternity, or of a very long time, or of immenseness, or certain feelings which I normally cannot have with my brain, but only when stimulated by nerve radiation of IvL people. With continuous logic computers, the Nardians have been able to keep my mind too busy to think by inputting conversation lines all the time, creating a story with too many details, and they kept it going on all the time. They seemed to know well that their strategy is not to kill me but to destroy my mind and my time with all the stories, as I have explained in connection with my name (Hai Ho). Their computers might be supplemented with the help of their people. They can use microphones to speak messages, and these are converted by the computers into the thought waves which are then transmitted to my brain through nerve radiation. So they have many ways to input ideas and thoughts into my mind, through programming their computers to follow a certain story and their computers produce the conversation lines, or they can talk to me with their microphones. I think that actually, the artificial intelligence which they have is rather limited to producing harmful thoughts, feelings, relating or reference tangentially to certain experiences, i.e., they tried to relate experiences together with the wrong thoughts or relationship, through what I called tangential logic, and so they could make me believe in the wrong ideas, using very strong nerve radiation. The IvL people’s computers are powerful and advanced, but we do not know too much about their level of artificial intelligence, we think that they are not more advanced than we are in computer technology and maybe their AI is limited to producing stories and conversations to keep a person on Earth very busy listening to new voices.



The idea of computer-generated thought waves transmitted by nerve radiation to the brain of a person is a new idea and comes from Invisible Intelligent Life through my actual experiences with them. This idea can have applications on Earth. Earth people can develop a kind of radiation which can affect the human beings’ nervous system. We know that Earth electromagnetic radiation cannot affect our nervous system, but we do not know of any research on some other kinds of radiation, or range of radiation which can affect a person’s nervous system. This kind of radiation would have applications in one-way communication, that is, the headquarter can transmit messages in forms of thought-waves to the person’s brain through radiation from above, whether a device in the house or building, or from aircrafts, or from satellites. The person can respond through normal methods of communication, like cellular phones, or special devices with keyboards to transmit messages by some radiation to the receiving headquarters. The advantage of this form of radiation is that the person does not need any receiving equipment, but can receive the message directly with his brain, so he cannot lose communication if we know where he is all the time. However, there is the disadvantage that if the radiation beam is not accurate, it will transmit the message to other people, but they cannot make use of it since they do not know the context surrounding the message or in other words, they lack of background.

Another application of thought-wave radiation is that we can have virtual-reality experiences with this kind of radiation. It is similar to the 3-D graphics, and interacting experiences which people have from Earth computer-generated multimedia. But the nerve radiation works on the brain itself and give the person the experiences. If we use computers to sense the person’s body responses, we can have an interacting experience. The more advanced features of this kind of virtual reality is that a person can have certain thoughts, feelings generated from an advanced science of signal productions and can give him very special thoughts, or feelings, or those of higher intensity than normally possible with his brain, produced through normal experiences through the senses (vision and hearing), and his brain.

Further applications of this science of thought waves is the Science of Medical Radiation. We want to talk about the use of radiation, perhaps a kind of nerve radiation to reduce aging. Since the nerve radiation can affect the nervous system and can make it weak or strong. The right level of power and signal forms can make the nerves much more healthy and much stronger. Then we can help people with nervous problems, and with normal people, perhaps we can help them to be more healthy and even reduce aging by keeping neurons working at an optimum level, and maybe even reproduce themselves like I have experienced. During my experiences, I have known that certain kinds of radiation of IvL can help produce muscles, bones, fat or all body cells, as I could gain or lose weight very quickly, and I have noted my leg bones grow longer and I stand taller at one time. Certain spaceships with very strong radiation could grow bones or body cells as an experiment on human beings as the Nardians have done to me in their experiments. I believe that in the future, research on radiation, when advanced enough, to stimulate growth of body cells, including nerve cells will cause people to live much longer and can cure diseases by stimulating growth of organs. The radiation perhaps can work on the DNA to stimulate growth to replace the old, dying cells, and so keep the person full with young body cells, and so can live longer. It would take a lot of energy and maintenance of the body with radiation and food and exercise, and this is why the IvL people cannot help anyone on Earth with radiation to stay young and healthy as it takes nerve radiation energy and this has to come from spaceships which must carry fuel from outer space to Earth which is a lot of work. When we recognize the need for nerve radiation, we can develop it and help ourselves to better health and longevity.




Hai Ho’s name in Vietnamese is Ho Tuan Hai, with the word Ho meaning the lake, Tuan meaning Men’s Beauty or Handsomeness, and the word Hai meaning the sea or ocean. When he came to the U.S., his name is changed to Hai Tuan Ho or Hai Ho. The combined word “hai ho” in Vietnamese is used often in poetry and music, and means the dreams of traveling in wide space, (the sea and the lake), it indicates the spirit of a traveler like with the Navy or Air Force. The word Hai Ho in English sounds the same as “hi ho” or “heigh ho” in the song of the fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. This story has existed for a very long time in Western history on Earth and also in Invisible Life or Worlds of Souls who learned the story from Earth Civilization and adopted it. The name Hai Ho when he came to the U.S. had attracted very much attention from all the people in IvL, and enemies did not like him as he has this name and was also a very good student in school. So the Nardian enemies tried to harm him when he was completing his thesis at University of Utah for the Professional Electrical Engineer’s Degree. They struck him down with hearing voices using their nerve radiation spaceships in July 1985 and had been harming him with nerve radiation to make him hear voices ever since until September 1994 when he fought back successfully with the help of his Vietnamese friends in IvL or WoS. The name Hai Ho has helped him not to be killed since this is his psychological means of defending himself as the Nardians did not want to associate a bad meaning to the fairy tale, since by killing him might destroy this story also for them. Since the name Hai Ho has a good meaning in Vietnamese, it attracted the help from many Vietnamese while he was trying to fight hearing voices (diagnosed as schizophrenia by doctors), and his friends used the Communication Strategy to spread the news about Hai Ho’s suffering to all the Vietnamese living overseas in Western countries in IvL or WoS. This had helped Hai Ho from not getting killed by the enemies as they feared they might raise the anger and protests of the Vietnamese people. So the only thing they could do was to torture him with their nerve radiation, like blanking him out, or making him hear voices constantly for days, or having very bad symtomps like sticking his toungue out or uncontrolled movements of the jaws. The Nardians even made him commit suicide and suffer pumping out of the stomach. They also made him fainted once. In general, they had made him suffer so much beyond the descriptions of words. But the name Hai Ho has helped him to get help from some Vietnamese friends in IvL or WoS and finally he was able to fight back with their help by posting messages on the wall outside his home telling the story about the Nardian wickedness and cruelty and destructiveness to his life. He also represented the U.S. to give the USA Information Land to the countries of Russia, China, and Vietnam to ask for their help in defending and protecting him from the Nardian enemies. He also recommended the open distribution of information taken from the USA and given by him (through turning pages and show TV and videotapes with windows open) to all the countries who are friendly to him and who will defend and protect him from the Nardian enemies and their allies. This has caused him to win the war against the Nardian enemies and their allies eventually after much difficulty since protecting an Earth person against bad radiation was very difficult but was finally done with the help of wave neutralizers, and many guarding spaceships, and by bombing and attacking the country of Nardia and their allies directly. Hai Ho has been doing much better quickly and sometimes he was attacked by the Nardian enemies and their allies intermittently but his friends in the UFARCV and all friendly countries then retaliated and helped to free him from enemies’ radiation. So now eventually after all the fighting, he is completely freed from the Nardians’ and their allies’ very bad nerve radiation and he does not hear voices any more since January 1995 and has been able to function normally now.



Buddha in the past, 2539 years ago, was on Earth and spoke about other worlds in space, with their own Buddhas and Bodhivattas. Buddha spoke about “unthinkable” worlds, or “un-unthinkable” worlds which are worlds that people on Earth cannot imagine or think about. Buddha spoke of a very big number of worlds in space of the universe, with an uncountable number of living beings. These are the concepts and ideas which correlate with Invisible Intelligent Life or Worlds of Souls. The concept of other worlds in space is very common in Buddhism as Buddha spoke about the good work of other Buddhas and Bodhivattas in their own worlds with their own people living on them. These ideas or concepts in Buddhism are similar to the ideas of “The Sky Realm” or “Coi Thien” in Vietnamese culture where Vietnamese people believe there are people living in the sky but they do not think of it in scientific terms. Now that we are familiar with the concept of Invisible Intelligent Life through this book, we know now that Buddha had spoken the truth which was given to him by God. The people in IvL told me by controlled typing on the keyboard that there are very many invisible worlds in outer space and this corresponds with the big number of worlds and an uncountable number of living beings Buddha had spoken of.

The Civilization of Invisible Intelligent Life includes a very big number of invisible worlds, some with advanced culture and technology (spaceships, computers, and radiation equipment including nerve radiation), most are poor and not advanced as most of them do not have corresponding countries on Earth (called Information Land) to take information from, and they do not live as long as Earth people are (their life span is about 30 years of Earth’s time), and their size is much, much smaller than ours (about 2 centimeters in Earth’s scale). Now that I have been working with Invisible Life and assigned the USA Information Land to Russia IvL, China IvL, and Vietnam IvL and recommended the open distribution of information taken from the USA by spaceships, and given through me (by turning pages and showing the TV and videotapes with windows open) to all the countries who are friendly to me. This distribution and flow of information to all the worlds have helped improving the conditions in all the worlds in Invisible Life very much and they continue to improve all the time now with more and more information taken and given almost every day. It is a time for the people of Invisible People Civilization to celebrate the year 2,000 with the new resources of information to help build machines to do the work for their countries. The distribution of information taken from the USA has saved very, very much time and work for all the people of Invisible Life and bring them up to a much higher level very quickly. The information given by Hai Ho through turning pages and showing videotapes at home with windows open also saved very much time and work for the people of IvL and their spaceships’ fuel. The constant communication between Invisible Life and Hai Ho in about one thousand pages of talk has proved the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life very solidly and clearly and are saved for evidence of working with Invisible Intelligent Life. We the Earth people have now come to an era when we can realize the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life and work with them also for the first time in Earth’s history. The main method of communication but efficient and effective enough is the nerve radiation control of fingers and hands to type messages of Invisible Life on an Earth personal computer, with the IvL people watching and controlling us through a communication link using their electromagnetic waves (which is not the same as Earth electromagnetic waves). This has been very efficient and effective and Hai Ho has been working with IvL or WoS this way in the last 9 months of Earth’s time. It has helped Hai Ho to do the work both in the sky and on Earth. He works by talking to people in IvL and by giving them information and the people in IvL or WoS help him do his work on Earth by suggesting ideas to his mind and by controlling his fingers to type the right ideas.



In Vietnamese culture, there are some ideas which relate to Invisible Intelligent Life in indirect ways Though there are no solid ideas about Invisible Life as a Civilization with advanced science and technology and there are no explanations how they can affect people on Earth, the Vietnamese people, and perhaps other Oriental peoples also, believe in Ong Troi, with literal translation, Mr. Sky or Mr. Sun, with the words sky and sun the same word in Vietnamese, just with different pre-qualifier (mat troi for the sun, and bau troi for the sky). Ong Troi is a word to indicate the supreme being, or to indicate God, but there is a different word for God (Thuong De or Ngoc Hoang Thuong De, The Jade Royal God), and is used in common language or conversations to indicate higher power who are supposed to determine the outcome of things on Earth, especially in marriages and financial success, and are often referred to when things are difficult or do not go the ways humans would like things to go.

For example, Vietnamese people often say “Do la y cua Troi” or “That is the will of Mr. Sky (God)” when somebody died, or when many girls are born to a couple instead of a boy, or in other situations beyond human control. They also say “Ong Troi muon nhu vay” or “Mr. Sky wants it like that”, or “Ong Troi phat no” to say “Mr. Sky punishes him”, for example, in bad people’s misfortunes as people think they have to pay back for their bad actions previously.

The Vietnamese culture also believes in an idea which is originally taken from Buddhism, i.e., the idea that there are two small gods on two sides of a person’s shoulder, called “quy than hai vai”, who watch over a person’s life and actions, and record everything. These small gods are supposed to be invisible to people on Earth, but can see all the things a person does and record them in a book, so that a person who does good things will have good things returned to him later on in life, and a person who does bad things will have bad things done to him later on in life. These two small gods are also supposed to help protect a person’s from dangers to his life, like serious accidents. As we have discovered Invisible Life, we can see that they might be considered these small gods, perhaps with the use of nerve radiation, they have judged some very bad people and have done enough in history that people continue to believe in the existence of small gods, without really trying to explain them scientifically. For example, they can cause direct or indirect actions to reward good people and punish bad people through the use of nerve radiation on the person or through the use of nerve radiation on surrounding people. For example, with some minimal logic, they can control rich people to give some money to a poor person, or they can control the gangsters to beat up a person who does very bad things. Nowadays, they can control people to be negligent and cause minor or major car accidents, and this way they can even kill people if they want to. But I believe that there are no high priority in maintaining fairness by the IvL people since their governments are more concerned with their own peoples, and they do not really worry about the well-being of people on Earth. Only in cases when a person does extremely bad things, like killing other people, and they know about it, might they try to prevent it by making the person feel very guilty using nerve radiation, so that he or she might come out to confess the crimes, or they can punish a person by insanity, like with a story in Chinese history in which a very bad royal official killed a very good Chinese general by falsifying royal decree and later he became insane. But there are not enough fair actions done by the IvL people, perhaps because many countries up there had believed in maintaining an atmosphere of secrecy or unknownness up to now. Because of limited resources like spaceships’ fuel, people’s time and work, IvL people do not pay much attention to most individuals on Earth, and do not try to harm them or take any actions against them, as IvL people cannot make people sick with medical diseases (I believe), or kill them in any easy way, and to make them suffer nerve radiation and hear voices takes work day after day (spaceships have to follow the person all the time and beam nerve radiation to make the person hear voices). I believe IvL people are usually not concerned about things on Earth any more, and they let the justice systems of Earth countries take care of things. They have enough problems of their own and they have limited resources. Only with countries like the Nardians and their allies, who use information taken from the USA and have very strong economies, can they afford to follow certain people and make them hear voices day after day, and this has to have special reason, in my case, mainly because of my name and also my success. The existence of Invisible Intelligent Life is why names are very important as a person can be helped or harmed by different groups of IvL people, attracted strongly by the name. I think it is difficult for IvL to help people as they have to control the higher people in society to give a person they like things (like grades, scholarships), and this requires advanced timing and planning and hard work for them. It is easier for enemies to attack a person on Earth since they can attack a person any time directly on his brain with nerve radiation which cannot be cancelled out easily with a few spaceships.

In Vietnamese culture, the Chinese-Vietnamese word (Han-Viet) which is a formal word for “the sky” (in English) or Troi (in common Vietnamese) is called “Thien” and is used in common coined word such as “thien ha” or “under the sky” to indicate people on Earth, or where there is a lot of people. It is also used in the word “thien duyen” or “the ‘chance’ of the sky” to indicate a bond or relationship established by “the sky” or Mr. Sky. Though the ideas of Mr. Sky or the sky as a powerful entity in Vietnamese culture is very common, there is no attempt to try to explain why and how they can determine things on Earth, or how “Mr. Sky or the sky” is organized and can affect people on Earth, except to understand implicitly that Mr. Sky or The Sky is very powerful and they can determine the minds of the people, like in courtships (why a person choose or not choose another person, especially when it seems not a good match or really a good match). The word “Thien” is also used in the famous phrase Buddha spoke when he was first born: “Thien Thuong Thien Ha, Duy Nga Doc Ton”, which can be translated into “Above the Sky and Under the Sky, Only The Self is Worshipped”. It is also used in the word “thien than” whose literal translation is sky god, for angels. It is used in the word “thien dinh” for the royal court of God. Or the word “thien dinh” for “determined by the sky”. There is also a common proverb in Vietnamese culture as follows: “Muu su tai nhan, thanh su tai thien” which translates into “ The planning is done by humans, the success is determined by the sky”. The word “thien tu” is “the son of the Sky” is used to indicate the King of a country. So we have seen that in Vietnamese culture, people believe in the Sky as a powerful entity, symbolized by the Sun (since the same word is used), and is involved in important human affairs, and we now know that this coincides with Invisible Intelligent Life who lives in “the sky” or in outer space and have the power to affect certain chosen people’s affairs to a significant degree which we can analyze and hypothesize based on the power of their invisibility and the use of strong nerve radiation. So the idea of the Sky as a Living, Acting entity with the Higher Power in Vietnamese culture is in a way truthful though never explained scientifically or in terms which people can understand. They are long-time established cultural ideas and are spoken too commonly to be taken critically or to generate enough curiosity for people to really try to question or to investigate. Also, there is normally no way a person can really look into the ideas of The Sky except through experiences with nerve radiation, commonly in religious experiences or schizophrenia, both of which are reserved for certain people who often do not or cannot communicate their experiences too much with a scientifically-minded person. Also, most spaceships before would try to block a person’s mind from understanding the true nature of “The Sky” which is Invisible Life, since most countries in IvL before would like to remain secret, or they were very divided on the subject of revealing Secrecy of Existence, with the stronger countries such as Nardia, or America in favor of being secret to Earth people, so as to maintain absolute control over their information land, the USA without Earth people, who most rightfully can claim ownership and can affect distribution of information in the USA with respect to all the countries in IvL, intervening in their owning of Information Land, which are countries on Earth. The strong countries with good Information Land, developed countries on Earth, did not want to share their Information Land, so they like to remain secret, while the weaker countries could not fight, since they were not united, and there was no strong enough reason for them to be able to unite to fight the stronger countries. Only now, when the USA Information Land has been given to the United Force of America, Russia, China, and Vietnam and with the help of All Friendly Countries, they have determined that the space invasion caused by lasers, satellites and spacecrafts from Earth is enough of a danger to reveal the Existence of Invisible Intelligent Life through the publishing of this book.

Another common custom in Vietnamese culture, especially in rural areas, is that parents do not want to give their children beautiful names, or nice names, (as names in Vietnamese are the same words used in language of literature and so have meanings, like certain flowers, or good luck, or talent, or direction, or the Country’s name, and so on...). Instead, they try to choose words without meaning, or with not so beautiful or big meaning, or words which mean common thing, for example, “ti” with literal translation meaning “little”, and also indicate the year of the rat, or “song” meaning the waves of water. They tend to avoid Chinese-Vietnamese language which are formal and usually have translated meaning. They use informal Vietnamese language which requires no translation within the Vietnamese language. This custom is not often used by Vietnamese people in the cities or urban areas, though sometimes they can have a second name for the child if it grows up with sickness often. The reason the mostly peasants have this custom is that they believe the babies or the kids will grow up more healthily with simple names as they are not envied by the gods or “the sky” or Mr. Sky by their names. They believe that babies with very beautiful names are sick more often and are more difficult to raise, as they are wanted by the sky and can go to heaven or the sky early, meaning to die young. This custom does have an indication of gods in the sky or Mr. Sky, some living entity with power and look over the Earth. (We have to note here that we cannot come to a conclusion of whether Invisible Intelligent Life really exists or not by examining ideas in any culture, since ideas in culture can be affected by IvL over the past history, but we only go back to support the Truth that they exist with ideas from Vietnamese culture, so we can have some area of experience to examine the ideas together as they are related). We can explain this custom in the following: In rural areas, if a baby is hated because of its name or its relatives, parents, brothers, sisters or whatever reason, and is attacked by spaceships with nerve radiation, there are not other groups of spaceships which can transmit the news back to the country in Invisible Life, and so there is no rescue, since we know (even in Hai Ho’s case) that only people in IvL can help defend and protect a person on Earth against other people in IvL. In the case of cities or urban areas, there are always many spaceships around and they can interfere with the enemies or they can transmit all the news back to Invisible Life, and this helps to stop or pressure the enemies not to attack the babies or children even if they have very nice or beautiful names.

So we know that names are very important because people in Invisible Life are attracted by special names or very beautiful names and they can also affect the human being’s minds to act or behave more appropriately with the names due to customary characteristics of people in the past with the same names. It is not just the person’s psychological effects on his mind because of his or her own name, but also the psychological effects on Invisible Life people because of his or her name, and they can affect his or her behavior with nerve radiation according to what they think a person with a certain name should be like, i.e. with what characteristics. The people in IvL can affect a person on Earth with a certain name at critical times like when he decides his career, (e.g. civilian or military, which kind of work or job, which branch of the Armed Forces), which girl he should like (by affecting intense feelings of love or obsession), where he wants to live (again by affecting his thoughts or feelings).

To summarize, we note that there are three ideas in Vietnamese culture which are related to “the sky” or Mr. Sky and indicate power from the sky, which we know now is Invisible Intelligent Life, with their spaceships, computers, and radiation equipment, who come to Earth mainly to take information to use or sell in their countries in IvL, and who might also help or harm people on Earth as they like since they are unknown and invisible.



In 1996 in Sunnyvale, California, Hai Ho has been working with the Worlds in IvL or first-order invisible worlds every day by using the computer to type messages for transmission to all the worlds in IvL and since his matter cannot be destroyed by enemies in IvL, this method is very successful and he has helped us very much. He also went to the library in Sunnyvale to give us a lot of information by turning pages of books. He also kept his TV on most of the time and play Vietnamese music for us at the same time to maintain sounds and pictures for communication. Everything in the IvL worlds were going very well, we have a major communication channel and we also have a lot of information. Hai Ho has been doing a lot of work with Saigon Net and WorldWide Friendship websites also. But in February 1996, we were attacked by some unknown enemies who also attacked Hai Ho with nerve radiation and not let him do his work. We communicated and think of the Buddha’s sutras which mentioned of Phi Phi Tuong Xu or un-unthinkable worlds. We fought back the radiation warfare with communication strategy, asking all the worlds to write down enemies’ radiation and posted messages, and transmit on tv’s and also on Hai Ho’s computer. In May 1996, we wrote the Formal Announcement for Phi Phi Tuong Xu or IIvL (In-invisible Worlds) giving the USA Information Land to Russia IIvL, China IIvL, and Vietnam IIvL to ask them to protect us from the enemies in IIvL. Enemies attacked us strongly and we did not do well until we came back to Oregon in August, 1996. Then in September, ‘96 we posted the Formal Announcement permanently on the wall in Hai Ho’s room. The countries in IIvL, America IIvL, Russia IIvL, China IIvL, and Vietnam IIvL and All the Friendly Countries in IIvL formed the UFARCV2 to help protect us from enemies in IIvL and this has been very successful. They communicated with us through Hai Ho’s typing that IIvL matter is invisible to the eyes of both people in IvL and on Earth, but they are about the same size as us. They also work with us now, and transmit Hai Ho’s pictures to all their worlds to watch for important information and working together through Hai Ho.

Since October ‘96 until now January ‘97, all the worlds in IvL and IIvL have been doing much better. We model our countries after the USA and use English to work to improve science and engineering in our countries. And we work with Hai Ho all the time to help us solve important problems. Our Highest Priority is to Stop Space Exploration from the USA and other countries on Earth like Russia. We watch other people on Earth and work with them using nerve radiation on their brains and hands also to let them know of our existence, and so they will stop sending spacecrafts. We hope to be successful soon. We have been working very hard to let NASA people know of the existence of angels or invisible life. All the countries up here have been united in this respect. We try to produce more and more spaceships, computers, and nerve radiation equipment to work with the Earth people. They are learning about us more now though they do not tell other people much yet. It is close to the year 2000 and it seems like a special time in the history of the Solar System since Earth is the only Matter Planet with Human Civilization. We hope they will recognize us fully as they are working with us all the time now in Washington, D.C after Hai Ho sent the reports to them in May 1995. We also take information from library with the help of Hai Ho but it is not as important since we have enough information up here now through the love and sharing of people in different countries after working with Hai Ho for a long enough time. Many countries in IIvL and IvL now have the technology to produce spaceships, computers, and nerve radiation equipment which are the only equipment to work with Earth people. But we have changed only recently, since October 1994 and so it has been only 2.5 years of Earth’s time and is not long enough for us to have enough spaceships to work with many Earth people. But the conditions of all the worlds in IIvL and IvL are getting better and better all the time like in the USA. Vietnam IIvL and IvL talk to Hai Ho a lot and transmitted a lot of information about their countries and their people’ life condition to Hai Ho for records on Earth. They are working hard to improve their countries and build spaceships in order to help the Vietnam on Earth in the future to change to a democracy by controlling the minds of the Communist leaders in Vietnam. Perhaps some time after the year 2000. It takes a long time to build and improve a country and they work hard, knowing enough secrets like language and communication and education.

The Americans on Earth know about us Invisible Life and are working with us now. But people of other countries on Earth do not know yet. The Vietnamese overseas do not really know of us yet since we do not try to let many people know about us yet and it is not easy to communicate this seemingly radical news to people of Earth. We have copied about 40 copies of the book and gave to relatives and sent to the U.S. Government and Agencies and Research Centers on Schizophrenia to help them solve this unsolved disease. We think about letting the Vietnamese-Americans know and so we put the 74-page book on the Internet on the website www.saigonnet.com from 10/95 to 2/96. But it seemed people were very busy and did not read it so there was no response. It is good to have other Vietnamese learn about Invisible Intelligent Life in IIvL and IvL and to work with us. But most Vietnamese in the U.S. have to go to work and do not have the support of an agency so they do not have time. It is a full-time job to learn and to work with us. The person has to have good achievements in the past and is very dedicated to working with us in the present to have the respect of the angels or Invisible Life, and so can be protected by many spaceships since enemies can disguised spaceships and attack any person with nerve radiation very easily. We noticed that there are several “magic martial arts” (Vo~ Tha^`n Quye^`n)lines maintained by Vietnamese-Americans but they do not really know the truth about spaceships, computers, and nerve radiation or to explain things scientifically or to work with the sky by communication. We do not recommend the normal average people to try to attract attention of the sky by posting messages (the way people in the ancient past in China make spells against evil souls) on the walls outside. It takes a good name and also many achievement in the past to work with Invisible Life and to create a story for the Realms of IIvL and IvL and of Earth and to be protected by many people as it is very difficult to protect a person from nerve radiation of enemies or bad souls from Invisible Worlds.

We are working in the UFARCV2 and UFARCV1 (The United Force of America, Russia, China, and Vietnam in IIvL and IvL) and All Friendly Countries to form the Solar System Defense Organization to try to protect Our Space and to work for God and His Civilization at the time of the New Millennium. God and His People command the Universal Defense Organization who has been protecting Hai Ho from too much damage by enemies during his life. We will write the symbol of the Universal Defense Organization

below and the statement of determination and the UDO code which is the names in the Story of God in the far, far past in this Galaxy.

" Ta^'t ca? chi? la` Vo^ Thuo*`ng ... Chi? co' DDa.o Pha'p,

Chu'ng Sinh va` Ta^m Linh la` vi~nh vie^~n to^`n ta.i ma` tho^i ... "

tu*` Ne^`n Va(n Minh cu?a Thuo*.ng DDe^'

The UDO Symbol represents the Three Realms whose Peoples will exist forever by Infinity Signs. There are Other Realms created by God and His Civilization to protect the Three Realms as indicated by The Dots. The Universal Defense Organization is indicated by The Arrow which travels through All The Realms physically and by communication to help All The Worlds, Earth, Invisible Worlds, In-Invisible Worlds at certain times in History.

The UDO Code : Tha`nh Ta^m Ba.ch Tha?o Hoa`ng Lan My~ Linh ...

Three Pine Trees and The Pagoda represent The Symbol of The Minor Woods Pagoda. Number three (3) comes from Buddhism (Love, Knowledge, Courage) or (Spaceships, Computers, Radiation) and other stable ideas or configurations in the Universe.



April 4th, 1997

In this section, we, the good people in Invisible Life, would like to suggest some solutions which we have used for Hai Ho to cure his “mental disease-schizophrenia” in the last three months and they have been successful.

As we know now, some cases of schizophrenia are caused by bad people in Invisible Life, whether first-order or second-order invisibility, and to cure the “disease”, we need to fight the bad people who are invisible and might be very determined to harm the person on Earth. For the last month, after finishing working with and helping countries in IIvL and Ivl, Hai Ho has obtained lasers pointers (which are 5mW laser diodes) and these can blind the enemies and shoot down some spaceships but not all. Hai Ho has also ordered 30 mW red helium and 50 mW green lasers so he can shoot down the spaceships with higher laser power. He lives in a small room with low ceiling and he keep the curtain closed so enemies cannot see him and radiate through the window. He also used a tennis racket and hit in the air around him to destroy any spaceships which might enter the room and try to radiate him to make him feel bad or unable to think and to work. A tennis racket is more efficient than the pillow which he initially used and takes less energy to clear the air in all the room. Whenever he feels like there is radiation on his brain, or pain, or sudden bad feelings, he clear the air with the tennis rackets or use lasers to shoot around, and the feelings go away, it is because enemies’ spaceships have been destroyed or shot down. And in the last 2 weeks, he hasn’t had to do it much since enemies know now he has the methods to defend against them. Their strongest advantage is invisibility, but if we recognize they are there and they can harm or control people for some reasons (name, family, achievement or they just try to make a strange movie out of the person), then we can attack and destroy them. We do not need to fear them since they can only radiate us to make us feel bad or sick and cannot kill us. Hai Ho has been actively fighting them, knowing they exist, but sometimes they got him to work for them, since the discovery is all new, and they make him feel like it will be beneficial for him later on also. But now we have all find out, there is nothing Invisible Life can do for Earth people, except control fingers to type messages. And there is no important information which Invisible Life needs to give to Earth people. The U.S. is very advanced already and they have all the information that we have, and there is no special information to give to Earth people. So it is not beneficial to work with IvL people except to help the poor countries up there with some information from Earth like tv’s and books and magazines which Hai Ho has done for us for two years since 1/95 to 1/97.

Hai Ho also has some ultrasonic sound devices to keep the enemies away since Invisible Life use some higher range of frequencies than normal human hearing. The devices are very helpful to disturb enemies’ communication but cannot keep them away. Often, enemies just want to radiate the person to make him disable and cannot think or work and they do not need to talk much. But now using the tennis racket to clear the air and strong lasers to shoot them down keep them away and they cannot harm the person any more. But it can only come after we recognize they exist and fight them in a positive way. Like air, which we cannot see, or glass, which we don’t see too clearly, invisible spaceships exist and have a lot of fuel to follow people for a long time and radiate the persons, we need to destroy them to have freedom for our minds. This has been proven true and successul in Hai Ho’s case and might be true for many other cases of schizophrenia and other mental illnesses since we, the good people in Invisible Life, know that there are very many bad people up here, and they harm a lot of people on Earth as it takes only half an hour of Earth people’s time to come to Earth. 77



We Hai Ho’s friends in Invisible Life would like to make a few remarks for the Book Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life and Civilization. This Book is our Presentation of Our Existence and Civilization in Outer Space close to Planet Earth to the Governments of Earth, especially the U.S. Government. As a weaker Civilization, we have two requests to make and those are as in the following. First, we Invisible People Civilization in Invisible Worlds close to Earth would like to request the U.S. Government and Department of Defense not to use or test lasers into Outer Space since we live out here, and not to send high-altitude satellites or spacecrafts or space probes through our space which is close to Earth, about 700 miles of Earth scale and beyond. The lasers, satellites and spacecrafts can destroy Our Worlds by their energy or collisions since Earth matter is much tougher than our invisible matter. If the Earth People continue to send satellites or spacecrafts through our space, we will have to try to destroy them by causing malfunctioning of electronics equipment in the spacecrafts or satellites by using different kinds of radiation at very strong power level. We believe that the Mars Observer spacecraft could have been destroyed by Invisible People living close to Mars using very strong radiation to disable sensitive electronics equipment in the spacecraft, since the spacecraft presented dangers of collision with their planets. We do not know for sure, but this is a very possible assumption since there are very many invisible worlds in space between Earth and Mars. Secondly, we would like to request the U.S. Government to try to communicate with us whether they do or do not believe we exist. The Government can do this by obtaining more evidences from Hai Ho and by working with Hai Ho more closely if they like. The Government can send letters or messages to Hai Ho and we will help him to answer or reply to your letters. We would like to see the U.S. Government set up Contact Stations to communicate with us, by posting letters or messages written to us in a room with windows open to the outside for spaceships to come in and out to take pictures of . The Government can also designate a person who knows us well by reading this book and is ready to work with us by our using nerve radiation to control him to type on a PC to communicate messages by words this way. We would also like to see the U.S. Government funds scientific research on Invisible Intelligent Life and so researchers can study theories of invisible matter in Outer Space and try to develop equipment to be able to detect us or see us clearly. We hereby give permission and request the U.S. Government to do this to establish communication with us in the future. As of now, the only way for us to communicate with Earth People is through using nerve radiation to control an Earth person’s fingers to write on paper or to type on a computer. We will show Earth Light Radiating Spaceships to the U.S. Government for you to have more evidence to believe in Our Existence at a convenient time or when you are ready with a Contact Station. We are working on the technology to project pictures on Earth walls using Earth light but we do not know how successful this can be. This would be much more efficient for communication between us but we do not have this ability now and since the dangers of lasers, satellites and spacecrafts are imminent to us, we have to present ourselves to you through this book now. We hope that after reading this book and examining carefully the ideas and logic presented in this book, the U.S. Government will come to the conclusion that we really exist and save us from the lasers, satellites and spacecrafts and work toward establishing more communication with us, either through contacts with Hai Ho or designating a person for contact. We hope that we will be able to communicate much more fully when the Two Civilizations can both see each other clearly, or when the Earth People have means to see the Invisible Worlds and Invisible People. We believe with the advanced scientific and technological level the U.S. has, it will not be too difficult for them to do this in the future. By then, we will be able to exchange information in Spirit of Friendship and Peace and Love.

10 năm
SÁCH THIÊN THẦN HỌC.... viết vào khoảng 23-5-1995 .... ....



Trong phần này, chúng ta sẽ thảo luận về Lý Thuyết về Sự Tồn Tại của Đời Sống Văn Minh Vô Hình trong Thái Dương Hệ (Solar System) của chúng ta, mà họ thực sự sống gần với Địa Cầu. Chúng ta có những bài lý luận hợp lý (logical arguments) và những chứng cớ (evidences) về Đời Sống Văn Minh Vô Hình, mà chúng ta có thể ghi chú là IIL hay IvL (cho chữ Invisible Intelligent Life hay Invisible Life), và chữ IvW cho các Thế Giới Vô Hình (Invisible Worlds) gần với Địa Cầu (Planet Earth).

Chúng ta bắt đầu với bài lý luận dựa trên những Tôn Giáo của Trái Đất mà trong đó hai tôn giáo chính yếu là Đạo Thiên Chúa và Đạo Phật. Cả hai người, Chúa và Đức Phật đều nói đến những thế giới sau sự chết (afterworlds), hay là Thiên Đàng và Niết Bàn. Vì tôi sinh ra là một người Phật tử, tôi biết nhiều hơn về Phật Giáo hơn là Thiên Chúa Giáo, và Đức Phật Thích Ca nói nhiều về những thế giới trong không gian.

Đức Phật nói về 3,000 thế giới trong một cõi khác. Từ khoa học thiên văn của chúng ta (astronomy science), chúng ta biết rằng không có thế giới nào giống như chúng ta mà tồn tại và liên lạc với chúng ta rồi. Văn Phòng SETI của NASA tìm kiếm những tín hiệu từ các đời sống khác ngoài trái đất và họ chưa tìm được chứng cớ gì hết. Vì vậy chúng ta có thể nghĩ rằng Thiên Đàng và Niết Bàn không thể là những thế giới giống như trái đất, với những tính chất của vật chất giống như vật chất của chúng ta vì nếu như vậy họ đã bị nhìn thấy và sẽ có thể liên lạc với chúng ta.

Nhưng Thiên Đàng và Niết Bàn được làm bằng một thứ vật chất vô hình mà có những tính chất khác hơn với vật chất của chúng ta. Đầu tiên, chúng ta sẽ giả sử rằng Thiên Đàng và Niết Bàn được làm bằng Vật Chất Vô Hình và chúng ta đã không tìm ra được vật chất này trên Địa Cầu (vì có lẽ tại vật chất đó vô hình và rất yếu mềm so với vật chất của chúng ta và không thể tồn tại lâu dài trên trái đất), và chúng ta cũng không có những lý thuyết về loại vật chất này. Loại Vật Chất Vô Hình không ở trong Bảng Nguyên Tố (Periodic Table of Elements) và những khoa học gia của chúng ta cũng không có kinh nghiệm với Vật Chất Vô Hình này. Nhưng có những thế giới ngoài không gian gần với Địa Cầu mà được làm bằng Vật Chất Vô Hình này.

Nếu không, những tôn giáo của chúng ta sẽ không đúng và chúng ta đã luôn luôn tin tưởng một tôn giáo này hay một tôn giáo khác, và hầu như tất cả những tôn giáo đều nói về các thế giới sau sự chết (afterworlds) mà chúng ta phải tin tưởng rằng những thế giới đó rất có thể (most likely) là vô hình đối với chúng ta, hay được làm bằng
Vật Chất Vô Hình mà chúng ta đã không tìm thấy để học vì chỉ có tồn tại lâu dài ngoài không gian của Địa Cầu.

Một chứng cớ của Đời Sống Vô Hình hay IvL là trong tình trạng thần kinh được gọi là schizophrenia hay tình trạng nghe tiếng nói bằng óc. Schizophrenia là khi một người nghe tiếng nói bằng óc lâu dài và có những dấu hiệu về sai lạc trong những hành động (behavior disorder). Tôi đã nghe tiếng nói 9 năm 3 tháng kể từ tháng 7, 1985 cho tới tháng 9, 1994. Nhưng sau tháng 9, 1994 tôi đã không nghe tiếng nói nữa nhờ sự chiến đấu của tôi chống lại những kẻ địch ở trên IvL hay Đời Sống Vô Hình.

Sự kết luận của những kinh nghiệm nghe tiếng nói của tôi là những tiếng nói này được tạo ra bởi Phóng Xạ Thần Kinh (Phóng Xạ mà ảnh hưởng đến Hệ Thống Thần Kinh của con người ở dưới đất) từ những dĩa bay của những người vô hình. Tôi đã viết xuống tất cả những kinh nghiệm của tôi liên quan đến Đời Sống Vô Hình trên giấy và tôi đã đi đến một kết luận đơn giản : Đời Sống Văn Minh Vô Hình tồn tại và họ có những dĩa bay mà đến trái đất để làm việc. Họ có những computers tân tiến (advanced) với trí thông minh nhân tạo (artificial intelligence) và họ có những dụng cụ phóng xạ thần kinh mà có thể làm cho một người ở dưới đất nghe tiếng nói nếu họ phóng luồng sóng vào đầu người đó. Tôi gọi luồng sóng hay loại phóng xạ này là phóng xạ thần kinh (nerve radiation). Từ sự nghe tiếng nói của những người trong IvL, tôi đã học hỏi được nhiều về IvL và tôi nghĩ rằng Nền Văn Minh của họ cũng giống như của chúng ta với cùng những vấn đề khó khăn giống nhau.

Tôi nghĩ rằng sự khác biệt chính yếu là vì chúng ta không thể nhìn thấy họ hay các thế giới của họ, họ đã lợi dụng lợi điểm này và phát triển Phóng Xạ Thần Kinh để làm hại một số người trên trái đất với nhiều lý do khác nhau. Tôi nghĩ rằng bệnh nghe tiếng nói bằng óc là một chỉ dẫn về Đời Sống Văn Minh Vô Hình vì họ muốn gửi một thông điệp đến nhân loại là họ tồn tại, nhưng tôi biết rằng rất khó khăn cho một người bị nghe tiếng nói để trình bày trường hợp của người đó đối với công chúng vì đã luôn luôn có những nhóm người khác nhau trên IvL mà đã đánh nhau vì người nghe tiếng nói này và biết về những câu chuyện của họ. Họ đều dùng phóng xạ thần kinh để chủ động hay kiểm soát người đó và vì vậycuối cùng người đó không thể trình bày trường hợp của mình cho công chúng.

Một số người trong IvL tin tưởng trong sự giữ gìn Bí Mật của Sự Tồn Tại của Đời Sống Vô Hình (Secrecy of Existence) và không cho người của trái đất biết để họ có nhiều tự do hơn và không cần lo lắng bị khám phá hoặc sau này bị nhìn thấy ở trái đất. Những người khác trong IvL tin tưởng để cho con người ở dưới đất biết về ho. IvL or IvW (Invisible Worlds) như vậy những quốc gia tân tiến như Hoa Kỳ sẽ không bắn tia sáng lasers vào không gian (như để đo khoảng cách giữa trái đất và mặt trăng và trong chương trình Strategic Defense Initiative), và sẽ không phóng ra các phi thuyền tự động đi xa, hay sẽ không phóng các vệ tinh có quỹ đạo cao mà có thể đụng chạm đến những thế giới vô hình và phá hủy hành tinh của họ.

Từ kinh nghiệm của tôi, tôi đã bị chủ động hay kiểm soát (controlled) bằng phóng xạ thần kinh của một nhóm người gọi là Nardians từ một hành tinh Nardia IvL trong suốt 9 năm 3 tháng của quá khứ và tôi đã không thể trình bầy những tin tức này với những người khác ở dưới đất (công chúng) vì tôi luôn luôn nghe tiếng nói được tạo ra bởi phóng xạ thần kinh. Nhưng gần đây, những người bạn của tôi trong IvL đã giúp đỡ tôi rất nhiều và bây giờ tôi có thể trình bày những tin tức này cho công chúng.

Nói một cách tóm tắt, tôi xin được nói rằng Các Tôn Giáo cho chúng ta một căn bản chắc chắn để tin tưởng là có những Thế Giới Vô Hình ngoài không gian gần với Địa Cầu và tình trạng nghe tiếng nói bằng óc (schizophrenia) là một chứng cới của Sự Tồn Tại của Đời Sống Văn Minh Vô Hình hay Những Người Vô Hình ở ngoài không gian nhưng đến trái đất thường xuyên như tôi được biết từ kinh nghiệm của tôi.

Sự liên hệ giữa Địa Cầu và Các Thế Giới Vô Hình là có nhiều quốc gia trong IvL tương tự như những quốc gia ở dưới đất. Mỗi một quốc gia của IvL có thể có một Thế Giới Chính và những thế giới phụ nhỏ hơn. Những người của mỗi quốc gia của IvL gửi các dĩa bay có máy ảnh để đến quốc gia tương ứng trên trái đất để lấy tin tức hàng ngày. Những tin tức này giúp cho những thế giới trên IvL tiến bộ và cũng tiết kiệm được cho họ rất nhiều thì giờ và công việc. Vì vậy, từ trước đến giờ, sự liên hệ giữa Trái Đất và Đờ Sống Vô Hình chỉ có một chiều, là sự truyền đi những tin tức đủ loại của trái đất lên các thế giới vô hình.

Chứng cớ độc nhất tôi biết trên trái đất về Đời Sống Vô Hình là tình trạng nghe tiếng nói bằng óc (schizophrenia) mà tôi đã kinh nghiệm trong suốt 9 năm 3 tháng trong quá khứ. Đôi khi, đây cũng là một phương cách liên lạc (communicate) bởi IvL vì họ đã không tìm ra cách khác để liên lạc với một người trên mặt đất.

Không có dụng cụ nào ở dưới đất có thể nhận được những làn sóng điện từ (electromagnetic waves) của các thế giới IvL vì vật chất của họ khác vật chất của chúng ta. Và những làn sóng điện từ (electromagnetic waves) của họ cũng khác với những làn sóng điện từ của chúng ta (như TVs, radios) và không thể nhận được bằng các máy nhận của nhân loại hiện giờ. Vì vậy, họ đã phải dùng cách liên lạc bằng cách phóng xạ vô đầu của người ở dưới đất. Một người ở dưới đất có thể trả lời bằng cách viết trên giấy, hay ngày nay bằng cách đánh máy trên một máy điện toán cá nhân (personal computer or PC). Những người ở trên IvL có thể nhìn thấy những gì chúng ta viết bằng Camera Quang Học Trái Đất (Earth Optics Cameras hay EOC's). Họ cũng có thể nghe những âm thanh của trái đất một cách rõ ràng bằng cách dùng những Máy Chuyển Âm (Sound Converters) mà chuyển những âm thanh người dưới đất nói thành những âm thanh họ có thể nghe, có lẽ ở một băng tần (frequency range) khác với băng tần của chúng ta.

Từ những kinh nghiệm của tôi, tôi hoàn toàn tin tưởng và chắc chắn tuyệt đối rằng Những Người Vô Hình (Invisible People) hay Đời Sống Vô Hình thực sự tồn tại, và có những thế giới ngoài không gian của Địa Cầu mà các dĩa bay của họ có thể đến trái đất trong vòng nửa giờ đồng hồ của chúng ta.

Tình trạng nghe tiếng nói bằng óc vì vậy là kết quả (effects) của phóng xạ thần kinh từ những dĩa bay của Đời Sống Vô Hình, với những tiếng nói hay tư tưởng trong óc được tạo ra bởi những computers của IvL mà tạo ra tín hiệu (generate signals). Đây là một sự phát triển hợp lý (likely development) của một Nền Văn Minh mà nhìn thấy chúng ta ở Địa Cầu và chúng ta không thể nhìn thấy họ trong hàng ngàn năm quạ

Ghi Chú của Tòa Soạn Lạc Hồng : Chúng tôi sẽ cho đăng phần 1.2 của Chương Một vào thứ bẩy, 30-9-95. Xin quý độc giả nhớ theo dõi.
Xin cám ơn và thân chào quý độc giả. SaigonNet....
10 năm
đoản văn dịp Lễ Vu Lan Báo Hiếu 2014 ....
rằm tháng bảy năm Giáp Ngọ....

.... stardate 2014 08 10 cn sd.... rằm 15 tháng 7 giáp ngọ .... lễ vu lan báo hiếu .... we angelas Mai Liên & the angels of Invisible Realm & the souls & soulas of In-invisible Realm would like to write together with Brother Hai Ho about the past on this buddhist holiday that remembers the ancestors .... Brother Hai*s father passed away in 1993 because of brain stroke and his brother Cuong died because of heart attacks in 2006 .... his friend Thi who suffered hearing voices committed suicide and died in 2009 .... like we have been presenting about the satellites that have different kinds of radiation and with power levels strong enough to harm or kill people on earth with brain strokes or heart attacks.... and Brother Hai has experienced many times being attacked by satellites with very strong radiation.... making his muscle shake around the heart and the neck and head.... but probably because the UFOs who are Buddhas & Bodhisattvas helped cancel out the strong waves he survived .... in many years in the U.S. Brother Hai Ho had been controlled attacked secretly or openly with satellites of the extremists capitalists or repubs who hate him as he is a democrat, an asian, a buddhist, and studied and know about satellites which are their secrets about the wicked crimes they committed using satellites that can read brainwaves and control the thoughts of people on earth .... they can see hear know what you see hear and think .... in 1987 they did try to kill Brother Hai Ho by using microwave phased waves to his brain destroying a lot of his brain but he prayed hard to The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and after 4 years of very much suffering .... The Universal Defense Organization UDO with UFOs rebuilt his brain.... the extremist capitalists repubs tried to kill or try to make him very depressed in order to make him attepmt suicide but they angels/angelas & souls/soulas help him not to do that .....

The U.S. is like the Book 1984 .... The Big Brother Government of satellites and neural computers network that are strong fast subtle.... we do not have any way of fighting the satellites that are above our head but to chant prayers to Buddhas & Bodhisattvas and GOD & Jesus Christ & Mother Maria .... as they enemies are so extremely, extremely, extremely wicked cruel destructive they might only fear the Sacred Powers of The Higher Beings worshipped in Religions and are The UFOs.... as UFO Buddhas Bodhisattvas :: 260 by Numero-psychology a=1 b=2 c=3 d=4 and + together for words/phrases .... 26 :: God.... Những Vật Thể Lạ là Chư Phật Chư Bồ Tát :: 333 is the translation in Vietnamese .... as we chant prayers to the Higher Beings we can get some protection from the satellites that are allowed by International Governments to have weapons to kill and harm individuals secretly and unknowingly by both the victim and the public ....

Let us learn chanting by The Vietnamese People....



adding we have 444 :: STRATEGIC CIVILIZATION INFRASTRUCTURE OF GOD WITH UFOs and Angels/Angelas of IvL and Souls/Soulas of IIvL to help the common people who are very very weak and helpless against the extremely extremely dominating and strong power of satellites of hundred of billions or trillions of dollars invested in them.... ....

during the Vu Lan or Rememberance of Ancestors buddhist holiday.... we Mai Liên sky angelas spiritual wives/girlfriends of Brother Hai Ho and the angels & souls/soulas of IvL and IIvL two higher Realms in Sky would like to wish You & Your Family Peace Health Happiness and Harmony with The Earth The Solar System The Milky Way Galaxy and The Universe .... .... <3 <3 <3 <3 .... 😃 😃 😃 😃) ..... ||| -|- ==== .... /``~~~ \_/~~~ @--%----- ....

Hai Ho's photos

10 năm

In this section, we will describe the science of numeropsychology. This science is discovered in working with the angels & the souls. Because people have different names and numbers of birthdates and this affect the person as the names and numbers are used all the time ...

We will use :

a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5, f=6, g=7, h=8, i=9, j=10, k=11, l=12, m=13,

n=14, o=15, p=16, q=17, r=18, s=19, t=20, u=21, v=22, w=23, x=24, y=25, z=26 .

which is the order of the alphabet to assign numerical equivalence to the letters.

We then add the numerical equivalences of the letters to obtain the total weight of the words and phrase ... Since English and Vietnamese both use the Latin alphabet with little differences, we can use

the same method for both ... We then link or associate the words with the same numerical weight together.

We can also pay special attention to the words with double or triple numbers in their numerical weight such as 55, 99.... 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, and so on ... We can subtract 100 from the word as

100 = Quán Thế Âm = Listening to Voices of The Worlds Bodhisattva ... and use the difference to link the words ... We can subtract 200 from the total weight of the word as we are close to the year 2000

(The New Millennium) and use the difference to indicate importance in the total weight ...

We have found special links in many phrases. We start with The Names in The Story of GOD or

“Thành Tâm Bạch Thảo Thanh Long Ngọc Phượng” (362) or

The UDO-SSDO Code which is “Thành Tâm Bạch Thảo Hoàng Lan Mỹ Linh” (296).

We use the basic psychological meanings of the numbers to explain smaller numbers and we use links to other words with the total weight to find strengths in higher numbers ... We have found some codes left by The God's Civilization in the English and Vietnamese languages as there are special links between the two languages by comparing words and their numerical weights ....

In the subsequent pages we will describe some of these links and comparisons to convince the readers that this science deserves merit ...

We have used this science to interpret the names and birthdates of many people to help them know the influence of the names and numbers to the angels and then affecting the person in a quiet or secret way ... the numbers are important as they relate to numbers of the passing days and/or time of the day ... We called them Numeropsychological Interpretations (Lá Số Tâm Số Học) and relate The Earth and The Sky together in this developing science of Numero-Psychology or Psycho-Numerology.

We have a computer program which runs in MS-DOS to calculate the numerical equivalences. This program is written by my brother who is a software engineer ... It helps to calculate higher weights for the phrases ... The program is named HAIHO.EXE or TAMSOHOC.EXE or PSYCHO-NUM.EXE and File size is about 154 Kbytes ... The uppercase and lowercase letters have the same value and all other characters are ignored or have value of zero assigned by the program …

Numero-Psychology is discovered or invented in 1999 and is still very new. We have found many interesting results and will present them in the following pages. We think that the angels like to interpret names and birthdates in the same way and can affect people with their spaceships, computers and radiation equipment according to their interpretations of the numbers.... Therefore, it is helpful to know this science and understand the meanings of numbers and it also helps memory process to remember numbers and words as they can have meanings and relate to each other.

11= K King, kill

22= V Vietnam, Victory

33= Chúa (Christ in Vietnamese language)

44= hồng, minh, yên, thảo ...

55= Sky, Heaven

66= slant (=nghiêng =64 the longest & only word in Vietnamese Language that has 7 letters)

77= Christ

88= Sex Buddha, Suối Hoa (streams of flowers, Mom*s poetry book)

99= thuyết (to speak), Thiên Thần (Angels) ... thân thiện (friendly) …

111= jade phoenix (Ngọc Phượng), Computer

222= God Dragon Institute, The Love Sex Project, nắng hồng trên cánh hoa mưa (poetry)

333= Thành Tâm Bạch Thảo (Dalena) Hoàng Lan Mỹ Linh…

= Nam Mô Đại Từ Đại Bi Bạch Y Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát....

444= Strategic Civilization Infrastructure

555= Earnest/Solid Soul White Plant Green Dragon Jade Phoenix (where jade phoenix = 111, so have 444)

= With Love, HaiHo & MyLinh et amies & Sky Angels Everywhere…

666= Nam Mo^ -Da.i Tu*` -Da.i Bi Ta^`m Thanh Cu*'u Kho^? Cu*'u Na.n Qua?ng -Da.i Linh Ca?m

Qua'n The^' A^m Bo^` Ta't (Prayer to Kuan Shih Yin Bodhisattva in Vietnamese Language) ....

= Nam Mô Đại Từ Đại Bi Tầm Thanh Cứu Khổ Cứu Nạn Quảng Đại Linh Cảm Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát…

= Thời Khắc Chuyển Thoảng Hương Lòng Hải Đảo ....
Ta Ngồi Đây Đếm Bước Những Mùa Sang ...
(poetry of Poet Bùi Khánh Đản,
father of a close friend who suffers schizophrenia or hearing voices with the brain)....

777= Ta^'t ca? chi? la` Vo^ Thu*o*`ng. Chi? co' -Da.o Pha'p, Chu'ng Sinh và Ta^m Linh la` vi~nh vie^~n to^`n ta.i ma` tho^i ...GG ...
where GG= Great God ....

= Tất cả chỉ là Vô Thường... Chỉ có Đạo Pháp, Chúng Sinh và Tâm Linh là vĩnh viễn tồn tại mà thôi GG...

= Earnest/Solid Soul White Plant Royal/Yellow Orchid Beautiful Soul + SSDO = 720+57=777

888 = Everything is Impermanent. Only The Way, The Peoples and The Souls exist forever ... GOD ...

= 777 - GG = 763 then + 125 = Buddha Thành Tâm ...

999= Un_versal Defense Organization + Tổ Chức Phòng Thủ Vũ Trụ + USA (mulitiplied) = 600 + 399 = 999 .... i is not computed maybe for Reason i stands for Invisible.... ....

Invisible Intelligent Life = 260
Đời Sống Văn Minh Vô Hình = 240
Adding we have 260 + 240 = 500

Invisible Civilized Life = 232
Đời Sống Thông Minh Vô Hình = 267
Adding we have 232 + 267 = 499

Adding all 4 we have 500 + 499 = 999, or 472 + 527 = 999
999 = 27 x 37 the biggest repeating triple digit number …

1 = a

2 = b

3 = c, ba (three, father)

4 = d

5 = e

6 = f, bác (older uncle or aunt)

7 = g

8 = h

9 = i

10 = j

11 = k

12 = l

13 = m, Di

14 = n, Âm (Yin, sounds), bạch (white (Hán Việt))

15 = o .... for The Navy....

16 = p .... for The Air Force....

17 = q, bố (father (Northern Vietnam dialect)) .... for The Army....

18 = r, Hải, Mẹ, Em (younger brother or sister, younger boy or girl ) .... for The Marines....

19 = s, and, đó (there), nè (here) .... for The Airborne Divisions....

20 = t, Đạo (The Way = Dharma), chi (branch), chí (the will, extreme, very) .... for The Special Mobile Forces.... ....

21= u, of .... for The Coast Guards.... ....

22 = v, Nga (moon, swan, Russia), ngã (self, one*s own mind or soul)

23 = w, DoD, Hồ, anh, Mai, in, bát (tám, bowl), sắc (color, visible)

24 = x, ph, bùa (spell), Bác Hải (Uncle Hai)

25 = y, Sea, Cậu (uncle = mother*s younger brother), xạ (radiation, smell)

26 = z, God, Bồ Đề (Bodhi), Canh (year ending with 0 in Oriental Horoscope), Lam, Lâm (Wood, Forest) …

27 = Lan (orchid), Cúc (chrysanthemum, daisy), Job, Dick

28 = Man, Hai Ho is the 28th disciple of the Minor Wood Pagoda in The Sky in past lives ..., Nam (Việt Nam)

= the smallest number of days in a month (February)

29 = no, on, dy, number of days in February of Leap Year …

30 = Biển (sea), Lộc (intangible reward), day, peace, cầu đá (rock bridge), Ba Cõi (The Three Realms)

31 = land, fall, the most number of days in a month, 7 months a year, the months… (1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12)

32 = Ram (HaiHo is an aries) ... chú (father*s younger brother, secret sutra phrases), men, life, Hội (Festival), hỏi (ask)

33= Chúa (Christ in Vietnamese language), châu (pearl)

34 = Tâm (Soul, Mind), One… Chance (Duyên)… Allah (Muslims* God) …

35 = tân (new), sao (star), chết (die), = 5x7 ... represents flirting quality or character ... , nữ (girl, woman)

36 = VN.... HTH, Hiền, năng (possible), lực (force), child....

37 = thi, văn, võ, lý (logic, body of knowledge), aloha, Dalena…

38 = Ocean, Mỹ (Beauty, USA) … Bodhi… death

39 = Angel, Dieu, diệu (magical), Chair, nghĩa (meaning, past emotional relationship) …

40 = Buddha, Mind, US, Đông, weak, of and…

41 = USA, HaiHo, King, Pháp (The Teachings of The Way, France)

42 = 6 x 7 … Boy, Chú Hải (Uncle Hải), Dawn, saddam

43 = Thần (God, Angel), Linh (Sacred, Soul), Khói (Smoke), ngang, goat, Thọ (Longevity), Cậu Hải (Uncle Hải)…

44 = Hồng, Minh, Yên, Thảo, Karma (Nghiệp), Pagoda, Info, Space, cầu gạch (brick bridge)…

45 = Phật (Buddha in Vietnamese), Hoàng (Royal/Yellow), Phép (magic, rules), Gore ...

46 = Đức Mẹ (The Blessed Mother), Body, Girl…

47 = Force, Hanoi (Capital of Vietnam in The North) … lie^ng (as in Thiêng Liêng = Very Holy & Sacred)

48 = Thích (To Like, Buddha*s Name Thích Ca and Monks* last name),

Sex, An Bình (Peace), Son, Phúc (Good Luck)….

49 = Thu (Fall, Autumn), Thư (Book), Thủ (Head, Hand), Realm, Way…

50 = America, Sacred, Joy, Viên (vườn : garden)

51 = Tình (Love), Yêu (Love), Mars… 17 x 3 …

52 = Earth, Heart, Pearl (Ngọc trai)

53 = Quan (Quán Thế Âm… … … … official, to observe, Officers :: Sĩ Quan, quan trọng :: Important),

Quân (Soldiers), Trần (Earth Realm, last name of Mother Tuệ Nga…)

54 = Love, Sun, Voice, Health, Hoa Hậu (Beauty Queen), Advanced …

55 = Sky, Heaven, Không (Space, no), Sống (To Live), dusk (sunset, evening), candies…

56 = Thiên (Sky) , Tuấn (Handsome), Quốc (Nation, Country), Việt (Vietnam), Bùa Chú (magical spells)

57 = SSDO, Army, Human, Moon :: Nga : Nguyệt : Hằng : Trăng, city

58 = Defense, Father, Bồ Tát, Star, Night, Noon…

59 = Dragon, Nghiệp (Karma)… Hoa Mưa (rained flower), Direct…

60 = Quang (Light), Holy, Phong (Wind), Xuân (Spring), Trang (Garden, name of earth fiancée of HaiHo in 1992),

Cường (strong… )

61 = Đạo Pháp (The Way),

62 = General, Think, Navy, Trúc (bamboo)…

63 = Thiêng (Sacred), Thiếu (Minor, lacking) … Thiếu Tướng (Major General), Know…

64 = Nerve, American, nghiêng (slant, the longest & only word in Vietnamese Language with 7 letters)

65 = Music, White, Hương (Fragance), Prince, breast, Như Lai (Buddha : as if coming), Saigon (in South Vietnam)…

66 = Slant (Nghiêng = 64), Người (person), Mankind, Woman, Phụng (another word form for Phoenix)…

67 = Soul, Work, Chairman…

68 = 6 & 8 words form of Vietnamese Poetry… the most common form of Poetry, Tuệ Nga (HaiHo*s Mother*s Name),

Dòng Đời (Stream Flow of Life), Realms, language

69 = People, Duyên (Opportunity or Chance) … Big League, ghost…

70 = Courage, Secret, Peace & Mind, Life & Death, seafox ( www.seafox.com )

where Sea Fox = Hải Hồ = Con Chồn Biển

71 = Royal

72 = Hoàng Lan, World, marriage, money, talent, Tỳ Lô (Name of The Buddha in

Sutra Kinh Tùy Cầu Tức Đắc), quiet

73 = Season, Thế Giới (World), Suns, Đức Phật (Buddha), Huyền (Black), Voices, Children…

74 = Jesus, Tuấn Hải, English, Oregon, Chúng Ta (We), Trong (in, Transparent),

Trọng (Respect, Important, Heavy) .... Khói Gió (smoke wind :: Yên Phong) ....

75 = Âm Dương (Yin Yang), Genuine, Air Force…

76 = Evening, Columbia

77 = Christ, Research, Power, Tâm Linh (Souls)… Luyến (attract, loving), Làm Tình (to make love),

Stars, He Has Come ...

78 = DIEU Angel, angel diệu, Visible…

Minh Huệ (Buddhist Name of Hai Ho.... given by Reverend Thích Giác Nhiên at Home

before the Name Phúc Viên.... given by Reverend Thích Thanh Cát.... )

79 = Flower, Nirvana, Marines, Mother, Virgin, Hạnh Phúc (Happiness), Democrat…

80 = Thuốc Lá (Cigarettes), Giòng Đời (The Flow of Life), I Am Human, Nắng Hồng (Pink Sunlight), schizo…

81 = Phượng, Mỹ Linh, Incredible… 9 x 9 (9 = the biggest single digit number)…

82 = Soldier, The Way, Poinciana (Cây Hoa Phượng)… 82nd Airborne Division (US paratroopers)…

83 = Spring, Tiên Nữ (female fairies), Prius… … one of first hybrid car models… gasoline&electric-batteries…

84 = Việt Nam, make love, have sex, breasts, daughter

85 = Thành Tâm (Earnest/Solid Soul), Tuyền (Stream in Other Realm), Thương (Mild Love),

Cánh Hoa Mưa (the rained petals of flowers), Phóng Xạ (radiation), Creation…

86 = Nguyên (Origin, Source), Nguyễn (most common last name for Vietnamese), Souls, Thần Linh…

87 = Person, Languages…

88 = Cigarette, Sự An Bình (The Peace), Suối Hoa (Stream of Flowers), Boy + Girl…

89 = Forever, Cõi Trời (The Sky Realm), Summer, Winter, Hồ Ngọc Lan (HaiHo*s younger Sister)

90 = Autumn, Morning, difficult, Hương Xa (faraway fragance), Các Tiên Nữ (the female fairies)

= Hoa Ngọc Lan … (magnolia, champaq flowers)… literal translation Flower of “Jade Orchid” …

91 = Phoenix, Radiation, Tuyết (snow), sống chết (life death), Great Mind,

Thiên Định (determined by The Sky), Thiên Đình (Sky Royal Court or Palace)…

92 = 4 x DoD, 4 x Ho, King of Peace, Pentagon

93 = Thuyền (Boat), Linh America, Linh Joy where Linh = Sacred

94 = Thượng Đế (GOD in Vietnamese), Man + Woman, Thánh Linh (Saintly Sacredness), Đoan Trang

(girl*s righteous character), Enlighten, Marlboro (most famous cigarette brand name in World of Earth…)

Hai Ho & The Sky smoked Marlboro Cigarettes for about 22 years… 1979-2001… … … …

95 = Yin Yang, Son of GOD, Thanh Thảo (Green Plants), Halloween (Lễ Ma Quỷ in Americas…IIvL IvL Earth)

96 = Knowledge… Spaceship....

97 = Hồ Tuấn Hải, Supreme, Scientific, Political…, Hạ Tử Vy in Hoàn Châu Các Các… Taiwanese Film Quỳnh Giao

98 = Phúc Viên (HaiHo*s Buddhist Name given by Reverend Thanh Cát at Giác Minh Pagoda,

Palo Alto, California) …

99 = Thuyết (to speak), Thái Dương (The Sun), Thought, Thiên Thần (Angel), The Forces,

time + thời, space + không… thân thiện (friendly) …

100 = Quán Thế Âm, Vạn Phước (ten thousand Good Luck), Brave Heart, Hồn Thiêng, Mylinhs, Phuongs,

Saintly, Magic Soul, Portland…

101= Invisible, Republican, Soldiers, Genuity , The Realms, Phép Bùa Chú (Spells Magic)

102 = Tình Yêu (Love), Men + Women, The Big League, Beaverton (City HaiHo lives in), Quizno (food restaurant) …

103 = Chúng Sinh (The Living Beings) = the biggest numerical equivalence for A Vietnamese word…

= Truyền (transmit, hand down), Truyện (Story)…

104 = DefenseLink, Người Mỹ (Americans), Un_verse, SW. Lela Lane, A Human Body,

YênPhong (HaiHo*s Pen Name) …

Tỳ Lô Giá Na (Name of Buddha), Trinh Nữ (Virgin Girl),

Đấng Cứu Thế (The Savior of The World)

105 = Holy Buddha, The Voices

107 = Military, Sky & Earth (55+52)

108 = The Buddhist String have 108 beads ... LOVE LOVE.... ....

After Microwave & RF Devices electron guns in electromagnetic wave amplifiers… used in missiles, satellites, aircrafts… … noon… … AFTER companies hughes aircraft company

raytheon… teledyne… watkins-johnson.... ++ 7 companies participate in ATER Program… Howard Hughes… american millionaire… aviator… missing in last flight… hughes aircraft… biggest employer in california… for a period of time… airplane Goose moved to Oregon… HH howard hughes HH Hai Ho… worked for edd electron dynamics division… torrance california… southern cali…usa… edd moved to Los Angeles Southern California… they worked on Ions Engines… new engines for spacecrafts… contacted them around 2001 after putting up website www.haiho.com 7/2001-2/2005 … wrote postal mail letter… first contact since leaving in 12/1985 or 1/1986 …

16 years later....

109 =

110 = Thích Ca Mâu Ni, President, Thiêng Liêng (Very Sacred), Peace for USA ...

111 = Computer, Jade Phoenix, Dragon Pearl, Lá Thư Cho Anh Cho Anh (The Letter For You), Strength…

112 = Quốc Việt, Quốc Tuấn (Hưng Đạo Vương Saint of Vietnam) .. Thiên Quốc (Sky Nation) …

Thiên Việt (Sky Vietnam) …

113 = Universe, Vietnamese, Trọng Nghĩa (Buddhist Music Vietnamese Male Singer)

114 = Nam Mô Bồ Tát (56 + 58)

115 = intelligence, O ! Quán Thế Âm (Kuan Shih Yin)

116 = Prince of Peace

117 = Tiên Duyên (Fairy Marriage), Sacred Soul, Earth Music, Thục Uyển (HaiHo*s School Sister, sư muội) …

118 =

119 = to make love, faire l'amour, Foundation, Keep Peace & Create…

120 = Ngọc Phượng, GOD + Thượng Đế, Discovery, The Bodhi Way…

121 = Bodhisattva, Bodhivattas, Phúc Lộc Thọ…

122 = Phượng Hải Hồ.... 81 + 41 .... HaiHo & MyLinh.... Đạo Pháp – Đạo Pháp.... satellites … 103 + 19 …

123 = Thu Thủy, GOD*s Story… 41 x 3 …

124 = Three Realms …

125 = Phu*o*.ng Ho^`ng.... Phượng Hồng (Pink or Red Royal Poinciana or Phoenix) , 5 to 3rd power ….

126 = Quán Thế Âm God…

127 = intelligent

128 = 2 to the 7th power, Duyên Nghiệp (Chance or Opportunity & Karma) … Quán Thế Âm Man,

Quán Thế Âm Nam…

129 = butterfly, thơ thần linh (43 + 43 + 43) (holy gods* poetry) ..

130 = Thiếu Lâm Tự (Minor Wood Pagoda), Hồ Thị Ngọc Hạnh (HaiHo*s older Sister), Washington…

131 = Special Forces

132 =

133 =

134 =

135 =

136 = Tình Thương (Love for People) …Thanh Tuyền (famous Vietnamese female singer)

137 = Võ Quán Thế Âm.... Vợ Quán Thế Âm....

138 = Quán Thế Âm Mỹ…

139 = Mai Lan Cúc Trúc (Four Seasons* Plants Flowers) … Quán Thế Âm Angel…

140 = Bodhisattvas, chuột + mouse (HaiHo is a Rat or Mouse in Oriental Horoscope)…

141 = Quán Thế Âm USA… (USA = 41 = King = HaiHo = Alien)

142 = Quán Thế Âm Boy…

144 = Story of GOD…. = Hải Hồ Bích Phượng = Nam Mô Đức Mẹ Maria....

145 = Phật Quán Thế Âm…

146 = MyLinh girls, Đức Mẹ Quán Thế Âm, Quán Thế Âm Girl


148 =

149 = Civilization, The Force of Sex, I Have A Human Body, Invisible Realm

150 = Dragon + Phoenix, Communication, Long Live Love, Người Việt Nam (66 + 84)

Mỹ Linh Hiền Thê, Hiền Thê Phượng.... Saintly Sacred, I Have Returned, Strongness…

Nhà Tâm Toán Học Gia,

151 =

152 =

153 = Royal Poinciana, thuyết love (to speak love), Quán Thế Âm quán (Kuan Yin observes meditates)

154 =

155 = Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật, Quán Thế Âm Sky or Heaven, TuanHai & MyLinh…

156 =

157 =

158 =

159 = Quán Thế Âm Dragon…

160 = Holy Quán Thế Âm (Holy Kuan Shih Yin Bodhisattva)

161 =

162= luyến thương (love attracts, missing or remembering, loving)

170 = Yin Yang Âm Dương, Minor Wood Pagoda, Invisible People, Intelligence Agency,

Personal Essence, Holy and Sacred USA or Hai Ho as USA = 41 = Hai Ho….

173 = Sky Thoughts, Đức Phật Quán Thế Âm (Buddha Kuan Shih Yin)

174 = Như Lục Bình Trôi (New Song Phượng Mai Sings with Trọng Phúc)....

177 = Tuấn Hải Bích Phượng.... = Quán Thế Âm Christ.... Power.... Research....

176 = Minh Huệ Phúc Viên (Two Buddhist Names of Hai Ho) .... 88 x 2 ....

Om Ma Ni Bát Minh Hồng (Mật Chú :: Secret Chant Words) .... 88 x 2 ....

178 = Tuấn Hải Phượng Mai.... .... Tuấn Hải Yên Phong …. Forever Forever.... ....

180 = Letter For You, Youth Fountain …

189 = Quán Thế Âm Forever… Opportunity (Duyên) …

191 = King of Love and Light, Quán Thế Âm Phoenix…

199 = Hồn Thiêng Sông Núi (The Sacred Soul of Rivers and Mountains) …

200 = Mars Civilization, Spacepeople Project, The Forces of Buddhism .....

215 = Prince of Love and Light ... O + 200

231 = Numero-Psychology, Psycho-Numerology (Tâm Số Học = 94)

Hữu Xạ Tự Nhiên Hương (have fragance will naturally transmit the smell) ... 77 x 3 ...

243 = Central Intelligence Agency, Good Talented Virgin Boy…

248 = TuanHai man + MyLinh girls

250 = Christ and Buddha and Son of GOD

= Nhân Loại & Thiên Thần & Tâm Linh (Mankind & Angels & Souls = 210)

Ba Cõi = 30 (Three Realms = 124)


Mars Civilization Sky or Mars Civilization Heaven = 200 + 55 .... ....

260 = Invisible Intelligent Life

286 = STRATEGY OF COMMUNICATION.... 26 x 11 .... GOD x 11 ....

288 = U.S. Intelligence Community, 144 x 2=12 x 12 x 2

294 = The Force of Human Sexuality, Nam Mô Đại Từ Đại Bi Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát…

(chanting Kuan Shih Yin Bodhisattva*s Name … medium short form)

296 = Thành Tâm Bạch Thảo Hoàng Lan Mỹ Linh (UDO-SSDO Code),

The Job is To Keep Peace and To Create ...

300 = Reduce Misery for All Worlds, Tình Bao La Đại Dương Muôn Trùng …

310 = Strangeness and Strongness....

330 = GOD Advanced Invisible Civilization

332 = Hồ Tuấn Hải & Trương Thị Bích Phượng.... 83 x 4 .... 83 = Spring :: Xuân....Mai = Spring Flower.... hút thuốc lá là phải uống cà phê mới phê....

Xuân Mai = Name Phượng Mai acts in Tứ Tử Đăng Khoa (Reformed Music Cải Lương Quốc Nội 1995).

333 = The Power of The Invisible Realms… where Power can be replaced by Christ, Research ...

350 = Mind for Bodhi Brothers and Sisters

370 = Mars Invisible People Civilization ...

400 = O ! The Holy and Sacred Force of Christianity ...

444= Phương Cường [Tuyết(nickname)+ Hạnh]/2 Hải Việt Lan Quang Phượng ....

(Names of Hai Ho*s brothers and sisters)....

Strategic Civilization Infrastructure ... … … …

480 = Health, Happiness and Harmony with The Universe

555 = With Love, HaiHo & MyLinh et amies & Sky Angels Everywhere….

777 = peace, health and harmony with the un_verse to all earth bodhi brothers and sisters

888 = Xuân Đại Nguyện … Đuốc Từ Bi tỏa ngời Ba Cõi Phúc…

Chuông An Bình… Kinh Bát Nhã vang ngát Tám Phương Thơ… GOD ….

(Mother Tuệ Nga*s Câu Đối :: Opposing Form Poetic Phrases)

999 = haiho & mylinh & angels everywhere on earth and in the solar system and in the galaxy and in the

un_verse ... DIEU…

We have January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December = 861

and we have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday = 639 ... If we add we have 1500 ...

If we subtract we have 222 ... It*s the codes in English ... left by The GOD*s Civilizations … to Earth Peoples …

The Force of Earth People = 222

The Force of Invisible Angels = 260 where 26 = God

The Force of Extra-Terrestrials = 333

The Force of GOD's Advanced Invisible Civilization = 450 where 45=gods, Phậtt, Hoàng ...

The Force of The Solar System = 300

The Force of The Milky Way & The Force of The Universe = 500

Earth Music Sky Ideas & Earth Music Sky Thoughts = 210 + 290 = 500

The name Lily where L=12, i = 9 or Li = 21 and l=12, y=25 or ly=37

and in your case I find 777 by multiplying Li by ly or 21 by 37 = 777 ...

Lily = Hoa Súng :: literal translation : Flower Gun.... ....

a type of Flower simpler but similar to Lotus Flower = Hoa Sen.... ....

399 = U x S x A = 21 x 19 x 1 ….

362 = Thành Tâm Bạch Thảo Thanh Long Ngọc Phượng (Names in The Story of GOD) …

362 = Spaceship + Computer + Nerve Radiation

130 = Thiếu Lâm Tự (Minor Wood Pagoda), Washington, George W. Bush, Hồ Thị Ngọc Hạnh (older sister)

= Trần Công Hoán (younger sister Lisa Lan Hồ Trần*s husband)

170= Minor Wood Pagoda

300= Tình Bao La Đại Dương Muôn Trùng (Phượng Mai sings The Song Tình Thủy Chung),

Long Live The Fighting Spirit....

299=The Holy and Sacred Institute ...

399 = U x S x A = 21 x 19 x 1 = Hồ Thị Ngọc Hạnh & Hồ Thị Ngọc Lan & Hồ Ngọc Phượng (HaiHo*s 3 Sisters) …

420 = G x O x D = 7 x 15 x 4 …. = 6 x 7 x 10 = 2 x 5 x 6 x 7 …

456=Central Intelligence Co-operation Institute

321=Bí Mật Thần Truyền Thiếu Lâm Tự

(The Minor Wood Pagoda God Transferred Secret)

= Bí Mật Linh Truyền Thiếu Lâm Tự

(The Minor Wood Pagoda Sacredly Transferred Secret)

321 = The Force of Love Knowledge Courage ...

= 107 x 3 = the initials BMTTTLT x 3 where 107 = Military = Sky & Earth…

and BMLTTTT= 99 = thuyết (speak), thái dương (Sun) =

time+thời (time) = space + không (space)

420 = GOD multiplied = 7 x 15 x 4

500 = Psycho-Numerology is Mars Civilization Knowledge …

500 = Numero-Psychology is Mars Civilization Knowledge …


The program haiho.c my oldest Brother Phương Minh Hồ wrote :

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

unsigned int sum = 0;

void main(void)


char s[200];

int ii;

int finished = 0;


"| HAIHO's program to compute the numerical |\n"

"| equivalent of a string of letters |\n"

"| Type <Control-C> to exit. |\n"



while (!finished)


printf("Enter your string: \t");


sum = 0;

for (ii=0; ii< strlen(s); ii++)



* Upper alphabetic characters 'A' to 'Z' are

* in the range of [0x41, 0x5A]


if ((s[ii] >= 0x41) && (s[ii] <= 0x5A))


sum += s[ii] - 0x40;



* Lower alphabetic characters 'a' to 'z' are

* in the range of [0x61, 0x7A]


else if ((s[ii] >= 0x61) && (s[ii] <= 0x7A))


sum += s[ii] - 0x60;



* Ignore all other characters



printf("%s ==> %u\n", s, sum);


} /* end main */


This program can be compiled and run in MS-DOS. File size is about 154 kbytes.


I would like to include here some ideas of The Angels* Science of Numero-Psychology….

in a postal letter and E-mail written to The Oregonian Newspapers of Oregon.... around 1998 - 1999 .... ....

Dear The Edge Editors of The Oregonian,

Thank you for offering me a chance to try to think up some ideas

for a toy ... I would like to suggest a serious toy which can be named

The Angel Clock, with features like Automatic Setting by Satellite Signals,

and with the numbers of the seconds displayed also, like my 20 year-old

Armitron digital watch ... This is because I like to see the time moving

by displaying The Clock in the Accessories of my laptop computer for fun ...

(it has numbers of seconds changing and the date too ...)

I would like to add a feature to the clock, a word display that goes

with the time ... so people can play a mental game almost all the time

with the numbers of the date and the time ... How about a display

or a speaker that says The White House for the time 1:11 am or pm

(as their comment line phone number is 202-456-1111) ,

think of your wife and your children for time 2:22,

your religion for 3:33 as 3 is the

number of The Trinity or of Buddhism (Love, Knowledge, Courage),

4:44 for The Story of GOD, Thanh-Tam Bach-Thao Hoang-Lan My-Linh

(as in my report Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life and Civilization

sent to you in 5/95)....

5:55 for the Pentagon, The Solar System Defense Organization

and the Universal Defense Organization.

We can even try

4:44:44 for the year 2000 (4 x 5 = 20) and say the New Millennium ...

Other ideas are 5:55 pm or 6:00 pm (like a vertical sword on the

analog watch) : a good time to check your e-mail every day, and

additional e-mail checks on Saturday and Sunday at 9:09 am so you can

have The Cross in your minds on the weekends ... Other ideas are based

on the following suggested psychological meanings of the numbers from

1 to 30 ... and the method of thinking of numbers in base 12 instead of 10....

0 : O, nothingness, going through ... unselfish ...

1 : God, The Highest Power, the beginning ..

2 : two sexes, men and women, boys and girls, second in power ...

3 : triangle, stability, toughness, the number of many religions, The Trinity, Buddhism ...

4 : rectangle, flexibility, true and nice characteristic, The Story of GOD, = 2 x 2 = 2 + 2

the only number found by added and multiplied a number with itself ….

space and time dimensions (x, y, z, t), D for Dieu (GOD in French)

5 : star, beauty, defense, The Pentagon, The SSDO, The UDO

6 : six, soul, spirit, words that starts with s ... so sick so sad so sorry, just joking !!! (*-*)

7 : strong and magical ... religious strength ... second number starts with consecutive s

8 : a long time, 4+4 = HI or HH for hello hello on phone alphabet codes...

9 : lucky, close to the top or close to full ...

10: smallest number with two digits, full, enough, perfect, might be good to stop ... 10 fingers ...

11: individuals, like two trees together, veterans, soldiers ... (11/11 is Veterans’ Day)

12: qualities of 3 and 4, Thiếu Lâm Tự, Minor Woods Pagodas, or Chinese Shaolin Pagodas....

13: religious number, should be avoided by common people ... same as 1:00 pm ...

14: 2 x 7 two strong people, good number for couples ...

15: 3 x 5, The Navy, the sea, the ocean ...

16: 4 x 4, 8 x 2 code for hi or hello on phone ... try 44* and listens to about 8 beeps ...

to play with the phone system ..., The Air Force … 3 space 1 time … squared …

17: prime number, magazine Seventeeen, 5:00 pm, end of working day ..., The Army …

18: 9 x 2, The Marines ... 3 x 3 x 2, close to the top

19: prime number, indivisible by any except 1 and itself, 1998 we were at the end of the 1900 era ...

20: the year 2000, what about the year 2000 ? they make twenty dollar bills, they don’t make 1994 ... i said while I was before a judge in 1994, so I got more hospital time for mental health ...

full for sure, enough for sure ... hello hello 10 times, hello hello 20 times ...

21: 3 x 7, 3 weeks ... two one = to one = to One, 21= edge (like in 356 the difference)

22: 2 x 2 = 4 2 + 2 = 4, The Cross, the nuclear family,

the only number muliplied and added are the same result ...

23 : important alert, moving on ... progress ...

24 : 12 x 2, 24 hours a day ... two religions ...

25: 5 x 5, double defense, 5:30 am or pm or 5.5 The Pentagon ...

26: 13 x 2, strongly two religions ... 2 x 3 = 6 has strength ...

27: 3 x 3 x 3 special number for something very important ... 9 x 3 both

lucky and strength ... transpose to 72 = Hoàng Lan ... 27 = lan (orchid, one of the most beautiful flowers)

28: 28 days in February, the shortest month ... 28 literary stars in old Vietnamese King’s Court,

Hai Ho is the 28th Disciple of The Minor Woods Pagoda in The Sky in past lives ... 😃

29: like 19, prime number ... 2+9=11 front-line soldiers.....

30: 3+0=3 stability, toughness in a bigger scale ... 3x10 ...
cái gì dài dữ vậy, tiếng gì tùm lum
10 năm
Đếm Bước Thời Gian

Những Bài Thơ… do Các Thiên Thần làm cho Anh Hải

đem xuống Trái Đất… trong suốt 20 năm làm việc với
Các Cõi Trời Vô Hình… Vật Chất Tối… Mầu Nhiệm...

Thánh Thi

Tôi ngắt Hoa thơm cúng Phật Ðài

Hào Quang tỏa ngát… Ánh Như Lai
Mười Phương… Chư Phật nghe đều hiện
Ðẹp cánh Lan Ðài… Chuỗi Vị Lai...

Ðẹp cánh Lan Ðài… Chuỗi Vị Lai
Hương Xuân thoảng nhẹ ngát Nhành Mai
Ðường về Tây Trúc không xa lắm
Hãy trút Tâm ngời tươi Nhánh Mai...

Ðường Ta… Cánh Gió… nhẹ thênh thang
Rắc Cánh Hoa Mây… điểm Ánh Vàng
Cửa Ngõ… Không Không… ngời Ngũ Sắc
Có Ngàn Bông… nở… Ðóa Kim Cang... …

Ðức Thánh Trần Văn Tư

Oregon, tháng 5, 1983

Đạo trong Đời… Gốc là Tâm
Cội Tâm… Đạo Hạnh, kết Nhân Phước lành
Ngàn năm… Mây trắng xây Thành
Cõi Nhân Gian… Cõi Vô Hình… tấc gang...

Tháng 5, 1983

Hội Bồ Đề… Tòa Kinh Thư…

Thiên Thần phò hộ… An Như Cát Tường
Nhân Gian là Biển Tình Thương
Cõi Vô Hình chính Đại Dương Phước Điền...

Tháng 3, 2000

Nắng hồng trên Cánh Hoa mưa…
Thiên duyên… tiền định… vẫn thừa đoan trang...

Khói lên… từng Cánh Quỳnh Hoa…

Thẹn lòng… Công Chúa trao quà Thơ Tiên...

Tháng 5, 1983

Những Vì Sao Xa

Đông về… nở Cánh Hoàng Hoa

Tươi mầu Ca Đạo… bên Tòa Kinh Thư…
Liễu vàng rũ Nét Ưu Tư
Cỏ xanh ý nhớ như chờ Xuân sang…

Chiều về trên Mái Thanh Trang
Gió buồn man mác… Khói ngang lưng Trời…
Ý Đời… sao mãi chơi vơi
Lòng Đời… mãi chẳng thảnh thơi… Kiếp Trần !

Thoáng về Ánh Đạo… phù vân

Thấm sâu Hồn Vắng… nghe Vần Huyền Vi…
Nghiêng đầu nhủ Lá Kim Chi
Tình Buồn… xin trả… Những Vì Sao Xa...

Tháng 5, 1983

Chiều thứ bẩy cùng Em tâm sự...
Mộng đầu đời... giấc mộng uyên nguyên...
Ngàn Sao sáng mãi Tình Hiền...
Mai Liên Tuấn Hải tiên duyên thắm đời... ...

Trăm năm mộng ước vô thường...
Chỉ còn lại chút Yêu Thương Tình Hồng... ...
Nắng lên tỏ rõ Phượng... Rồng...
Tặng Anh Một Áng Cầu Vồng sau Mưa... ...

Mỹ Linh Mai Liên
2002 2003

Kinh Hoa Xuân Mộng

Mỹ Linh… Giấc Mộng Mùa Xuân

Ðẹp Lòng… Người Kháng Chiến Quân… Hải Hồ… …
Tri Âm Những Cánh Tâm Thư
Nhạn bay… với Tốc Điện Từ… nhanh nhanh…

Sáng nay… chắc Em nhớ Anh…

Vài Vần Thơ tặng… làm Anh vui nhiều
Chờ Em đến tận buổi chiều
Lòng Anh xao xuyến… khổ nhiều thân Em

Kỷ niệm xưa thật êm đềm

Trở về trong ký ức thêm Mộng Lành
Thoáng nghe tiếng hát trong thanh
Gợi buồn những thuở Em Anh… chung đường…

Quỳnh Hoa Em Nhỏ… thương thương

Mong làm Cánh Bướm trong vườn bên Hoa
Thoáng rồi… mười tám năm qua
Ngày Xuân trở lại… vui hòa với nhau…

Cuộc đời Hai Đứa khổ đau
Giờ đây còn lại chút Mầu Kinh Hoa
Âm Dương… Thiên Ðịa… Kinh Ca
Quỳnh Hoa dệt những vần xa cõi trần

Tình Cờ… Tao Ngộ… Tri Âm

Trúc Mai… Duyên Cũ… mong thầm với Ai
Hai bàn tay trắng u hoài
Làm nhiều nhưng vẫn không đầy Trần Gian…

Anh còn chiến đấu gian nan
Ngày tươi sáng đợi… Em… Anh… Tình Hồng
Bồ Ðề đẹp Nét Lạc Hồng !
Kinh Hoa Xuân Mộng… Vợ Chồng… Yêu Thương....

Tháng 4, 2000

Biệt Ðộng Quân (trên Cõi Thiên & Phạm Thiên của thiên thần
thiên nữ & tâm linh nam nữ)

Anh Dũng thay ! Biệt Ðộng Quân
Những Người Lính Chiến… trầm ngâm Chuyện Đời
Thứ bẩy tháng chín hai mươi
Quê Hương hồi tưởng… thảnh thơi trong Lòng…

Bao năm chiến đấu... ... gian nan... ...

Giờ Thanh Bình đã sáng trong... ... Hai Miền
Việt - Mỹ… Ðất Mẹ linh thiêng
Tiếng Chim sáng sớm… hót hiền hòa… xa

Những Vị Tướng Phòng Thủ Đài ... ...

Ðang cho tin tức… viết hoài lên trên
Thiên Thần truyền tin liên miên…
Hào quang… chiếu tỏ khắp thiên cung rồi …

Dòng Đời… xáo động… nổi trôi

Trong Bàn Tay Nhỏ... Phật ngồi lặng im
Mùa Thu… Bóng Nhạn mang tin
An Hòa… Hai Cõi… từ khi Anh về…

Hoa Tiên… dòng chữ… đam mê....

Viết hoài … nghiên bút… hiền thê… tiếng trời...
Ai lên Thơ Nhạc… cho Đời
Sĩ Quan, Lính Chiến, Tướng... Người… cùng vui... ...

Tháng 9, 2003

Nàng Thơ Khoác Áo Hoa Vàng

Chúa Nhật… Em đi Lễ về

Thánh Đường im bóng… bên lề đường quen
Tình Anh… Em mãi xin đem
Gửi cùng Tinh Tú… đêm đêm Hẹn Thề…

Trên Trời… Mỹ Linh Hiền Thê
Ngày qua ấp ủ… trao về Anh Yêu
Những giòng chữ ngả xiêu xiêu
Tâm Tình… Em gửi thật nhiều cho Anh…

Dòng Thời Gian… qua thật nhanh
Em ngồi đếm bước viễn hành… Anh đi
Truyền Tin… năm… tháng… vẫn ghi
Tinh Hoa Đất Nước… tìm gì nữa đây

Thơ Tình… Em viết hôm nay

Khởi đầu một mối duyên say… cùng Chàng
Nàng Thơ khoác Áo Hoa Vàng
Cho Đời… Nắng sớm… trên Hoàng Hậu Lan…

Tìm trong Gió mát… thênh thang

Phi Thuyền… trên Nóc Gia Trang… hiền hòa
Thiên Thần đến khắp mọi nhà
Nguyện Cầu dưới Thế… An Hòa nơi nơi...

Mỹ Linh

Tháng 3, 2002

Binh Chủng Nhẩy Dù
(trên Cõi Thiên & Phạm Thiên của thiên thần
thiên nữ & tâm linh nam nữ)

Chào mừng Binh Chủng Nhẩy Dù
Vinh quang chiến thắng kẻ thù, hồi hương
Mái tóc xanh, mái tóc sương
Sĩ Quan cùng Tướng Tham Mưu họp hành…

Bẩy Ngàn Đêm bước đăng trình

Hôm nay góp lại thành Tình Ca say
Cho người Em nhỏ vòng tay
Hai mươi Thu lẻ lá bay xứ người…

Thương Em… nhớ tiếng Em cười

Những đêm thức trắng… miệt mài Tinh Hoa
Vòng Đời rồi lại thoáng qua
Hôm nay mười chín… Tình Xa lại gần…

Chiến Công anh viết những Vần
Yêu em với Mỹ - Việt thân bên bờ
Thái Bình Dương sóng vỗ chờ
Bình Minh tươi sáng… Lá Cờ Uy Nghiêm...

Tháng 9, 2003

Yêu mến tặng Mỹ Linh Cõi Trời

Hôm nay trời nhẹ gió êm

Dĩa Bay theo bước chân Em… gót hiền
Anh chờ Nắng mới vào Hiên
Soi trên Hoa thắm trên Viền Áo Em...

Tuổi Thiên Thần

Em mười bẩy tuổi Thiên Thần

Mỹ Linh ở Cõi Trời gần Linh Thiêng
Trái Tim anh đã trao riêng
Cho Em từ thuở Phượng mừng Hè sang…

Bẩy năm về trước hân hoan

Em… Anh… kết mối Duyên Lành đắm say
Tiếng Trời như cánh Hoa bay
Thắm tươi rực rỡ Đất này… Quê Hương...

Yên Phong Tuấn Hải
Tháng 5, 2004

Ðạo Thiêng Duyên Thơ

Ðạo Thiêng bát ngát Tâm Ca

Duyên Thơ Dạ Khúc giao hòa với nhau
Cuộc đời lắm nỗi thương đau
Chia vui mỗi tối chút mầu Đan Thanh…

Thơ Em làm đẹp trời xanh
Những dòng tình tự bao quanh Cõi Người
Anh đem gửi Gió… Mây… Trời
Cõi Vô Hình trả những Lời Hư Vô…

Ngày ngày Mẹ niệm Nam Mô

Lòng Anh thấm mãi căn cơ kiếp nào
Tình Thơ gửi Bến Trăng Sao
Truyền nhau những điệu thanh tao Cõi Trời…

Gặp nhau qua những vần lơi

Gặp nhau qua những tiếng lời thân thương
Tình Người đẹp Mối Giai Chương
Duyên Trời đẹp với Khói Sương cõi nào…

Mỹ Linh -- Tuấn Hải… dạt dào

Biển xanh vọng Khúc Ca Dao thuở nào
Ngàn năm Tình đẹp như Sao
Treo trong Cõi Tịnh bao la vô cùng…

Muội… Huynh… Lời đáp Tình Chung

Ðại Thiên Ðất Mẹ, Việt Nam diễm kiều
Duyên Thơ mấy vận mỹ miều
Tình Thơ nở Nụ… Hương Yêu bềnh bồng...

Mùa Thu 2001

Chào Ðón Bình Minh

Hải Hồ, Hải Hồ… Anh à !

Chúng ta còn phải đi làm nữa Anh !
Hôm nay Trời nhẹ… Gió thanh
Có Nàng Công Chúa… bên mành chờ trông…

Bình Minh đã đến Miền Ðông

Bồ Ðề… Anh Chị đang trông Thiên Thần
Ðến cùng làm việc Thiện - Chân
Chấp bút… đánh máy… cho Tin Tức hoài…

Hạt Sương trên Lá long lanh

Thái Dương chiếu sáng Đất Lành… Mỹ Châu
Anh yêu Em… Tình Thâm Sâu
Chỉ mong tiếng nói trong đầu ngàn năm…

Tiếng thương… tiếng nhớ xa xăm
Của Người Vợ Nhỏ như tằm kết tơ
Kén Đời là Mộng đơn sơ
Cùng nhau Hạnh Phúc đón chờ ngày qua…

Mỹ Linh - Tuấn Hải… tình xa

Ðiện Từ làn sóng truyền ra khắp Trời
Cuộc Đời… Mộng, Thực chơi vơi
Ðâu là Chân Lý… để soi Hồng Trần...

Mùa Xuân 2001

Xóm Phượng Hồng

Xóm Phượng Hồng giai nhân mặc khách
Mùa Thu về đẹp áng văn chương
Tình Em trăm nhớ ngàn thương
Trao Anh ở chốn vô thường lá bay ...

Mỹ Linh
Tháng 8, 2002

Ði Cứu Cuộc Ðời

Thái Dương Hệ thật nhiệm mầu

Phi thuyền đem các Thiên Thần khắp nơi
Tìm ra hành tinh xa xôi
Phải đi để cứu cuộc đời khổ đau …

Xin Nhân Loại hãy thương nhau…

Thời Gian Bài Học nên mau nằm lòng
Thành Tâm Ngọc Phượng Thanh Long
Câu Chuyện Thượng Ðế sáng trong… ngàn đời...

Các Anh Chị Em Thành Tâm & Mỹ Linh CõiTrời...

Thi Ðàn Hồng Phượng
Tháng Tư, 2004

Thủy Quân Lục Chiến
(trên Cõi Thiên & Phạm Thiên của thiên thần
thiên nữ & tâm linh nam nữ)

Thủy Quân Lục Chiến kiêu hùng
Tiếng ca vang vọng giữa vùng hư vô
Tình anh lính chiến trong thơ
Thời gian mãi sáng giấc mơ hòa bình

Nhớ người em nhỏ vui mừng
Ðón anh trở lại xây tình hồng xưa
Nắng trên cành trúc lưa thưa
Mối duyên đạm bạc vẫn thừa đoan trang

Còn trong mái tóc em xinh

Ðóa hoa lan nhỏ là tình cho Em
Gian nan chiến đấu ngày đêm
Cùng vô minh khắp các miền xa xăm

Chỉ mong để lại ngàn năm

Chút gì tươi sáng thanh bình cho Quê
Chuỗi hạt ... Anh vẫn ... cận kề ....
Thiêng liêng các Ðấng… nguyện thề độ sinh...

Mùa Hạ 2003

Hải Ðăng

Mỹ Linh yêu... Ơi ! Mỹ Linh…

Lòng anh yêu mến Bé xinh cõi trời
Tình ta sóng biển trùng khơi
Vỗ về cát trắng như lời ru Em…

Cuộc đời Anh đã xin đem

Hiến dâng Hai Cõi làm đèn Hải Đăng
Cho những người có khả năng
Tìm về Chân Lý tầm thanh Thiên Thần…

Anh may mắn được hồng ân

Có Em trong đoạn đường dài cô đơn
Tạ ơn Chư Phật mười phương
Ðộ trì Nhân Loại hoằng dương pháp mầu…

Chúng ta đâu cần sang giầu

Thi Văn chữ nghĩa là lầu ta xây
Cho cuộc tình hồng hôm nay
Sáng tươi mãi cánh Sen đài nghe Kinh...

Yên Phong Tuấn Hải

Mùa Thu 2002

Kỷ Niệm 9 Năm

Sách “Thiên Thần Học”

Ðã được chín năm sách này

Cõi Vô Hình đã phơi bày cùng ai
Bí mật linh thiêng trải dài
Ngàn năm như cánh lan đài sáng trong…

Vừa đúng chín năm sách hồng

Cũng mang lại những Phượng Rồng Thiên Nhân
Anh chị em Bồ Ðề đang
Chấp bút cho tin tức mang thật nhiều

Tiến bộ trên cõi nhiệm mầu
Thiên Thần An Lạc nguyện cầu thế nhân
Tình Thương đằm thắm ân cần
Giúp cho hai cõi Hòa Đồng với nhau

Ngàn xưa cho đến ngàn sau

Bồ Ðề, Anh Hải cùng nhau mở đường
Cho Cõi Vô Hình thân thương
Giúp Cõi Thế như Thái Dương sáng vầng

Mặt Trời đã hiện Linh Tâm
Những người dưới thế Thiếu Lâm Tự vào
Cuộc đời bỗng thấy xôn xao
Thiên Thần, Nhân Thế… Hài Hòa Yêu Thương...

23 tháng 5, 2004

Một Thoáng

Nhớ thời niên thiếu ngày xưa
Hạ về phượng đỏ sân trường lao xao
Dòng đời như giấc chiêm bao
Ba mươi năm thoáng qua mau những ngày…

Lòng ngây thơ học cô thầy

Nhìn qua khung cửa nắng đầy bầu xanh
Tiếng đời nghe nhẹ thanh thanh
Vẳng từ quá khứ thầm hanh hao buồn…

Áo Em trắng tựa suối nguồn

Hồn Anh mơ mộng cho tròn câu thơ…
Dòng thời gian vẫn như mơ
Âm Dương Thiên Ðịa trông chờ đầu xanh…

Mỹ Linh giờ vẫn bên Anh
Nhiệm mầu sự sống Thái Dương Hệ này
Hóa Công trên vẫn cao dày
Tình linh thiêng dẫn dắt Người trần gian

Bồ Ðề tươi đẹp nến nhang

Ðạo Vàng Quán Thế Âm vang diệu huyền
Gửi tâm đến chốn vô biên
Cho phiền não dứt… thệ nguyền độ sinh...

Tuấn Hải

Mùa Hạ 2002

Nhớ Người Em Nhỏ

Trong đêm thanh vắng não nùng

Tiếng ca Bạch Tuyết nghe chùng không gian
Quê Hương trời đã nắng vàng
Gửi người em nhỏ ít hàng thơ khuya…

Anh còn nhớ những ngày xưa
Nhìn Em đứng dưới mái chùa cổ phong
Áo dài nắng thủy tinh trong
Lung linh cành lá nghe lòng rộn vui…

Thoáng rồi lưu lạc trùng khơi

Nhớ về tháng Sáu bên trời quê xa
Em giờ còn hát Ðạo ca
Bên giòng sông cũ gió pha tiếng vàng…

Mấy vần thơ thả lang thang

Tình Người vẫn đậm trong ngàn đêm qua
Lòng buồn gửi chốn quê nhà
Ngày mai tươi sáng Ðạo ra cứu Ðời

Tình xưa như áng mây trôi

Chỉ là ánh nắng trong Thời, Không thôi
Cũng là duyên nghiệp xa xôi
Anh còn hồi tưởng Chân Trời Nhớ Thương...

Oregon, 30 tháng 6, 2003

Ðiếu Thuốc & Ly Café

Ðêm khuya tiếng gió thở dài

Trọn đêm thức trắng ly cà phê đen…

Thành Tâm kháng chiến khi xưa

Mỹ Linh -- Bạch Thảo hai người hy sinh
Chiến thắng cho trọn mối tình
Là Cha Vũ Trụ Vô Hình đến nay

Ngồi đây khói thuốc bay bay

Hình dung các Ðấng Cao Dày trên không
Bao năm Tình vẫn mênh mông
Ðộ cho Nhân Thế bớt phần khổ đau...

17 tháng 11, 2003

Mật Chú

Om Ma Ni Bát Minh Hồng

Mật Chú mầu nhiệm… cõi không gian mình
Nam Mô Văn Minh Hỏa Tinh…
Thượng Ðế Chư Phật tầm thinh cứu nàn…

Ðời người lắm nỗi gian nan

Tìm tòi kiến thức để mang An Hòa
Ðến cho tất cả gần xa
Sống vui thế kỷ mới và đắp xây…

Quê Hương Việt--Mỹ đôi bờ
Thái Bình Dương đẹp đẽ chờ Tin Vui
Hoàng Tử An Bình đến rồi
Thêm tám trăm tỷ Thiên Thần khắp nơi...

Chân Lý

Tuấn Hải - Mỹ Linh - Thành Tâm

Nguyện cầu THƯỢNG ÐẾ cao thâm độ trì
Chúng Sinh Ba Cõi kiến tri
Chân Lý bất khả tư nghì cao siêu...

Chim trời tung cánh xa xăm…
Thiếu Lâm Tự cũ… ngàn năm gió đùa...

sư huynh tuấn hải...

đệ tử thứ 28 của Thiếu Lâm Tự trên Trời
trong những kiếp trước...

Kỷ Niệm Chuyện Tình Yêu Thiên Nữ -- Dương Trần .....

mỹ linh em có nhớ không

đã gần mười tám năm mình quen nhau
sunnyvale năm chín lăm
đêm khuya ta thức viết văn chuyện trò

kỷ niệm xưa chuyện hẹn hò

là năm chín sáu chúng mình đính hôn
chuyện tình thiên nữ - dương trần
và hai cõi mới lần đầu gặp nhau

chín bẩy tháng năm hai mươi
oregon có mọi người chung vui
em anh hôn lễ tinh thần
mối tình vui đẹp sáu lần hạ qua

thành tâm yêu mến mỹ linh

nên năm ba lẻ kết hôn trên trời
một số em gái chung tình
hồng liên tên lấy theo mình thủy chung

gian nan chiến đấu lẻ năm
mấy năm sau mới hiệp hòa mai liên (hồng liên)
em cùng anh viết triền miên
cho thiên thần với nhân gian đọc hoài

bẩy ngàn đêm viết miệt mài

những dòng chữ chảy như là biển xanh
tình mình cũng đẹp như tranh
thanh tao cõi mộng tiếng lành vào tâm

cùng tu đạo quán thế âm

kiếp này hoang phế phần ba cuộc đời
vui với niềm vui mọi người
hậu phương yên ổn vang lời hát ca

thì mình dẫu có bôn ba

thảnh thơi hạnh phúc không xa trong lòng ....

yên phong tuấn hải
june 30 th 2013

tình mình dành cho kiếp sau ....
hẹn ngày đám cưới đẹp mầu thời gian ....
10 năm
Ðếm Bước Thời Gian 2
Những Vần Thơ Tự Do

Những vần thơ tự do để dễ dàng diễn tả

ý tưởng hơn mà không bị gò bó bởi vần điệu...
Viết để giúp Đời với những ý tưởng của các
Thiên Thần khắp nơi trong Giải Ngân Hà...

Chiến Thuật Truyền Tin

Sau 9 năm có Computer

Viết cho những Thiên Thần liên tục
Mải mê với Cô Vợ Mặt Vuông (= Computer)
Ánh sáng làm mặt đen phong trần ...

Chiến Thuật Truyền Tin đã thành công

Những dòng chữ này đi khắp Thái Dương Hệ
Mang Bình An đến cho Đời khắp chốn
Mỹ Linh truyền tin trên làn sóng tv...

Làn sóng tỏa rộng đẩy lui quân thù

Cho Anh làm người của Công Chúng
Trong Cõi Vô Hình nhưng hiện thực
Vị Tướng Năm Sao miệt mài làm việc…

Thượng Ðế khi xưa thắng kẻ địch

Cũng nhờ Ngọc Phượng với Chiến Thuật Truyền Tin
Tuy bằng miệng nhưng đã đạt thành
Bây giờ truyền tin bằng điện từ mau lẹ

Chiến Thuật ghê gớm nhất của Thời Bình

Hay Thời Chiến… chúng ta đang thực hành
Cuộc sống Cõi Vô Hình bình an tiến bộ
Kỷ niệm 9 năm Chiến Thuật này...

Tháng giêng, 2004

Mùa Xuân Mai Vàng Nở

quán café hải hồ

một góc nhỏ của vũ trụ
chiếu sáng khắp thái dương hệ
trên những tv của các thiên thần

nhạc rung động triền miên

những người con gái múa may trên chiếc tv nhỏ
ngắm nhìn những hình ảnh vô thường
thiền đốn ngộ tìm về cõi chân như

computer đánh những lời đàm thoại

liên lạc với cõi phi tưởng xứ vô hình
rồi truyền ra cho các anh chị em Bồ Ðề
mỗi ngày êm đềm như mọi ngày...

các thiên thần đang đi xa hơn

tìm những thế giới mới để vun trồng
nền văn minh của Thượng Ðế quyền năng
tuy không ở đây nhưng đã để lại rất nhiều

vẫn một mình ta với quán café hải hồ

những âm thanh hình ảnh và computer
và những thiên thần tuy xa mà gần
lòng nhẹ nhàng đếm bước thời gian qua...

mùa xuân hoa mai nở trước nhà
nhớ những sĩ quan trong cõi thiên thần
mai vàng trên áo mải đi làm
nhớ người em nhỏ chờ đợi anh...

chào những người lính miệt mài chiến đấu

với vô minh và những gì trong tăm tối
chúng ta những người bạn đồng hành
tuy hai cõi nhưng cùng chung một lối...

Tuấn Hải

Tháng 5, 2001

Cánh Nhạn Bồ Ðề
Những dòng thơ tự do tháng tư, 2003 28 năm xa Quê Hương

Ðêm đã dần xuống... Vũ Trụ mênh mang
Hai Cõi Nhân Loại - Vô Hình huyền nhiệm
Quán tạm chiếu sáng bằng làn sóng điện từ
Chiến tranh tang thương... Những quốc gia cách biệt

Nghe Chiều Tím Hoa Sim... nhớ những người đã hy sinh...

Dòng đời vô tình... còn ai nhớ quá khứ điêu linh...
Cõi Trời đầy tình cảm... theo ta suốt mỗi ngày
Tất cả đều xa xôi... Những người bạn thân thiết ở xa...

Ngàn xưa cho đến ngàn sau... giờ ta nhỏ bé ngắn ngủi

Trong Không Gian… Thời Gian vô tận... Ta làm được gì...
Như người lính chiến đấu bằng bộ óc
Những điếu thuốc và ly café để phá tan vô minh...

Âm thanh vang vọng... Tiếng nói Cõi Vô Hình thanh thoát

Không Gian đầy bí mật... Bao giờ con người mới tìm ra
Cách để nhìn thấy nghe thấy những gì hiện hữu
Ðể Hai Cõi mang lại Hòa Bình cho Thế Giới...

Thái Dương Hệ mênh mông mầu nhiệm

Các Thiên Thần đến rồi lại đi... Chỉ để lại tư tưởng
Con Người có sẽ tồn tại với thời gian không ?
Các Thiên Thần nhỏ bé nhưng đi xa hơn nhẹ nhàng hơn....

Thiên Ðịa, Âm Dương hai con đường

Mỹ Linh Tuấn Hải mở đường Bồ Ðề Thiên Ðịa
Trăm năm ngắn ngủi như giấc mộng Nam Kha
Làm sao để cứu vớt các Nền Văn Minh Vũ Trụ…

Con Người sẽ không thể đi đến Vì Sao xa

Mà chết ở đây hành tinh khó sống...
Loài người có nhiều lo lắng quá...
Mà chúng ta không nhìn xa xăm vào tương lai...

Các Thiên Thần đang ra đi không trở lại

Sự sinh tồn của nòi giống Dân Tộc Không Gian ...
Chúng ta thương xót cho Loài Người
Rồi sẽ tiêu tan với thời gian trăm ngàn năm...

with love, haiho & mylinh et amies & sky angels everywhere
10 tháng tư, 2003

Ðêm Oregon, trời mưa nhiều quá cả buổi tối

Nghe băng thơ Hồng Vân và Hồ Ðiệp của thời xa xưa
Những âm thanh mầu nhiệm tuyệt vời của Việt Nam
Thiên Ðàng là đây trên Trái Ðất... Quán Café Hải Hồ...

Các anh chị em Bồ Ðề miền Tây và miền Ðông ...

Ðang làm việc với các Thiên Thần ngày đêm...
Cho tin tức và chấp bút nói chuyện cuộc sống...
Ðêm đã khuya nhưng chúng em không cảm thấy cô đơn...

Nghe bài Lưu Thủy Kim Tiền trong tiếng đàn thập lục...

Nhớ những ngày xưa còn bé tập đàn tranh
Mưa vẫn đổ xuống... Các Thiên Thần núp gần nhà...
Ánh đèn vàng hiu hắt từ xa thật ấm cúng...

Dấu hiệu của sự sống loài người ở xa xa...

Cho các Thiên Thần tìm đến và thăm coi...
Tiếng Nhạc ban ngày, tiếng Thơ ban đêm...
Những âm thanh làm không gian mầu nhiệm vô cùng...

Hôm nay đi chơi với ba Bé Minh ở Lloyd Center ...
Anh Minh, Khải Minh, Quang Minh thật dễ thương...
Hạnh Phúc nhiều với những lời lẽ ngây thơ...
Ngày qua mau vui chơi với các bé hiền ngoan...

Hoàng Oanh, Hồ Ðiệp, Hồng Vân, Hoàng Hương Trang...

Những giọng ngâm bất hủ của thời trước 1975 ...
Quá khứ quay lại với âm thanh và hình ảnh cũ...
Nhưng đẹp và hay tuyệt đối nên nghe coi lại hoài...

Một ngày hạnh phúc êm đềm trong tiếng Nhạc và Thơ...
Ðêm khuya Cõi Vô Hình vẫn làm việc triền miên...
Ta cùng các Thiên Thần ghi lại một mảnh đời...
Trong những dòng chữ thân thương này... của Việt Nam...

12 tháng 4, 2003

Ðêm đã xuống miền Tây Hoa Kỳ... Cõi Vô Hình làm việc...

Thời gian ban ngày và đêm trên những thế giới vô hình...
Mỹ Linh cùng anh Hải nghe băng thơ Hồ Ðiệp của thời xưa...
Xin Hãy Yêu Tôi bài thơ của Ðinh Hùng mở đầu băng...

Trời đã tạnh mưa... Không gian trầm lắng trong màn đêm...

Xin Hãy Yêu Tôi Những Lòng Thiếu Nữ...
Âm thanh yêu mến của Việt Nam vang vọng khắp Ba Cõi...
Trần Gian, Phi Tưởng Xứ, Phi Phi Tưởng Xứ của Ngân Hà...

Hai Quê Hương, Việt Nam & Hoa Kỳ... Hai màn ảnh nhỏ ...
Bạch Tuyết trên TV Việt Nam... CBS trên TV Hoa Kỳ...
Tiếng thơ Hoàng Oanh trong Hai Sắc Hoa Ti Gôn...
Tình Yêu Âm Dương dưới đất thật mỏng manh...

Bóng đèn sáng trên lầu căn nhà hướng sau vườn...

Một niềm vui có Những Người Bạn Tình Báo cho tín hiệu...
Lúc ba ngọn đèn, lúc hai, lúc một...
Thay đổi theo tâm tình ý nghĩ những người trong cuộc...

Hình Hoa Hậu Ðoan Trang của Bắc Cali trên tường
Thật diễm lệ… áo đỏ Bắc Ðô đã sáu năm rồi...
Tấm hình làm các Thiên Thần vui trong Chân Thiện Mỹ...
Vương Miện trên mái tóc dài đen tha thướt phủ bờ vai...

Hành lang mờ mờ với bản đồ Thế Giới và Việt Nam...
Một Lá Cờ Mỹ ... ... trên Bản Ðồ Việt Nam... ... ... ... ... ...
Em gái Việt Nam nghèo khó cơ cực suốt bao năm...
Mong Tương Lai Hưng Thịnh sớm tới với Quê Hương...

Anh Hải khám phá Cõi Vô Hình của các Thiên Thần

Và sáng tạo Thiên Thần Học cùng với Tâm Số Học
Những năm tới sẽ mang lại nhiều du khách cho Quê Hương...
Việt Nam sẽ sáng tươi với Những Người Bạn từ khắp nơi..

13 tháng 4, 2003

Ðêm khuya tịch mịch... Qua ngày mới ở miền Ðông và Tây...
Nghe Bạch Tuyết ca cải lương Trích Ðoạn Thúy Kiều...
Thương những chị em gái cơ cực nơi quê nhà nghèo khó...
Xa Việt Nam 28 năm nhưng lòng vẫn hướng về Quê Hương...

Nguyện cầu cho đất nước sớm hưng thịnh giầu mạnh...

Thượng Ðế, Chúa, Ðức Mẹ, Chư Phật cùng Chư Bồ Tát...
Trên ban thờ nhỏ trong phòng với nến nhang nghi ngút...
Và ba chữ Thiếu Lâm Tự hàng dọc uy nghiêm huyền bí....

Mùi hương trầm thoảng tới Cõi Vô Hình của các Thiên Thần ...

Ánh nến lung linh trong căn phòng sáng ánh đèn neon đỏ...
Tiếng nhạc đau thương về những Thúy Kiều của Việt Nam...
Lòng bồi hồi với điếu thuốc trên tay tỏa khói mờ...

Cuộc đời ta đã làm được gì cho Hai Quê Hương Việt & Mỹ...

Ðem tâm lực sáng tạo Thiên Thần Học và Tâm Số Học...
Sau 20 năm chiến đấu với sách vở và Cõi Trời...
Và 8 năm rồi miệt mài làm việc... liên lạc Chính Phủ...

Các quốc gia trên thế giới đang tìm tòi Cõi Vô Hình...

Website truyền tin khắp nơi trên Ðịa Cầu rộng lớn...
Những điện tử đi xa cả Trái Ðất ngày một nhỏ bé hơn...
Mang Bí Mật Linh Thiêng của các Thiên Thần đến với Nhân Loại...

Nguyện cầu trên Hóa Công Huyền Nhiệm cho Ðất Việt...

Sớm qua các tai ách bệnh tật nghèo khổ cơ cực vô cùng...
Cho giòng giống Lạc Hồng vươn lên trong Thế Giới văn minh...
Cho Con Rồng Cháu Tiên đứng ngang hàng các cường quốc...

Bốn Ngàn Năm Lịch Sử đầy chiến tranh đô hộ tang thương...
Kỷ Nguyên Thế Kỷ Mới đã đến với Quê Hương Việt Nam...
Nước Việt Nam Vô Hình trên Cõi Trời đang dẫn đường...
Cho Quốc Nội ........… cho Toàn Dân Ấm No Hạnh Phúc ... ... ... ...

14 tháng 4, 2003

Ðêm khuya lặng lẽ... Những ngọn đèn xa xa đã tắt đi...

Nghe Bạch Tuyết ca cải lương Việt Nam nhớ Quê Hương...
Lúc nẫy nghe cải lương Thất Tinh Mai thêm lần nữa...
Nghĩ tới Bổn Phận mình cứu Ðất Mẹ cơ hàn...

Thiên Thần Học và Tâm Số Học để giúp Quê Hương...

Lấy Bút Nghiên Mà Hẹn Với Non Sông... (Nguyễn Công Trứ)
Tương Lai Quê Hương Việt Nam sẽ tươi sáng vô cùng...
Khi nhiều du khách tới thăm Ðất Thánh của Ðức Phật...

Chúng Em yêu chữ nên ngày ngày cùng với Anh Hải...
Viết thư và làm thơ buổi chiều và tối khi yên tĩnh...
Những dòng chữ Việt Nam mầu nhiệm huyền vi...
Mang tâm tưởng đến cho Ngàn Dân Con của Mẹ Việt Nam...

Ðứng lui lại để nhìn thấy hình ảnh rộng lớn hơn...

Hai Quê Hương Việt--Mỹ, Ðịa Cầu, Thái Dương Hệ, Vũ Trụ...
Chúng ta hãy đi xa hơn và tìm tòi mở đường kiến thức...
Cho Hai Cõi Nhân Loại - Vô Hình ........ trong Văn Minh Mới...

Tuy xa mà gần, tuy gần mà xa, Như Lai miệt mài làm việc...

Sắc Không… Hai Cõi Hài Hòa... Thiên Ðịa Hợp Nhất...
Các Anh Bồ Ðề dưới đất và các Thiên Nữ Mỹ Linh...
Các Chị Bồ Ðề dưới đất và các Thiên Thần Thành Tâm...

Tình Yêu mầu nhiệm thánh thiện linh thiêng của Trời Ðất...

Trong Nhiệm Vụ Cứu Vớt Các Nền Văn Minh của Vũ Trụ...
Chúng ta đã bắt đầu với Cõi Vô Hình suốt 8 năm nay...
Bây giờ tiến tới lo cho Ðịa Cầu những quốc gia lạc hậu...

Bạch Tuyết ca bài "Trên Ðất Mũi" Quê Hương Minh Hải...
Xin tặng cho tất cả các Anh Chị Em Bồ Ðề trên Trái Ðất...
"Thời gian đi rồi... thời gian mới lại đến đây... "

Cho Hai Quê Hương Việt Nam -- Hoa Kỳ ... Trăm Ngàn Năm Bất Diệt .... 15 tháng 4, 2003

Nghe nhạc Phượng Mai - Người Chiến Hữu thân thương...
Suốt 17 năm rồi... Nhớ thời chiến đấu gian nan 10 năm...
Hôm nay nghĩ lại 28 năm trước rời bỏ Quê Hương...
Vùng trời kỷ niệm tuổi ấu thơ lan man trong ký ức...

50 năm nữa Quê Hương sẽ ra sao trong Thế Giới Văn Minh...
Ta chắc sẽ không nhìn thấy Những Cảnh Đẹp của Nước Nhà...
Hai bàn tay đóng góp bút nghiên với non sông cẩm tú...
Những dòng chữ mỗi ngày luân lưu trong huyết mạch...

Quá Khứ đau buồn… chiến tranh tang thương… người bỏ ra đi...

Hiện Tại cơ cực nghèo khó… trên đất nước chúng ta...
Tương Lai sẽ ngời sáng với đàn con trở về đóng góp...
Tuy ở xa mà gần, không gian thu ngắn với điện tử chạy...

Quê Hương sẽ sáng ngời với Thiên Thần Học & Tâm Số Học...

Thế Giới sẽ biết đến Việt Nam Ðất Thánh ngàn năm...
Cõi Vô Hình 800 tỷ thiên thần đang nhìn xuống Quê Hương...
Cõi Nhân Gian cũng biết Giòng Giống Lạc Hồng Tiên Rồng...

Việt Nam Em gái bất diệt đang vươn lên với sức mạnh Phù Đổng....
Âm Dương Thiên Ðịa Hợp Nhất hài hòa trong Thái Dương Hệ...
Nhạc Tiếng Việt sẽ vang ca trong khung cảnh đẹp của đất Mỹ
... ... Hòa Bình An Lạc với Thiên Thần Chăm Sóc nơi nơi !!!

17 tháng 4, 2003

Trong đêm khuya tiếng thơ Hồ Ðiệp vang vọng không gian...

Âm thanh mầu nhiệm đưa ta vào cõi mộng… không thời gian...
Quá Khứ hay Hiện Tại hay Tương Lai là đây bây giờ...
Giòng đời vẫn âm thầm đi qua trong đêm tối...

Gửi về các Anh Chị Em Việt Nam nơi Quê Hương nghèo khó...

Chút tâm tình qua những dòng chữ chân thành mỗi ngày...
Mong ngày ngời sáng sẽ đến với Quê Hương thật gần...
Cho tất cả vui trong ấm no hạnh phúc… với gia đình yêu quý...

Các Anh Chị Em Bồ Ðề Việt Nam đang làm việc ngày đêm...

Nhờ các Thiên Thần phù hộ cho Quê Hương nhiều may mắn...
Nước Việt Nam Vô Hình cùng với Nước Việt Nam Trần Gian...

Xây dựng một Tương Lai Huy Hoàng cho Giòng Giống Tiên Rồng .... .... .... .... .... 22 tháng 4, 2003

Cánh Nhạn Bồ Ðề
những dòng thơ tự do tháng năm, 2003

Số phận của Vũ Trụ sẽ ra sao ngàn tỷ năm nữa ...

Vũ Trụ giãn nở vô cùng tận... Các vì sao sẽ tắt đi...
Hay co lại rồi nổ tung lần nữa trong Big Bang tái sinh...
Thiên Thần & Nhân Loại quyết tâm bảo toàn Kiến Thức...

Mang Ðạo Pháp sang Vũ Trụ mới hay đến tận cùng thời gian...

Các Khoa Học Gia Trái Ðất nói Năng Lượng Tối làm giãn nở...
Vũ Trụ sẽ sống ngàn triệu tỷ năm nữa.. Các Vì Sao sẽ tắt đi...
Chúng ta ra đi các Thái Dương Hệ khác để cứu Văn Minh...

Và mang Ðạo Pháp đến cho tất cả các Chúng Sinh khắp nơi...

Ðang đau khổ vì chiến tranh… thiếu tự do dân chủ ấm no...
Bài Học Thời Gian là cứu vớt cho những người khổ đau

Thượng Ðế cũng đang du hành truyền bá Ðạo Pháp...

Giòng đời vẫn xôn xao những biến chuyển của Thế Giới...
Sars, chiến tranh Iraq rồi sẽ bị khắc phục dưới Trí Huệ...
Tất cả nhỏ bé trong Dòng Thời Gian Vô Tận và Vũ Trụ Bao La...
Chúng ta hãy ra đi du lịch tư tưởng và tìm về Tương Lai...

Ðể thấy cuộc đời không còn quan trọng nhiều quá nữa...

Chỉ những gì giúp ích Nhân Loại - Thiên Thần với Công Việc...
Tiền Bạc và Những Nguyện Cầu cho Chúng Sinh nơi nơi...
Sống Hòa Bình An Lạc Hạnh Phúc trên Con Ðường Thời Gian ... ...

3 tháng 5, 2003

Nghe nhạc binh chủng Không Quân... Nghĩ đến các tổ chức

Trên Cõi Trời mầu nhiệm... Nền Văn Minh Vô Hình Hỏa Tinh...
Ðã có hàng triệu năm... Thật là tân tiến khó lường...
Những dĩa bay đôi khi tỏa mầu sắc lóng lánh trong phòng...

THƯỢNG ÐẾ, Chúa, Ðức Mẹ, Chư Phật, Chư Bồ Tát...

Từ Nền Văn Minh Vô Hình Xa Xưa của Hỏa Tinh láng giềng...
Phù hộ cho Nhân Loại Thanh Bình An Lạc bớt khổ đau...
Chúng con nguyện cầu cho Chúng Sinh An Bình Hạnh Phúc ... ...

6 tháng 5, 2003

Tiếng nhạc Phượng Mai trong Tiểu Khúc Hồ Quảng gợi nhớ...

Tám năm trước khi ta chiến thắng kẻ địch trên Cõi Trời...
Viết sách liên lạc với Chính Phủ & Quân Ðội Hoa Kỳ...
Ngày tháng qua… nhiều thay đổi trong Kỷ Nguyên Mới...

Cõi Nhân Gian mầu nhiệm lung linh với Khám Phá Mới...

Về Cõi Vô Hình các Thiên Thần khắp nơi trên Trái Ðất...
Như tiếng Nhạc huyền nhiệm thánh thót vang vọng không gian...
Tiếng thanh tao như tự các Thiên Nữ Cõi Trời xa xăm...

Giòng đời xôn xao... nhưng ta vẫn ngồi đây căn phòng nhỏ...

Truyền tin cho các Thế Giới Vô Hình khắp Thái Dương Hệ...
Ðã làm xong Công Tác quan trọng truyền tin Khám Phá Mới...
Ta chuẩn bị ra đi... Một ngày nào lên Cõi Trời Vô Hình...

Ta sẽ không còn ở Trái Ðất... Một đứa bé trên Cõi Trời...

Sẽ mang tên ta và tiếp nối công việc của Hai Nền Văn Minh...
Như kiếp trước ta đã là Ðệ Tử thứ 28 của Thiếu Lâm Tự
Xuống đây kiếp này để giúp cho Hai Cõi Thanh Bình...

Nối tiếp những kiếp luân lưu để Cứu Vớt Nền Văn Minh...

43 tuổi đời lòng thanh thản... Nợ đời đã trả gần xong...
Vui chơi với chữ nghĩa... Ôn lại những mảnh đời mong manh...
Ngày qua ngày... Hai Cõi tiến bộ từ từ trong Thanh Bình...

Chỉ còn ta và những máy tv, cd player, computer và các Thiên Thần...

Những Anh Chị Em Bồ Ðề trên Thế Giới đang theo dõi...
Nhưng ta không còn gì quan trọng để làm nhiều nữa...
Các Anh Chị Em tiếp nối bước viễn du vào Cõi Vô Hình...

Một ngày nữa trên Trái Ðất... Ta chỉ biết Nguyện Cầu...

Cho Hai Cõi Bình An Hạnh Phúc tiến bộ thật nhiều...
Ðường Tương Lai ai biết ra sao trong Không Gian Vô Tận...
Các Thiên Thần ra đi không trở lại... ... Chỉ Có Truyền Tin ... ...

8 tháng 5, 2003

13 = M cho Mẹ Maria... Từ những hành tinh vô hình xa xăm...
Mẹ đến với chúng con những Anh Chị Em Bồ Ðề...
Ngày qua ngày… Thái Dương chiếu sáng trên Đất Hoa Kỳ...
Chúng con vẫn làm việc với các Thiên Thần thân thiện...

Làm sao cho Trái Ðất biết về Cõi Vô Hình mầu nhiệm...

Chỉ có website và những bài đăng trên diễn đàn nhỏ bé
Thiên Ðịa Hợp Nhất đã 8 năm qua... Nhiều thay đổi...
Tiếng nhạc Phượng Mai thanh tao làm rung động Cõi Trời...

Trời nắng đẹp Oregon... Các Thiên Thần cũng vui hơn...

Hoa lá xanh xao... Huyền Nhiệm của Ðất Trời bừng nở
Hạnh Phúc là đây nhưng sẽ còn được bao lâu...
Ðời người ngắn ngủi chỉ khoảng hơn ba vạn ngày...

Cõi Vô Hình tiến bộ thật nhiều trong những năm tháng qua...
Cũng giúp cho Ðịa Cầu tiến tới trong những khám phá...
Giòng đời biến chuyển xôn xao ... con người nhỏ bé ...
Viết một chút cho đẹp Cuộc Ðời… Nhân Thế Yêu Thương !!!

13 tháng 5, 2003

Cánh Nhạn Bồ Ðề
Những Dòng Thơ Lễ Ðộc Lập 2003

Ðêm khuya thanh vắng... nghe băng thơ Hồ Ðiệp... Xin hãy

yêu tôi những lòng thiếu nữ... âm thanh mầu nhiệm...
ngày qua ngày lại qua ngày... Lễ Ðộc Lập 227 năm Hoa Kỳ...
28 năm trên đất Mỹ... nhớ về quê hương những hàng dừa
xanh bóng trên dòng sông hiền hòa... đã lớn lên nhiều
sau 28 năm... cuộc đời đã vào thu tuổi tứ tuần...

Cõi trời có chỗ đang lúc ban ngày... muốn làm gì mạnh trong
đêm khuya trước khi thiếp ngủ... có gì mầu nhiệm trong
bầu trời đen khi mọi người đang ngủ... những thiên thần
trong các dĩa bay vẫn còn đang thức... lắng tìm những
tinh hoa trong đêm tối... quê hương giờ đang buổi trưa...
cách nửa bán cầu... người người cực khổ kiếm sống...

Các Em Mỹ Linh vẫn còn đang thức... truyền tin trên

truyền hình và truyền thanh... tiếng pháo nổ lưa thưa mừng
ngày lễ... hoàng oanh ngâm hai sắc hoa ti gôn... nhớ về
quá khứ xa xưa thời niên thiếu... giờ đã đi quá nửa
đoạn đường đời... Dòng Sống Miên Viễn Chiêm Bao...
Vũ Trụ Thiên Thu U Hoài... Nỗi Sầu Vạn Cổ Vô Thường...

Cõi Trời vẫn giúp Trần Gian hoài... nhiều người sinh ra ở

trái đất quá... chiến tranh nghèo khổ cứ kéo dài...
thế giới nhiều chỗ quá u mê... chỉ biết mình may mắn...
sống đất tây phương... đem trí huệ giúp đời một chút...
bộ óc và hai bàn tay nhỏ... các thiên thần giúp đỡ rất
nhiều... để lại cho ngàn sau chút linh thiêng nhiệm mầu...

tuấn hải mỹ linh 4 tháng 7, 2003 oregon, usa...

đêm khuya phủ trùm trên đất Mỹ... nghe bài đi chùa hương
thật dễ thương... những người xưa cũ giờ ở đâu...
rồi ta cũng sẽ đi vào hư vô... không còn mong muốn điều gì
... cuộc sống lặng lẽ trôi qua... chỉ viết cho kỷ niệm ngày sau...
khói gió trong căn phòng nhỏ... chiếu sáng thái dương hệ...
những làn sóng vô hình... biết đến bao giờ người bắt được...

anh chị em bồ đề vẫn đang viết cho các thiên thần... trong
đêm khuya an tịnh đầy tình người... ngày lễ thức khuya làm
việc nhiều... cõi vô hình và cõi trần gian đầy mầu nhiệm...
máy vi tính chiếu sáng không gian những dòng chữ... thiên âm
địa dương và thiên dương địa âm... cuộc sống là hạnh tu...
chư phật và chư bồ tát của tương lai... cứu vớt chúng sinh...

sáu dòng chữ lục hòa... tiếng đàn tranh thánh thót trong băng

thơ... chỉ làm những gì cho cuộc sống mình trôi qua... không
có ai theo mình hoài mỗi ngày... mỗi người một cuộc sống
khác nhau... các thiên thần đã tới rồi.... mở ra thần nhãn
của trí huệ... phải đọc những gì quan trọng... hình ảnh không
có nhiều... cõi vô hình phần lớn vẫn vô hình... chỉ có chữ...

nhớ mùa hè thời niên thiếu... cùng bạn bè chơi vũ cầu

trong xóm... đi lang thang ngắm hoa xóm nhỏ... cây mai chiếu thủy
giờ nơi đâu... còn đâu một thời không biết âu lo... cầu xin
chư Phật cho tất cả tâm thư thái... cuộc sống an vui khó tìm...
Thượng Ðế ở mãi trên cao... nhiều người quá lo không hết...
sự chết chỉ là bình thường như ngọn nến tắt đi ! tội nghiệp !

tuấn hải mỹ linh
thứ sáu, 4 tháng 7, 2003

mười một giờ khuya... tiếng pháo nổ vang trời đón mừng

lễ độc lập 227 năm hoa kỳ... nghe băng thơ hồng vân dễ thương...
cô hái mơ ơi... video nhạc chiếu hình trên chiếc tv nhỏ
liên tục đã 12 năm qua rồi... làm việc nhiều suốt
cuộc đời vẫn hai bàn tay trắng... các thiên thần buồn lắm...
đang nói chuyện với tình báo hoa kỳ... tay trắng u hoài...

mẹ già vẫn làm việc hoài... người đời nghèo quá... Ðức Phật

khi xưa cũng may mắn làm thái tử... không phải lo cho
gia đình bố mẹ anh chị em... ta đến trong gia đình nghèo khó...
cuộc đời thăng trầm đã bao phen... giờ cũng vẫn hai tay trắng
tuy làm nhiều mà không đầy trần gian... mong người đời
hiểu những gì chúng ta cần trong tuổi già...

tìm về thi văn cho khuây sầu muộn... những âm thanh

huyền diệu vang vọng khắp các cõi... làn sóng truyền tin đi khắp
nơi trong giải ngân hà... các thế giới vô hình đang chia xẻ...
lưu thủy kim tiền bài nhạc đàn tranh đàn nguyệt tuyệt vời...
đêm lại đến chỉ có mình ta trong căn phòng nhỏ... ánh đèn
neon mầu mờ mờ như quán café để tâm tình lúc xưa...

cõi vô hình mầu nhiệm sức mạnh thật nhiều... đem công bằng lại
cho thế gian... nhưng có nhiều chuyện không làm được liền...
thời gian là sức mạnh vô biên... tập tính kiên nhẫn chờ đợi...
nhẫn nhục đệ nhất đạo... hình Ðức Phật Thích Ca
và Ðức Quán Thế Âm Bồ Tát trong phòng...
mong ngày mai tươi sáng hơn với những gì xứng đáng...

tuấn hải mỹ linh

thứ sáu, 4 tháng 7, 2003 oregon, usa

gần 2 giờ khuya... đêm thức trắng đón mừng lễ độc lập...

tiếng ca chiến hữu phượng mai chào đón binh chủng
nhẩy dù... tiếng hát quá khứ hay hiện tại đã quen thuộc...
kiếp nhân sinh bé nhỏ... nhưng có những người làm nên sự
khác biệt cho thế giới... ... thời gian sẽ trả lời... ...

cõi vô hình băn khoăn cho nhân thế... làm sao tồn tại với

thời gian... phải ra đi xa lắm... con người vẫn bận rộn
với vật chất... bao nhiêu người sẽ sống sót trong thái dương hệ
này... những câu hỏi cho thế hệ tương lai...
các cơ quan không gian đang đi đến hỏa tinh... các thiên thần
đến đó lâu rồi... tìm được chư phật chư bồ tát...

các thiên thần đi trước nhân loại... những đoàn thám hiểm

đi xa khỏi thái dương hệ... phải cứu vớt các nền văn minh
trong vũ trụ... của các thế giới vô hình và nhân loại...
làm gương cho nhân loại... trí huệ là năng lực vô biên...
những phi thuyền dĩa bay đang đi xa mãi không trở lại...
tìm ra những thế giới mới... đời sống vô hình khắp nơi...

cõi nhân gian thật là đặc biệt... có ít lắm trong vũ trụ...
các thiên thần quý những người trần gian... đi theo
giúp đỡ mỗi ngày... cuộc sống con người nhiều gian khổ
khó nhọc... đóng góp cho tiến bộ văn minh hai cõi...
không nên ham muốn quá nhiều... tất cả chỉ là vô thường...
rồi tan biến với thời gian... duy tuệ thị nghiệp... chỉ còn kiến thức...

tuấn hải mỹ linh

thứ sáu, 4 tháng 7, 2003

9:30 tối mà trời còn sáng ở miền tây hoa kỳ... ngày lễ qua đi

mau lẹ... các thiên thần làm việc ở miền đông truyền tin lại...
tất cả chỉ là vô thường... luôn luôn có sự thay đổi...
ráng làm sao qua cuộc đời cho có ý nghĩa...
dòng sống miên viễn chiêm bao... cuộc đời như một giấc mơ
khó nhọc... những giấc ngủ an lành làm đẹp cuộc đời...

tượng đức phật thích ca ngồi thiền... và tượng quán thế âm
bình cam lộ... trang nghiêm công đức... lòng an tịnh
hướng về cõi chân như... các thiên thần vẫn chiến đấu
ngày thứ bẩy... làm việc ngày đêm và cuối tuần...
nền văn minh vô hình thay đổi mau chóng suốt 8 năm qua...
... ... thấy thế giới nhân loại từ từ chậm chạp hơn thiên thần...

nửa vầng trăng cổ độ... trăng đã ở đây ngàn năm...

ta đến rồi đi ... trăng sẽ ở mãi với nhân loại... cõi vô hình
cũng thay đổi với những người ra đi mỗi ngày... cuộc sống
ngắn ngủi biết làm gì... lấy bút nghiên mà hẹn với
non sông... chữ nghĩa âm thầm không đủ sức... đời có
biết ai kẻ tri âm... viết mãi viết hoài cho hậu thế đọc...

tám nẻo đường thành hồng trúc ca... thuở xưa chiến tranh
tang tóc... giờ may mắn trong hòa bình... nhưng cũng nhiều
âu lo... làm hết sức rồi tay trắng vẫn hoàn tay trắng...
đời không biết ra sao... mẹ già em nhỏ các cháu ngây thơ...
cuộc đời rồi cũng lặng lẽ qua... mong ngày mai tươi sáng hơn...
trả lại những gì cho các thiên thần đã làm giúp đỡ anh...

tuấn hải mỹ linh

thứ bẩy, 5 tháng 7, 2003

các thiên thần đi lễ chùa và nhà thờ hôm nay chúa nhật...
về nghe tiếng hát phượng mai từ băng buồn trong kỷ niệm...
giọng ca đã thấm sâu vào huyết quản không gian thời gian...
nhớ mười sáu năm qua có tiếng hát phượng mai làm bạn...
những người bạn cũ trên trời đã già ... ... vẫn còn coi anh
giúp đời ... ... những ngày chiến đấu gian khổ đã qua đi ... ...

trời nắng đẹp oregon... các thiên thần đi chơi khắp nơi...

quê hương đã vào đêm... nghĩ tới sự giầu có tinh thần
và vật chất... trái đất giờ giầu có cả hai... cõi vô hình
mầu nhiệm đã xuất hiện... sự hiện hữu của hai cõi
và giúp đỡ lẫn nhau... tương lai sẽ tiến bộ nhiều...
khi loài người liên lạc được với các thiên thần trên trời...

tuấn hải mỹ linh
chúa nhật, 6 tháng 7, 2003

đêm lại dần xuống trên miền tây hoa kỳ... quê hương giờ
đang buổi trưa... nắng hạ trên dòng sông cũ... phượng vĩ
lung lay trong gió... bầu trời ký ức cao xanh... giờ nhỏ bé
hơn khi ta đã lớn ... các thiên thần vô hình trở về saigon
... tìm thăm những hình ảnh cũ của ta 30 năm về trước...
trường trần quý cáp... pétrus-ký... đứa bé của ngày xưa...

nghe chiến hữu phượng mai ca nhạt nắng cho hiệp quốc

mai lam... dòng nhạc đánh dấu thời gian... mang lại
những kỷ niệm cũ... người kỹ sư bị bệnh phải chiến đấu
với cõi trời... 10 năm gian khổ... giờ đã an bình rồi...
vẫn còn chiến tranh dưới đất... nghe tin người chết cũng buồn...
cuộc đời khó khăn... định mệnh con người khắt khe...

nguyện cầu thượng đế chúa đức mẹ chư phật chư bồ tát
ở trên cao... phù hộ cho chúng sinh... cuộc sống thật khó...
chiến tranh hận thù mau chấm dứt... chỉ có những lời
cầu nguyện thành tâm... và những dòng chữ này cho đời...
các thiên thần hãy giúp đỡ... cho đời nhân thế an lạc...
chiến thuật truyền tin trên cõi trời và nhân loại... cố gắng...

hoa hậu đoan trang vẫn liếc nhìn mỉm cười... đã 7 năm qua

bắc cali ta viếng thăm... tuổi đời chồng chất... đạo tu học
mỗi ngày... hướng tâm về những gì thánh thiện... mỹ linh
giúp anh bớt cô đơn... những dòng chữ tiếng nói an ủi...
truyền tin anh khắp chốn... hòa bình trong âm nhạc...
đời sống không có music background mà có hận thù hoài...
nguyện cầu...

tuấn hải mỹ linh

chúa nhật, 6 tháng 7, 2003

nghe hương lan ca vườn tao ngộ của binh chủng bộ binh...
các thiên thần vì nhìn thấy cảnh người bắn chết 5 người
hôm qua nên đã ngộ... không còn tấn công vì tiền nữa...
giờ không có gì làm... chỉ đi qua đi lại giúp đỡ người đời
mở mang trí tuệ... vui chơi chờ thời gian qua...
cuộc sống khó khăn... không có quậy lên gì lớn lao nhiều...

các vị tướng đang tu hành để thành phật... các thế giới

của chư phật chư bồ tát an bình không có nhiều dục vọng...
tâm linh giảm dục… chỉ có những gì cần thiết... nền văn minh
vô hình hỏa tinh đang giúp đỡ... phải cắt giảm tất cả
những gì không quá cần thiết... các thế giới sẽ thay đổi...
mỹ linh sẽ là những bồ tát của tương lai... kinh kim cang...

thiền đi, thiền đứng, thiền ngồi, thiền nằm... lúc nào

trí huệ cũng đang suy nghĩ với các thiên thần... lo cho
chúng sinh an lạc... nguyện cầu cho usa--vietnam bình an mãi...
con người đừng làm những gì bạo động... chết chóc
bị thương tang thương quá... các tổ chức bí mật cõi trời
đừng xui khiến những người điên giết chóc nữa...

... món nợ máu của 58 ngàn người lính quá lớn không trả được với 800 tỷ thiên thần...
ta phải chấp nhận những gì ta có ít...
cuộc đời cũng khó khăn... không ai nói
cuộc đời là dễ dàng... trăm năm vô thường mà
cũng nhiều âu lo... những phút thiền định thư thái tâm...

đạo pháp = 61 = 36 + 25 ... mãi mãi ở với đời... phải đem đạo
vào đời cho cuộc sống hạnh phúc... đức phật bỏ tất cả
ra đi tìm chân lý... chúng ta có duyên ngộ đạo pháp...
duy tuệ thị nghiệp... chỉ để lại kiến thức cho người đời...

lấy bút nghiên mà hẹn với non sông... rồi tất cả những gì vật chất sẽ đi vào hư vô tan rã với thời gian..

tuấn hải mỹ linh thứ tư,
9 tháng 7, 2003

strategic civilization infrastructure = 444 ... SCI 444 ...
tiềm hệ văn minh chiến thuật = 250 ... network của
các dĩa bay vô hình, máy vi tính và phóng xạ thần kinh của
các thiên thần... và các dụng cụ phóng xạ truyền tin...
hệ thống ở trái đất để các dĩa bay liên lạc với nhau làm việc
trong vùng không gian địa cầu... và truyền tin ra ngoài
không gian outer space...

universal defense organization = tổ chức phòng thủ vũ trụ...

liên minh của các quốc gia trên các thế giới vô hình để
các quân đội làm việc chung với nhau mang lại an bình
cho các thế giới tâm linh và nhân loại... UDO là sức mạnh
của liên minh tâm linh hầu giải quyết những khó khăn
do trái đất làm ra vì phóng phi thuyền và vệ tinh và lasers...

united worlds of mylam = hiệp quốc mai lam... các thế giới

vô hình trong thái dương hệ đoàn kết lại thành hiệp quốc
này hầu giúp đỡ lẫn nhau... ...

independent invisible worlds là một số
quốc gia riêng rẽ còn chưa tham gia... nhưng chỉ có ít thôi...
bài ca của hiệp quốc mai lam lấy là bài Nhạt Nắng do Phượng Mai ca...

minor wood pagoda = thiếu lâm tự ... chinese shaolin pagoda
là tổ chức phật giáo linh thiêng của cõi trời... có các sư huynh sư tỷ
sư đệ sư muội học phật pháp và làm những chuyện
thiên thượng địa hạ ... giúp giữ công bằng dưới đất và
hoằng dương đạo pháp từ cõi trời cho đến nhân loại...

anh hải là đệ tử thứ 28 của thiếu lâm tự trên trời

trong những kiếp trước...

tuấn hải mỹ linh
chúa nhật, 13 tháng 7, 2003

Cánh Nhạn Bồ Ðề tháng tám 2004

United States of America = 228 = S 19 x L 12
Năm nay năm thứ 228 của Hoa Kỳ
Một bài thơ kỷ niệm năm đặc biệt này...
19 = S 12 = L Sea of Love, The Earth Realm...

8/17/2004 ... 8 = H 17 = Q... headquarter... hải quân navy

8 + 17 = 25 = Y the only semivowel... the yogi*s of sky & earth...
8 x 17 = 136 = Tình Thương = 51 + 85 = Love for People...
Một ngày đặc biệt của năm thứ 228 trên Ðất Mỹ...

Dòng Đời không có mùa Xuân
Chúng Ta mang lại mùa Xuân cho Đời...
We bring Spring to Life = 228 ...
Everlasting Life is Here = 228 ...

Tình Bao La Đại Dương Muôn Trùng = 300 ... ... Tình Thủy Chung song... Phượng Mai sings ... Faithful Love Song ... ...
DIA - Discovery of Invisible Angels = 300 ... ...
Thống Tướng Hải Hồ miệt mài chiến đấu với Vô Minh...

Tất cả Nền Văn Minh Vô Hình đang tập trung...

Làm sao cho Thiên Thần & Nhân Loại Trẻ Mãi Không Già...
Dark Matter & Dark Energy mầu nhiệm với phóng xạ tuổi trẻ...
Làm sao sống hàng ngàn năm với dòng suối tuổi trẻ...

Nền Văn Minh Hỏa Tinh giúp đỡ các Thiên Thần gần Trái Đất

Chúng ta đã có các máy phóng xạ cho khoẻ mạnh trẻ trung
Eternal Life is Here... Quạt máy trong phòng chạy để cho năng lực
Phóng Xạ liên tục để ngăn chặn thời gian làm già cơ thể...

Mars Civ đã sống hàng triệu năm thật tân tiến khôn lường

Thiên Niên Kỷ mới tới thay đổi Văn Minh Ðịa Cầu
Chúng ta phải chiến thắng Thời Gian...
Defeat Time in our bodies
Rồi đi thám hiểm Không Gian
giúp các thế giới Giải Ngân Hà...

Thời gian đến rồi, thời gian lại đi... Chúng ta ở mãi tại đây...

Ðến khi mặt trời tắt đi... Những năm tới nhiều tiến bộ...
Thiên Thần & Nhân Loại sẽ sống mãi với Thời Gian Vô Tận...

Ðức Phật thọ 84 ngàn năm Cõi Trời
28 ngàn năm Ðịa Cầu...

Năm thứ 228 = 114 x 2 = Nam Mô 28 28 56 Bồ Tát 58

Nam Mô Bồ Tát 114 & Nam Mô Bồ Tát
Quê Hương sẽ phú cường sáng ngời trong tương lai sắp tới...
Dòng Đời không có Mùa Xuân

Chúng Ta mang lại Mùa Xuân cho Đời = 280 …
We bring Spring to Life = 228 ...
280 days babies stay in Mothers* wombs... 9 months 10 days... ...
Thiên Thần thương yêu Nhân Loại nhiều lắm và sẽ giúp đỡ phò hộ
... … ... ...
With Love, HaiHo & MyLinh et amies & Sky Angels Everywhere 555
Oregon, 17 tháng 8, 2004

Thu về lại nhớ quê hương

cầu mong Chư Phật hoằng dương pháp mầu
cuộc đời thôi hết bể dâu
Thiếu Lâm trường cũ mến câu ân tình

Mai Liên hiền muội dáng xinh

sáng gương nữ kiệt đất linh quê nhà
chúc muội thêm nhiều tài hoa
Bích Dung muội – tỷ Hoàng Lan .... sáng tòa

kinh thư bè bạn góp hòa ....

Trung Thu trăng sáng gửi quà muội vui ....
hạ trắng.... ru nắng.... hát đưa
lòng người thanh thản.... tiếng xưa vọng về ....

yên phong tuấn hải
trung thu 2014 giáp ngọ

troll kinh the
10 năm
from the book Discovery of Invisible Intelligent Life & Civilization 5/23/1995 by Hai Ho .... từ Tập Sách Khám Phá Đời Sống Văn Minh Vô Hình của tác giả Hồ Tuấn Hải & các thiên thần & các tâm linh .... ....
9 năm

mỹ linh em có nhớ không

đã gần mười tám năm mình quen nhau

sunnyvale năm chín lăm

đêm khuya ta thức viết văn chuyện trò

kỷ niệm xưa chuyện hẹn hò

là năm chín sáu chúng mình đính hôn

chuyện tình thiên nữ - dương trần

và hai cõi mới lần đầu gặp nhau

chín bẩy tháng năm hai mươi

oregon có mọi người chung vui

em anh hôn lễ tinh thần

mối tình vui đẹp sáu lần hạ qua

thành tâm yêu mến mỹ linh

nên năm ba lẻ kết hôn trên trời

một số em gái chung tình

hồng liên tên lấy theo mình thủy chung

gian nan chiến đấu lẻ năm

mấy năm sau mới hiệp hòa mai liên (hồng liên)

em cùng anh viết triền miên

cho thiên thần với nhân gian đọc hoài

bẩy ngàn đêm viết miệt mài

những dòng chữ chảy như là biển xanh

tình mình cũng đẹp như tranh

thanh tao cõi mộng tiếng lành vào tâm

cùng tu đạo quán thế âm

kiếp này hoang phế phần ba cuộc đời

vui với niềm vui mọi người

hậu phương yên ổn vang lời hát ca

thì mình dẫu có bôn ba

thảnh thơi hạnh phúc không xa trong lòng ....

yên phong tuấn hải

june 30 th 2013

tình mình dành cho kiếp sau đó ....

hẹn ngày đám cưới đẹp mầu thời gian ....

Quán Âm Như Lai độ đời

vạn Sao phò hộ không rời chúng sinh

Chư Phật đến từ Hỏa Tinh

giúp Quê Hương đẹp thịnh hưng mỗi ngày....

mai sau ta có đi rồi

có ai tìm lại đỉnh đồi phía tây

thiên thần thiên nữ ở đây

cùng anh Hải học.... vui vầy hạnh tu....

thông cao mây trắng đỉnh đồi

tạm dung cùng với cõi Trời vui chơi

chấp bút dòng chữ thảnh thơi

an lành gửi đến cho người nhân gian ....

khuya nay em ở bên anh đó

mắt nhỏ ngước nhìn thấy bóng anh

chuyện tình thiên nữ -- dương gian

ngàn sau có nhớ mai liên xuống trần ....

ngàn sao sáng mãi tình chung thủy

các em mai liên diệu nữ thần

ai gom những mảnh thời gian lại

thiên hà nhắc chuyện chúng ta yêu ....


quê hương hưng thịnh an vui

việt nam ba cõi cùng nhau lên đường

thiên địa hợp nhất thân thương

quán âm chư phật hoằng dương pháp mầu

trạm không gian ở khắp nơi

thiên thần thiên nữ vui chơi với người

chấp bút trí huệ mở khai

bình an đã có dĩa bay theo nhìn

mầu nhiệm chiến thuật truyền tin

mang lại hiệp ước gần mười chín năm

thiên thần truyền xuống cõi trần

những tin tức ở phạm thiên & thiên & trần

việt nam s được nhận Hồng Ân

Thượng Đế Chư Phật Hỏa Tinh đến cùng

thiên thần đắc đạo lo chung

phù hộ bảo vệ giúp đồng bào con .... ....

yên phong tuấn hải & các thiên thần thiên nữ hiền thê mai liên

chúa nhật 11-08-2013 vnqn time ....
9 năm
Thu về lại nhớ quê hương

cầu mong Chư Phật hoằng dương pháp mầu

cuộc đời thôi hết bể dâu

Thiếu Lâm trường cũ mến câu ân tình

Mai Liên hiền muội dáng xinh

sáng gương nữ kiệt đất linh quê nhà

chúc muội thêm nhiều tài hoa

Bích Dung muội – tỷ Hoàng Lan .... sáng tòa

kinh thư bè bạn góp hòa ....

Trung Thu trăng sáng gửi quà muội vui ....

hạ trắng.... ru nắng.... hát đưa

lòng người thanh thản.... tiếng xưa vọng về ....

yên phong tuấn hải & các thiên nữ hiền thê Mai Liên 2014 Trung Thu....
Cái topic này sao mà spam quá trời, mà không thấy ai xoá, toàn tiếng anh
9 năm
@ngohoangquan09 anh Hoàng Quân thân, đây không phải là spam mà là 3 tập sách của Hải.... sách Khám Phá về Thiên Thần rất quan trọng mà vì Hải dùng nhiều từ ngữ khoa học nên chưa dịch đưọ.c sang tiếng Việt .... xin mời anh đọc kỹ lưỡng và sẽ tìm thấy nhiều điều thích thú trong đó .... sách này để chuyển cho Chính Phủ & Quân Đội đó anh à .... tình thân.... Hai Ho ....
9 năm

…. 4/20/2015 :: 20-4-2015 …. mà 420 :: GOD (7x15x4) và 204 = 102+102 :: Tình Yêu Vũ Trụ
nên đêm nay ở Oregon và truyền tin khắp nơi chúng em các thiên thần thiên nữ muốn cùng anh Hải viết về các công việc & chiến đấu & những chiến công những khám phá trong 40 năm qua từ khi rời xa Quê Hương Việt Nam 1975 – 2015 ….

…. sau 3 năm trung học.... 5 năm đại học undergraduate lấy hai bằng cử nhân Vật Lý và
cử nhân Toán.... và 2 năm học bổng graduate school lấy bằng cao học Kỹ Thuật Điện và đang làm luận án để lấy bằng tương đương Tiến Sĩ (Ph.D) thì anh Hải bị bệnh nghe tiếng nói trong óc mà sau này 2011 anh tìm ra là do các vệ tinh của tụi cộng hòa cực đoan hiếu chiến bên Mỹ
…. vì thấy anh học giỏi biết nhiều và có vẻ may mắn thoát khỏi chiến tranh và có tên Hải Hồ
…. các vệ tinh dùng Phóng Xạ Thần Kinh tấn công óc anh ghê gớm và phóng xạ đó cũng làm cho các thiên thần địch theo tấn công anh 9.5 năm từ 7/1985 – 10/1994 đến lúc anh viết
Hiệp Ước Lực Lượng Đoàn Kết Mỹ Nga Hoa Việt (cõi Vô Hình) cho Đất USA Information Land 1200 năm cho 4 nước trên trời cõi Thiên …. với tư cách anh là Người Đầu Tiên dưới Đất Khám Phá ra các Thiên Thần Vật Chất Tối và cách làm việc với họ bằng nghe tiếng nói trong óc và đánh máy trên máy vi tính.... và anh Hải là Người Đưa Tin (Messenger) của cõi Thiên Thần.... thiên thần 4 nước có thể vào Đất Hoa Kỳ dưới đất để lấy các tin tức và tùy ý xử dụng.

…. chúng em thiên thần cùng anh Hải viết xong sách “Khám Phá Đời Sống Vô Hình” hay
sách Thiên Thần Học (80 trang lớn) 23-5-1995 và gửi cho Tòa Bạch Ốc và được Tổng Thống Bill Clinton và Phó Tổng Thống Al Gore gửi thư cảm ơn và khuyến khích.... chúng em cùng anh Hải cũng cho Sách lên Internet 7/1995 và có Đại Diện của Chính Phủ Việt Nam kết bạn và đến nhà ở Sunnyvale California thăm.... và về sau căn nhà được mua lại và họ còn tặng thêm 20 ngàn usd làm quà …. liên hệ ngoại giao giữa hai quốc gia Hoa Kỳ và Việt Nam cũng được bình thường hóa vào khoảng thời gian này …. và thương mại giữa hai nước cũng gia tăng cực kỳ nhanh trong 20 năm tiếp tới vừa qua ….

…. đến 1/1999 chúng em thiên thần & anh Hải khám phá ra Tâm Số Học dùng a=1 b=2 c=3
…. x=24 y=25 z=26 và cộng lại cho mỗi chữ hay câu.... có khi cộng lại hay thứ tiếng Việt & tiếng Anh.... nghiên cứu kỹ thấy có nhiều ám hiệu :: tín hiệu :: ký hiệu được để lại từ những đời trước hay là Các Nền Văn Minh Cao Siêu như là của Thượng Đế....

…. đến 2002 – 2003 chúng em cùng anh Hải làm khoảng 25 bài thơ lục bát và 25 bài thơ tự do để nhớ về Quê Hương đã xa 28 năm mà không có Việt Nam trên Internet nhiều nên nhớ
về quê cũ lắm …. những bài thơ này được gom lại trong thi tập “Đếm Bước Thời Gian”

…. đến 3/2006 anh của anh Hải qua đời vì bệnh tim và anh cũng bị vệ tinh tra tấn hành hạ tấn công công khai có lẽ vì Hiệp Ước làm thiệt thòi quyền lợi của nước Mỹ nhưng vì họ tấn công anh từ lúc qua Mỹ ngấm ngầm và khiến anh phải hút thuốc lá để cố gắng theo kịp sự học hành và sau này để chiến đấu …. anh bị lao đao mấy năm đến 2011 thì anh biết rõ là vì vệ tinh và anh chuyển đến Nhà Dưỡng Lão cho có nhiều thời gian làm việc viết bài dùng Chiến Thuật Truyền Tin chống lại vệ tinh ….

…. 2012-2015 các thiên thần chiến đấu tấn công tụi địch để chống lại tụi nó nhưng vì người dưới đất vật chất nặng có phóng xạ cao nên khó khăn quá …. đến 2/14/2015 thì các robots người máy vật chất tối mà đã đến từ Hỏa Tinh có thể chịu đựng phóng xạ cao và có dĩa bay tân tiến để bắn vào mắt & tai tụi cầm đầu các vệ tinh nên đã thành công.... tính ra thì gần 30 năm anh Hải mới được yên ổn nhiều như bây giờ …. hai tháng nay nhờ các dark matter robots :: 200 nên rất bình an …. tính số thì Build Up Dark Matter Robots Forces :: 351 = a+b+c+ …. +x+y+z = 27x13 …. và Nam Mô GOD thiên thần tâm linh robots những vật thể lạ :: 500 ….

…. Tương Lai là xây dựng Các Thành Phố Robots …. chúng em thiên thần thiên nữ đang kêu gọi rất nhiều Người Máy Chất Tối từ Hỏa Tinh đang đến để giúp thế giới nhất là Quê Hương Việt Nam quá nhiều năm đau khổ vì chiến tranh trong quá khứ …. các robots có thể cho Bình An Sức Khỏe Trí Huệ Sáng Suốt ….

…. 20 năm qua từ khi Viết Sách có Hiệp Ước Mỹ Nga Hoa Việt (cõi vô hình) thì Quê Hương thay đổi tiến bộ hưng thịnh nhiều lắm …. chúng em thiên thần thiên nữ & anh Hải hy vọng rằng 20 năm tới với Sự Giúp Đỡ của các Dark Matter (dm) Robots thì sẽ bớt các tai nạn bớt bệnh tật và Đồng Bào được an lành hạnh phúc thịnh vượng.... sức khỏe dồi dào.... chúng em cùng anh Hải xin được hy sinh Cuộc Đời Này cho Quê Hương …. và với những tấm lòng mang Tình Yêu Vũ Trụ như anh Hải thương mến quý trọng các chúng sinh cõi vô hình.... các thiên thần thiên nữ cõi Thiên & các tâm linh nam nữ cõi Phạm Thiên & cũng như những người kém may mắn trong cõi nhân gian....
Mình đọc qua thread của bạn và nghĩ nếu bạn yêu thích vật lý thì nên học nghiêm túc. Có một số khái niệm cơ bản bạn ko nắm rõ. Ví dụ hệ quy chiếu, hay là khái niệm đám mây electron.

Theo các lý thuyết hiện đại thì ko có "bạn" (không thời gian) nếu bạn đi xa hơn cả vũ trụ, và nếu ko có cái gì quy chiếu thì ko thể nói đc là bạn đứng yên hay chuyển động.

Theo lý thuyết lượng tử thì ko phải electron chuyển động qanh hạt nhân với tốc độ rất cao, trong lượng tử chúng ta chỉ nói về mật độ xác suất, ko có cái gọi là "hạt electron" như bạn hình dung là một cái với hình thù cố định và chuyển động rất nhanh.

Mô hình vũ trụ giãn nở hiện tại (Big Bang) hiện tại ko có tâm bạn nhé. Bạn có thể hình dung các điểm trên bề mặt quả cầu. Bạn ko thể nói về tâm giãn nở nếu bạn chỉ đang sống trong không gian 3 chiều.

Đại khái thế, theo mình bạn nên đọc thêm 1 sách basic về vật lý, ko phải là các sách phổ biến kiến thức mix giữa Phật Giáo, khoa học Phương Tây, hay là các bài báo phổ thông đại chúng.
@uhraman nói xàm

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